Scopus CiteScore 2023: 2.8
CiteScoreTracker 2024:
2.1 (updated monthly)
Q Values
Plant Science
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
SNIP: 0.649
open access
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(CC BY 4.0)

Italian Botanist is an open access, peer-reviewed journal of the Italian Botanical Society ( It was founded in 1969 as Informatore Botanico Italiano to mainly publish proceedings of the Society, alongside book reviews. As submissions and publication types increased throughout the years, in 2015 the Italian Botanical Society moved the journal to Pensoft, with the new name Italian Botanist, in order to publish and disseminate its contents more efficiently. The journal publishes original research covering all fields of Botany in its wider sense, including Mycology, ranging from molecular to ecosystem studies. The geographical coverage of the journal is focused on Italian territories, but studies from other areas are also welcome. The journal is published on behalf of the​ Società Botanica Italiana onlus.

Publication types: Research Papers, Review Papers, Forum Papers, Data Papers, Editorials, Short Communications, Correspondences, Corrigenda.

Back issues (1999-2015) of Informatore Botanico Italiano [ISSN 2421-0404 (online); ISSN 0020-0697 (print)] can be found here

ISSN 2531-4033 (online)
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