Preprint upload available during submission to Italian Botanist

27 October 2022

Following its recent integration with ARPHA Preprints, Italian Botanist is now letting submitting authors opt to post their pre-review manuscripts to the platform while completing their regular submission to the journal.

If a submitting author selects the option, the pre-review manuscript will become available on ARPHA Preprints in only a few days’ time as soon as it passes basic screening performed by the journal’s editorial office. At this stage, the manuscript is being scanned for any discompliances with the  journal’s scope, policies and requirements, as well as offensive language, pseudoscience, plagiarism or other unethical content.

When posted, the preprint will be openly available and already benefiting from perks typical for published research papers, such as registration at Crossref and its own DOI to ensure scientific record and permanent availability; views and citation metrics; and social media promotion via the @ARPHAPreprints account on Twitter.

The preprint will also be open to public as well as private comments, in order to encourage constructive feedback early on.

The preprint will be indicating that it has been Submitted to Italian Botanist, where its status will change to Published in Italian Botanist once the manuscript is accepted and goes online in the journal. A link between the two publications will be then automatically established via Crossref, while the Citation tab on the preprint’s webpage will be updated with the details of the research article to encourage citations of the peer-reviewed version. In the event that the manuscript is rejected by Italian Botanist, the preprint will be disassociated from the journal to prevent potential issues with future resubmission.


You can find more about the Benefits of posting a preprint on the platform’s website or visit ARPHA’s blog for more information about ARPHA Preprints.

Find illustrated step-by-step guidelines on how to post your preprint during manuscript submission to Italian Botanist in the ARPHA Manual.

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