Research Article |
Corresponding author: Fabrizio Bartolucci ( ) Academic editor: Stefania Biondi
© 2016 Fabrizio Bartolucci, Gianniantonio Domina, Michele Adorni, Alessandro Alessandrini, Francesco Angiulli, Nicola Maria Giuseppe Ardenghi, Enrico Banfi, Giuseppina Barberis, Gianni Bedini, Gianmaria Bonari, Mario Calbi, Franco Fenaroli, Gabriele Galasso, Giovanni Gestri, Luigi Ghillani, Günter Gottschlich, Mauro Iberite, Marta Latini, Valerio Lazzeri, Gianluca Nicolella, Nicola Olivieri, Enrico Perrino, Lorenzo Peruzzi, Giuseppe Pisani, Francesco Roma-Marzio, Giovanni Russo, Francesco Scutellà, Giuseppe Silletti, Adriano Stinca, Robert Wagensommer, Chiara Nepi.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Bartolucci F, Domina G, Adorni M, Alessandrini A, Angiulli F, Ardenghi NMG, Banfi E, Barberis G, Bedini G, Bonari G, Calbi M, Fenaroli F, Galasso G, Gestri G, Ghillani L, Gottschlich G, Iberite M, Latini M, Lazzeri V, Nicolella G, Olivieri N, Perrino EV, Peruzzi L, Pisani G, Roma-Marzio F, Russo G, Scutellà F, Silletti GN, Stinca A, Wagensommer RP, Nepi C (2016) Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 1. Italian Botanist 1: 5-15.
In this contribution, new data concerning the Italian distribution of native vascular flora are presented. It includes new records, exclusions, and confirmations pertaining to the Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Arundo, Bromopsis, Cistus, Crocus, Festuca, Galeopsis, Genista, Lamium, Leucanthemum, Nerium, Orobanche, Peucedanum, Pilosella, Polycnemum, Stipa and Viola.
Floristic data, Italy
The text for the new records should be submitted electronically to Chiara Nepi ( The corresponding specimen has to be sent to FI Herbarium: Sezione di Botanica Filippo Parlatore del Museo di Storia Naturale, Via G. La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze (Italy). Those texts concerning nomenclatural novelties (typifications only for accepted names), exclusions, and confirmations should be submitted electronically to: Fabrizio Bartolucci ( Each text should be within 2,000 characters (spaces included).
+ TOS: Monti Livornesi, Rosignano Marittimo (Livorno), Castiglioncello, Via Brenta (WGS84: 43.407385°N; 10.418388°E), habitat sinantropico, 45 m, no exp., 15 Nov 2015, V. Lazzeri (FI, MSNM); Monti Livornesi, Rosignano Marittimo (Livorno), loc. Spianate (WGS84: 43.421434°N; 10.414124°E), formazioni mono- o paucispecifiche su suolo argilloso, 119 m, W, 15 Nov 2015, V. Lazzeri (FI, MSNM); Monti Livornesi, Livorno (Livorno), loc. Calignaia (WGS84: 43.469900°N; 10.349901°E), formazioni mono- o paucispecifiche su suolo argilloso, 38 m, no exp., 7 2015, V. Lazzeri (FI); Monti Livornesi, Rosignano Marittimo (Livorno), loc. Case Nuove (WGS84: 43.410023°N; 10.428159°E), habitat sinantropico, 42 m, no exp., 16 Jan 2016, V. Lazzeri (FI). – Species new for the flora of Toscana.
V. Lazzeri, E. Banfi & G. Galasso
+ LAZ: Subiaco (Roma), Monti Simbruini, Campominio (WGS84: 41.955194°N; 13.187632°E), prateria, 1675 m, 2 June 2015, G. Nicolella, det. N.M.G. Ardenghi & E. Banfi (RO); Vallepietra (Roma), Monti Simbruini, Monte Autore (WGS84: 41.955199°N; 13.205139°E), lungo il sentiero, 1763 m, 2 June 2015, G. Nicolella, det. N.M.G. Ardenghi & E. Banfi (RO); Supino (Frosinone), Monti Lepini, Santa Serena, (WGS84: 41.602318°N; 13.167664°E), prateria, 1157 m, 11 June 2015, G. Nicolella & M. Latini, det. N.M.G. Ardenghi & E. Banfi (FI, RO). – Subspecies new for the flora of Lazio.
This subspecies was described from Slovenia (Mount Vremščica or Auremiano) and until today in Italy it was recorded only for Friuli Venezia Giulia (
G. Nicolella, M. Latini, M. Iberite, E. Banfi & N.M.G. Ardenghi
– TOS. – Species to be excluded from the flora of Toscana.
Based on a putative record in the province of Florence by A. Borzì [“Sotto Vallombrosa a Donnini”],
F. Roma-Marzio, G. Bonari, G. Bedini & L. Peruzzi
– PUG. – Species to be excluded from the flora of Puglia.
The species was indicated in Puglia at the end of the 19th century for the Murge plateau (
All the autumn-flowering Crocus specimens that we collected in those areas were attributed to C. thomasii Ten. The pictures in
R.P. Wagensommer, F. Angiulli, E.V. Perrino & G. Russo
+ LAZ: Vico nel Lazio (Frosinone), Monti Ernici, Campovano (WGS84: 41.822527°N; 13.373242°E), prateria di alta quota, 1880 m, 12 July 2015, G. Nicolella, det. N.M.G. Ardenghi (FI, RO). – Subspecies new for the flora of Lazio.
This subspecies is quite widespread in northern and central Italy (see
G. Nicolella, M. Latini, M. Iberite & N.M.G. Ardenghi
+ LIG: Valbrevenna (Genova), Senarega (WGS84: 44.55715°N; 9.119247°E), orto incolto, 730 m, 9 September 2014, M. Calbi (FI). – Species new for the flora of Liguria.
It is a species with a Eurosiberic distribution. It was reported from Italy only in Lombardia, Trentino-Alto Adige, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and, doubtfully, in Piemonte (
G. Barberis & M. Calbi
+ (INV) CAM: Status change from naturalized to invasive alien in Campania.
Genista aetnensis is endemic to the Mt. Etna in Sicilia and some localities in Sardegna (
A. Stinca
+ CAL: Serra San Bruno (Vibo Valentia), Monte Pecoraro (WGS84: 38.513735°N; 16.348555°E), ai bordi di un bosco di faggio e abete bianco, suolo acido derivato da disfacimento dei graniti, 1325 m, 10 May 2015, G. Pisani & F. Scutellà (FI). – Species new for the flora of Calabria.
Lamium purpureum is a species with Eurasian distribution (
G. Pisani & F. Scutellà
+ EMR: Bedonia (Parma), Segno Rosso di Val Gorotta (WGS84: 44.475964°N; 9.581916°E), radura con affioramenti rocciosi, 800 m, 12 August 2010, M. Adorni, A. Alessandrini & L. Ghillani (FI). – Species new for the flora of Emilia-Romagna.
The species was only recently described by
M. Adorni, A. Alessandrini & L. Ghillani
+ (CAS) MAR: Cupra Marittima (Ascoli Piceno), bordo di un muro situato a ridotta distanza dal Mare Adriatico, presso Via R.Taffetani (WGS84: 43.035864°N; 13.857731°E), bordo di muro, ca. 4 m, 7 September 2015, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Marche.
Some young plants of this taxon, sometimes able to blossom, have developed on the edge of the perimeter wall of a building, on the border with a paved area. The young individuals have grown from seeds produced by specimens grown as ornamentals in nearby gardens and subjected to wind dispersal. In Italy, Nerium oleander subsp. oleander is native in Sicilia, Sardegna, Calabria, Basilicata, Campania, Puglia, Toscana, and Liguria (
N. Olivieri
+ LIG: Castelvecchio di Rocca Barbena (Savona), pendici orientali del Poggio Grande (WGS84: 44.107995°N; 8.157569°E), 653 m, 22 May 2015, G. Barberis & M. Calbi, det. G. Domina (FI). – Species confirmed for the flora of Liguria.
It is a species with European-Caucasian distribution (
G. Barberis, M. Calbi & G. Domina
+ LAZ: Latina (Latina), Strada Piccarello, presso area del mercato settimanale (WGS84: 41.458113°N; 12.916336°E), prati e incolti umidi inondati durante l’inverno, argini di fossati, 21 m, 10 July 2013, M. Iberite (FI, RO); ibidem, 20 September 2013 (FI, RO, Herb. M. Iberite); ibidem, 28 August 2015 (RO, Herb. M. Iberite). – Species new for the flora of Lazio.
This taxon is widespread in many administrative regions of Italy, with the exception of Trentino-Alto Adige, Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Sicilia and Sardegna it was mistakenly indicated for Valle d’Aosta and not confirmed for Campania and Calabria. Concerning Lazio, it has hitherto never been collected nor reported in the literature (
M. Iberite
+ FVG: Udine (Udine), M. Zoncolàn, Ovaro, derivazione per Malga Pozo (WGS: 46.501109°N; 12.912783°E), meadow, 1587 m, 25 June 2015, G. Gottschlich 64281 (FI, Herb. G. Gottschlich 64281). – Species new for flora of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Pilosella basifurca is morphologically intermediate between P. officinarum Vaill. and P. sphaerocephala (Froel. ex Rchb.) F.W.Schultz & Sch.Bip. and perhaps of hybrid origin. It can be found within the distribution area of the eastern alpine P. sphaerocephala, and occurs in Italy in Lombardia, Trentino-Alto Adige, and Veneto (
G. Gottschlich
+ TOS: Chianni (Pisa), Monte Vitalba, sterrato sassoso lungo la strada che porta alla vetta, ca. 610 m (WGS84: 43.414047°N; 10.607888°E), June 2011, Gestri G. & V. Lazzeri (Herb. Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo di Livorno); Chianni (Pisa), Monte Vitalba strada sterrata nei pressi della vetta, ca. 644 m (WGS84: 43.414665°N; 10.598882°E), 8 September 2015, G. Gestri & V. Lazzeri (FI). – Species confirmed for the flora of Toscana.
The first reports of P. majus A.Braun for Toscana date back to
G. Gestri, V. Lazzeri
– TOS. – Species to be excluded from the flora of Toscana.
This species was recently recorded for Toscana (
V. Lazzeri
+ PUG: Santeramo in Colle (Bari), loc. Lama di Lupo (UTM ED50: 33T 644340.4514020), at the base of a big rock in the Murgia, 455 m, 14 March 2015, G.N. Silletti (BI sub V. alba subsp. alba, scan in FI, Herb. G.N. Silletti). – Subspecies new for the flora of Puglia.
In Italy, V. alba occurs in all the administrative regions, in central and southern Italy usually as V. alba subsp. dehnhardtii (Ten.) W. Becker (
G.N. Silletti, R.P. Wagensommer, E.V. Perrino & F. Fenaroli