1-19 issues matching your criteria:
Italian Botanist 19 (2025)
Papers published: 3
| Total pages: 30
Plantae (2),
Boraginaceae (1),
Asphodelaceae (1),
Linderniaceae (1),
Aspleniaceae (1),
Athyriaceae (1),
Dennstaedtiaceae (1),
Dryopteridaceae (1),
Polypodiaceae (1),
Pteridaceae (1),
Cistaceae (1),
Violaceae (1),
Actinidiaceae (1),
Acanthaceae (1),
Bignoniaceae (1),
Oleaceae (1),
Orobanchaceae (1),
Scrophulariaceae (1),
Salicaceae (1),
Berberidaceae (1),
Ranunculaceae (1),
Polygonaceae (1),
Polygalaceae (1),
Papaveraceae (1),
Lauraceae (1),
Lamiaceae (1),
Verbenaceae (1),
Juglandaceae (1),
Platanaceae (1),
Haloragaceae (1),
Apocynaceae (1),
Gentianaceae (1),
Buxaceae (1),
Asteraceae (1),
Aristolochiaceae (1),
Potamogetonaceae (1),
Ginkgoaceae (1),
Aizoaceae (1),
Amaranthaceae (1),
Caryophyllaceae (1),
Nyctaginaceae (1),
Phytolaccaceae (1),
Portulacaceae (1),
Alismataceae (1),
Araceae (1),
Arecaceae (1),
Commelinaceae (1),
Geraniaceae (1),
Musaceae (1),
Garryaceae (1),
Nymphaeaceae (1),
Cupressaceae (1),
Pinaceae (1),
Taxaceae (1),
Lythraceae (1),
Onagraceae (1),
Thymelaeaceae (1),
Crassulaceae (1),
Hydrangeaceae (1),
Pittosporaceae (1),
Rosaceae (1),
Saxifragaceae (1),
Magnoliaceae (1),
Cannabaceae (1),
Moraceae (1),
Ulmaceae (1),
Urticaceae (1),
Anacardiaceae (1),
Meliaceae (1),
Rutaceae (1),
Sapindaceae (1),
Simaroubaceae (1),
Loranthaceae (1),
Santalaceae (1),
Thesiaceae (1),
Rhamnaceae (1),
Vitaceae (1),
Primulaceae (1),
Plantaginaceae (1),
Malvaceae (1),
Linaceae (1),
Ebenaceae (1),
Caprifoliaceae (1),
Dipsacaceae (1),
Valerianaceae (1),
Cornaceae (1),
Aquifoliaceae (1),
Celastraceae (1),
Equisetaceae (1),
Brassicaceae (1),
Capparaceae (1),
Resedaceae (1),
Amaryllidaceae (1),
Asparagaceae (1),
Orchidaceae (1),
Dioscoreaceae (1),
Colchicaceae (1),
Iridaceae (1),
Liliaceae (1),
Smilacaceae (1),
Convolvulaceae (1),
Solanaceae (1),
Rubiaceae (1),
Apiaceae (1),
Araliaceae (1),
Campanulaceae (1),
Ericaceae (1),
Betulaceae (1),
Fagaceae (1),
Cyperaceae (1),
Juncaceae (1),
Poaceae (1),
Typhaceae (1),
Fabaceae (1)
Orchids (1),
Floristics & Distribution (1),
Conservation Biology (1),
Catalogues and Checklists (1),
Floras and Botanical Field Guides (1),
Biogeography (1),
Vascular Plants: General (1),
Trees and Shrubs (1),
Vascular Plants (1),
Plant and habitat conservation (1),
Europe (1),
Biological Invasions (1),
Species Inventories (1),
Grasses, Sedges, Rushes and Ferns (1)
Italian Botanist 18 (2024)
Papers published: 18
| Total pages: 270
Species Inventories (1),
Conservation Biology (1),
Physiology (1),
Mycology (2),
Bioinformatics (2),
Catalogues and Checklists (2),
Nomenclature (3),
Taxonomy (1),
Ecology & Environmental sciences (1),
Karyosystematics (1),
Floristics & Distribution (3),
Molecular biology (1),
Biological Invasions (1),
Biogeography (2),
Plant and habitat conservation (3),
Systematics (8),
Biodiversity & Conservation (7)
Italian Botanist 17 (2024)
Papers published: 8
| Total pages: 108
Evolutionary biology (1),
Biodiversity & Conservation (2),
Species Inventories (1),
Floras and Botanical Field Guides (1),
Systematics (4),
Taxonomy (1),
Catalogues and Checklists (1),
Vascular Plants (1),
Floristics & Distribution (2),
Biological Invasions (1),
Ecology & Environmental sciences (1),
Biogeography (1),
Nomenclature (2),
Molecular biology (1),
Plant and habitat conservation (1),
Mycology (2)
Italian Botanist 16 (2023)
Papers published: 8
| Total pages: 164
Natural History (1),
Biological Invasions (1),
Systematics (4),
Biogeography (2),
Nomenclature (1),
Biodiversity & Conservation (3),
Mycology (1),
Plant and habitat conservation (2),
Biochemistry (1),
Species Inventories (2),
Ecology & Environmental sciences (1),
Taxonomy (1),
Floristics & Distribution (2),
Catalogues and Checklists (2),
Karyosystematics (1)
Italian Botanist 15 (2023)
Papers published: 12
| Total pages: 192
Ecology & Environmental sciences (2),
Systematics (1),
Species Inventories (1),
Nomenclature (2),
Floristics & Distribution (4),
Biodiversity & Conservation (3),
Bioinformatics (1),
Mycology (1),
Taxonomy (1),
Biogeography (2),
Vascular Plants: General (1),
Plant and habitat conservation (3)
Italian Botanist 14 (2022)
Papers published: 8
| Total pages: 144
Species Inventories (2),
Taxonomy (1),
Marine & Freshwater ecology (1),
Nomenclature (1),
Mycology (1),
Biological Invasions (3),
Conservation Biology (2),
Systematics (4),
Bioinformatics (1),
Biogeography (1),
Environmental protection (1),
Habitats, Ecosystems & Natural Spaces (1),
Genetics (1),
Biodiversity & Conservation (3),
Environmental geography (1),
Floristics & Distribution (1)
Italian Botanist 13 (2022)
Papers published: 6
| Total pages: 94
Fungi (1),
Plantae (5),
Angiospermae (3),
Core Eudicots (1),
Gymnospermae (2),
Basal Angiosperms: Non-Monocots (1),
Basal Angiosperms: Monocots (1),
Basal Eudicots (1),
Core Eudicots: Rosids (1),
Core Eudicots: Asterids (1),
Algae (1)
Italian Botanist 12 (2021)
Papers published: 8
| Total pages: 132
Catalogues and Checklists (2),
Conservation Biology (1),
Biodiversity & Conservation (1),
Europe (1),
Systematics (1),
Vascular Plants: General (1),
Biogeography (2),
Mycology (1),
Biological Invasions (2),
Nomenclature (1),
Vascular Plants (2),
Floristics & Distribution (1),
Species Inventories (2),
Karyosystematics (1),
Plant and habitat conservation (1)
Italian Botanist 11 (2021)
Papers published: 10
| Total pages: 154
Fungi (1),
Plantae (4),
Angiospermae (3),
Core Eudicots (1),
Bryata (1),
Gymnospermae (2),
Basal Angiosperms: Monocots (2),
Basal Eudicots (1),
Core Eudicots: Rosids (2),
Core Eudicots: Asterids (2),
Pinales (1),
Equisetales (1),
Polypodiales (1),
Algae (2),
Incertae sedis (1)
Biodiversity & Conservation (1),
Biological Invasions (1),
Biogeography (3),
Mycology (2),
Plants and Botany: General (1),
Catalogues and Checklists (2),
Plants and Botany: Biology and Ecology (1),
Systematics (2),
Species Inventories (1),
Vascular Plants (1),
Ecology & Environmental sciences (3),
Floristics & Distribution (2),
Karyosystematics (1),
Nomenclature (2),
Plant and habitat conservation (3)
Italian Botanist 10 (2020)
Papers published: 9
| Total pages: 122
Angiospermae (7),
Core Eudicots (1),
Bryata (2),
Monilophytes (1),
Gymnospermae (2),
Basal Angiosperms: Non-Monocots (1),
Basal Angiosperms: Monocots (1),
Basal Eudicots (1),
Core Eudicots: Rosids (1),
Core Eudicots: Asterids (1),
Algae (1),
Fabaceae (1)
Plants and Botany: Biology and Ecology (1),
Plant and habitat conservation (2),
Catalogues and Checklists (3),
Mycology (1),
Nomenclature (2),
Species Inventories (1),
Conservation Biology (1),
Biodiversity & Conservation (3),
Systematics (3),
Karyosystematics (1),
Bioinformatics (1),
Floristics & Distribution (3),
Biogeography (1)
Italian Botanist 9 (2020)
Papers published: 8
| Total pages: 124
Plantae (1),
Angiospermae (3),
Core Eudicots (1),
Bryata (2),
Gymnospermae (2),
Basal Angiosperms: Monocots (1),
Basal Eudicots (1),
Core Eudicots: Rosids (1),
Core Eudicots: Asterids (1),
Boraginaceae (1),
Lamiaceae (1),
Rosaceae (1),
Primulaceae (1),
Iridaceae (1),
Juncaceae (1)
Vascular Plants (1),
Vascular Plants: General (1),
Catalogues and Checklists (1),
Biogeography (1),
Floristics & Distribution (1),
Karyosystematics (1),
Systematics (1),
Biological Invasions (1),
Floras and Botanical Field Guides (1),
Mycology (1),
Ecology & Environmental sciences (1),
Nomenclature (1),
Plant and habitat conservation (4),
Biodiversity & Conservation (2)
Italian Botanist 8 (2019)
Papers published: 7
| Total pages: 122
Ecology & Environmental sciences (1),
Systematics (3),
Biogeography (1),
Plant and habitat conservation (2),
Biodiversity & Conservation (2),
Floristics & Distribution (2),
Nomenclature (1),
Mycology (1),
Bioinformatics (1),
Floras and Botanical Field Guides (1),
Vascular Plants (1),
Catalogues and Checklists (1),
Taxonomy (1),
Karyosystematics (1)