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Corresponding author: Lorenzo Peruzzi ( ) Academic editor: Gianniantonio Domina
© 2016 Lorenzo Peruzzi, Giovanni Astuti, Fabrizio Bartolucci, Fabio Conti, Milena Rizzotto, Francesco Roma-Marzio.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Peruzzi L, Astuti G, Bartolucci F, Conti F, Rizzotto M, Roma-Marzio F (2016) Chromosome numbers for the Italian flora: 1. Italian Botanist 1: 39-53.
In this contribution new chromosome data obtained on material collected in Italy are presented. It includes 15 chromosome counts for Carduus, Crepis, Picris, Taraxacum (Asteraceae), Ceratonia, Lathyrus (Fabaceae), Colchicum (Colchicaceae), Fritillaria (Liliaceae), Petrorhagia (Caryophyllaceae), Potentilla (Rosaceae), Quercus (Fagaceae), Reseda (Resedaceae), and Thymus (Lamiaceae).
Cytogeography, Cytotaxonomy, Karyotype
The text concerning new chromosome data should be submitted electronically to Lorenzo Peruzzi (, including indications on voucher specimens and methods used.
Chromosome number. 2n = 20 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Toscana. Alpe della Luna, Appennino Aretino, faggeta di crinale del M. dei Frati, 1300–1400 m, 12 July 1988, M. Raffaelli, M. Rizzotto, A. Maury & A. Formelli (FI).
Method. Pretreatment of root tips with 8-hydroxiquinoline for 2 h, fixed in Carnoy, hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, stain with 40% orcein.
Observations. Sixteen out of 41 specific and subspecific Carduus taxa growing in Italy are native to Tuscany. Carduus personata is a perennial species occurring in alpine and subalpine areas of central Europe, the Alps, and Carpathian Mountains (
Chromosome number. 2n = 16 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Toscana. Alpe della Luna, Appennino Aretino da Pian delle Capanne alla Sella, fra M.te Maggiore e M.te dei Frati a 1000–1350 m, 22 August 1989, M. Raffaelli & A. Formelli (FI).
Method. Pre-treatment of root apices with 8-hydroxiquinoline for 2 h, fixed in Carnoy, hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, staining with 40% orcein.
Observations. The species Carduus nutans, with six subspecies, is widespread throughout the Italian peninsula (
Chromosome number. 2n = 26 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Toscana. Alpe della Luna (Appennino Aretino), da Pian delle Capanne salendo al crinale di M.te dei Frati, 17 September 1987, M. Raffaelli & A. Formelli (FI).
Method. Pre-treatment of root apices with 8-hydroxiquinoline for 2 h, fixed in Carnoy, hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, staining with 40% orcein.
Observations. Reseda luteola is widely distributed all over the Italian peninsula, Sicily and Sardinia (
M. Rizzotto
Chromosome number. 2n = 22 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Abruzzo. Campo Felice (Lucoli, L’Aquila), pascoli, 1500 m, 19 May 2006, F. Conti & R. Soldati (APP, n. 30130).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from cultivated corms. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsin.
Observations. The genus Colchicum L. exhibits a wide range of chromosome numbers and ploidy levels, from 2n = 14 to 2n = ca. 216 (Chacón et al. 2014). Colchicum bulbocodium subsp. versicolor is an east European taxon, occurring in Italy only in Abruzzo, Lazio and Umbria, doubtful in Valle d’Aosta (
Chromosome number. 2n = 18 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Abruzzo. Valle del Giovenco (L’Aquila), May 2008, F. Bartolucci & V. Impiccini (APP).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from cultivated bulbs. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsin.
Observations. The chromosome count found is typical for this species, and was reported for several other localities from Italy and abroad (
Chromosome number. 2n = 14 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Abruzzo. Altopiano delle Rocche, nei pressi di Campo di Rovere (Rocca di Mezzo, L’Aquila), 24 May 2006, F. Bartolucci (APP, n. 34710).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from cultivated plants. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsin.
Observations. According to
Chromosome number. 2n = 26 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Abruzzo. Feudo d’Ugni, Parco Nazionale della Majella (Pennapiedimonte, Chieti), 2300 m, F. Conti & F. Bartolucci, August 2011 (APP).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from cultivated plants. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsin.
Observations. Thymus straitus s.l. shows several chromosome numbers, i.e. 2n = 26, 28, 42, 54, 56, 84 (
G. Astuti, F. Roma-Marzio, F. Bartolucci, F. Conti & L. Peruzzi
Chromosome number. 2n = 24 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Puglia. C.da Serranova (Carovigno, Brindisi), nei pressi della masseria Grottamiranda, uliveto misto a Ceratonia siliqua su suolo calcareo con roccia affiorante, 68 m, 11 August 2015, F. Roma-Marzio & G. Roma-Marzio (PI).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsin.
Observations. Ceratonia siliqua is a Mediterranean species, native to Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, southern Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya; some authors believe that it was probably introduced to Greece, Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal in ancient times (
Chromosome number. 2n = 24 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Toscana. versante settentrionale del M.te Vitalba, loc. Fontana del Vitalba (Chianni, Pisa), bosco misto su suolo calcareo argilloso, 512 m, 9 December 2015, F. Roma-Marzio & M. D’Antraccoli (PI).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating acorns. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsin.
Observations. According to
Chromosome number. 2n = 24 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Toscana. Colline delle Cerbaie, loc. Le Pianore (Castelfranco di Sotto, Pisa), margine di bosco mesofilo, 50 m, 21 October 2015, F. Roma-Marzio & M. D’Antraccoli (absent; acorns collected in the field only).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating acorns. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsin.
Observations. It is the first chromosome count for this species in Italy (
Francesco Roma-Marzio
Chromosome number. 2n = 10 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Campania. Vallone San Nicola (Trevico, Avellino), prato arido, 710–930 m, 4 June 2015, G. Astuti, L. Peruzzi & F. Roma-Marzio (absent; cypselae collected in the field only).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating cypselae. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsin.
Observations. Crepis rubra is a species with a Mediterranean distribution (
Chromosome number. 2n = 30 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Campania. Vallone San Nicola, Trevico, Avellino, pendio rupestre, 710–930 m, 4 June 2015, G. Astuti, L. Peruzzi & F. Roma-Marzio (PI).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsin.
Observations. Petrorhagia dubia belongs to P. sect. Kohlrauschia (Kunth) P.W.Ball & Heywood, which includes annual and self-compatible species characterized by a basic chromosome number x = 15 (
Chromosome number. 2n = 10 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. SAN MARINO. San Marino, Monte Titano, sentiero roccioso sotto la torre “il montale”, 19 August 2014, D. Dolci (PI).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating cypselae. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsin.
Observations. In Italy, the genus Picris L. includes four species and only two subspecies are currently recognized within P. hieracioides (
Chromosome number. 2n = 28 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Basilicata. versante lucano del Monte Sparviere (Terranova del Pollino, Potenza), pascolo, 1547 m, August 2015, F. Roma-Marzio & L. Peruzzi (PI).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsin.
Observations. This species was recently recorded for the locality studied by
Chromosome number. 2n = 32 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Toscana. Monte Pratofiorito (Bagni di Lucca, Lucca), versante N-NE, prato al margine di bosco, 1117 m, 20 May 2015, F. Roma-Marzio, M. D’Antraccoli, G. Astuti & L. Peruzzi (PI).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating cypselae. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsin.
Observations. This species belongs to Taraxacum sect. Palustria (H.Lindb.) Dahlst. and it was identified according to the multi-access key published by
F. Roma-Marzio, G. Astuti & L. Peruzzi