Research Article |
Corresponding author: Sonia Ravera ( ) Academic editor: Lorenzo Peruzzi
© 2022 Sonia Ravera, Alfredo Vizzini, Marta Puglisi, Silvia Assini, Renato Benesperi, Elisabetta Bianchi, Fabrizio Boccardo, Francesca Bottegoni, Wolfgang von Brackel, Marco Clericuzio, Valerii Darmostuk, Antonio B. De Giuseppe, Luca Di Nuzzo, Francesco Dovana, Roberta Galli, Gabriele Gheza, Paolo Giordani, Anna Guttová, Deborah Isocrono, Jiří Malíček, Stefano Martellos, Helmut Mayrhofer, Juri Nascimbene, Pier Luigi Nimis, Luca Paoli, Nicodemo G. Passalacqua, Filippo Prosser, Domenico Puntillo, Linda Seggi, Giovanni Sicoli, Einar Timdal, Raffaella Trabucco, Chiara Vallese.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Ravera S, Vizzini A, Puglisi M, Assini S, Benesperi R, Bianchi E, Boccardo F, Bottegoni F, von Brackel W, Clericuzio M, Darmostuk V, De Giuseppe AB, Di Nuzzo L, Dovana F, Galli R, Gheza G, Giordani P, Guttová A, Isocrono D, Malíček J, Martellos S, Mayrhofer H, Nascimbene J, Nimis PL, Paoli L, Passalacqua NG, Prosser F, Puntillo D, Seggi L, Sicoli G, Timdal E, Trabucco R, Vallese C (2022) Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 13. Italian Botanist 13: 1-17.
In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte genera Bryum, Cryphaea, Didymodon, and Grimmia; the fungal genera Bryostigma, Cercidospora, Conocybe, Cortinarius, Endococcus, Inocybe, Psathyrella, and Sphaerellothecium; the lichen genera Agonimia, Anisomeridium, Bilimbia, Diplotomma, Gyalecta, Huneckia, Lecidella, Lempholemma, Myriolecis, Nephroma, Pannaria, Pycnothelia, Pyrrhospora, Rinodina, Stereocaulon, Thalloidima, Trapelia, Usnea, Variospora, and Verrucaria.
Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Bryidae
The text of the records should be submitted electronically to: Cecilia Totti ( for algae, Marta Puglisi ( for bryophytes, Alfredo Vizzini ( for fungi, Sonia Ravera ( for lichens. Each text should be within 1,000 characters (spaces included).
Bryum violaceum Crundw. & Nyholm (Bryaceae)
+ TAA: North of Torbole (Trento), near S. Luigi (UTM WGS84: 32T 646149.5083779) in an arable field, 72 m, 8 January 2022, F. Prosser (ROV No. BR05987). – Species new for the flora of Trentino-Alto Adige.
According to
F. Prosser
Cryphaea heteromalla (Hedw.) D.Mohr (Cryphaeaceae)
+ TAA: On the shore of Lake Idro in Porto Camarella (UTM WGS84: 32T 619235.5073347), 369 m, 7 October 2021, on a branch of Salix alba L., F. Prosser (ROV BR05670). – Species confirmed for the flora of Trentino-Alto Adige.
Cryphaea heteromalla is not common in northern Italy, where it was mostly reported before 1968 (
F. Prosser
Didymodon umbrosus (Müll.Hal.) R.H.Zander (Pottiaceae)
+ TAA: North of Torbole (Trento), near S. Luigi (UTM WGS84: 32T 646163.5083992) in an apple orchard, 73 m, 8 January 2022, F. Prosser (ROV No. BR05986). – Species new for the flora of Trentino-Alto Adige.
Didymodon umbrosus is an European–Southwest Asian species, reported in Italy only for Lazio, Marche, and Sicilia (
F. Prosser
Didymodon sinuosus (Mitt.) Delogne (Pottiaceae)
+ VEN: Along Adige River near Begosso (Verona) (UTM WGS84: 32T 688223.5001986), 11 m, 22 October 2021, F. Prosser (ROV BR05671). – Species new for the flora of Veneto.
Didymodon sinuosus was previously reported by
F. Prosser
Grimmia unicolor Hook. (Grimmiaceae)
+ TAA: Lagorai chain, below Cima Valcigolera (Trento) (UTM WGS84: 32T 711223.5126118), 2205 m, 1 September 2021, south-facing quartz phyllite cliff, F. Prosser (ROV No. BR05669). Lagorai chain Monte Ziolera (Trento), cliff towards Passo Manghen (UTM WGS84: 32T 689199.5116204), 2248 m, 21 July 2021, porphyry cliff facing south, F. Prosser (ROV No. BR05929). – Species confirmed for the flora of Trentino-Alto Adige.
Grimmia unicolor is boreal-montane species rare in Italy, where it is known only from Valle d’Aosta, Piemonte and, with old reports, from Lombardia, Trentino-Alto Adige and Veneto. In Trentino-Alto Adige, it was previously signalled from Val Venezia in Val Pejo, Malga Bedole in Val Genova, Val di Fumo near Merano (
F. Prosser
Bryostigma molendoi (Heufl. ex Arnold) S.Y.Kondr. & Hur (Arthoniaceae)
+ LIG: via Iulia Augusta, strada per Verzi (Savona) on Calogaya saxicola (Hoffm.) Vondrák (UTM WGS84: 32T448864.4893367), 103 m, 11 July 2012, leg. A. Guttová, L. Paoli, det. V. Darmostuk (SAV sub Solenopsora candicans (Dicks.) J. Steiner). – Species new for the flora of Liguria.
Bryostigma molendoi is a common lichenicolous fungus in Italy known from several administrative regions (
V. Darmostuk, A. Guttová, L. Paoli
Cercidospora macrospora (Uloth) Hafellner & Nav.-Ros. (Dothideales, incertae sedis)
+ PIE: Valli di Lanzo, along the path “sentiero balcone”, Usseglio (Torino) on apothecia of Protoparmeliopsis muralis (Schreb.) M.Choisy (UTM WGS84: 32T 3600004.5010842), 1570 m, 22 December 2021, leg. A. Chiariglione, det. D. Isocrono, conf. W. v. Brackel (ORO n. 1302) – Species new for the flora of Piemonte.
Cercidospora macrospora is a lichenicolous fungus, with perithecioid ascomata partially immersed in the host and appearing black under the magnifying lens. The ascomata wall is bluish-greenish, intensively pigmented near the ostiolum. Asci are cylindrical, fissitunicate, with a small apical chamber, and four hyaline 1-septate asco spores measuring 20–25(–30) × 5–7 μm. Similar 4-spored asci also occur in C. crozalsiana (H.Olivier) Nav.-Ros., Cl.Roux & Casares and C. stenotropae Nav.-Ros. & Hafellner, that can be distinguished by the asci and ascospore size (Navarro-Rosines et al. 1995;
D. Isocrono, W. v. Brackel
Conocybe velata (Velen.) Watling (Bolbitiaceae)
+ CAL: Botanical Garden of the University of Calabria, Rende (Cosenza), on the ground between the edge of a riparian wood, Populus canescens (Aiton) Sm. as prevailing species (UTM WGS84: 33S 605842.4357370), 200 m, 19 October 2018, N.G. Passalacqua, A.B. De Giuseppe, G. Sicoli (CLU No. F317). – Species new for the flora of Calabria.
A couple of slender, small-sized and mycenoid basidiomata referable to the genus Conocybe Fayod (due to the campanulate and ochraceous-yellowish pilei, exannulate stipe, and rust-brown spore print) was detected in the grassy litter at the edge of a poplar stand. This saprotrophic fungus was macroscopically identified as C. velata due to white and appendiculate velar rests at the pileus margin, and microscopically on account of the shape of cheilocystidia which appeared not only lageniform, but also cylindrical and sometimes even subcapitate. The spores were brown, smooth, ellipsoid, with a prominent germ pore, and 7–10 × 4–5 µm in size (
G. Sicoli, A.B. De Giuseppe, N.G. Passalacqua
Cortinarius confirmatus Rob.Henry (Cortinariaceae)
+ LIG: Trigoso, Sestri Levante (Genova), under Quercus ilex L., and Arbutus unedo L. (UTM WGS84: 32T 535636.4900878), 152 m, 29 December 2015, F. Boccardo (Herb. GDOR 3803). – Species new for the flora of Liguria.
The diffusion of C. confirmatus is widely documented in France, based on morphological and genetic evidence, but it is also present in Spain, Italy (Calabria), and Iran, highlighting a Eurasian distribution (
F. Dovana, F. Boccardo, M. Clericuzio
Endococcus collematis Brackel (Dothideomycetes)
+ BAS: Forest near Castelluccio Superiore (Potenza), on Lathagrium sp. (UTM WGS84: 33T 583982.4429563), 779 m, 1 February 2015, leg. A. Guttová, L. Paoli, det. V. Darmostuk (SAV sub Solenopsora candicans (Dicks.) J. Steiner). – Species new for the flora of Basilicata.
+ TOS: Mt. Civitella, Monte Penna Natural Reserve, Castell’Azzara (Grosseto), on Lathagrium auriforme (With.) Otálora, P.M.Jørg. & Wedin (UTM WGS84: 32T 718100.4739032), 1024 m, 10 April 2010 leg. A. Guttová, L. Paoli, det. V. Darmostuk (SAV sub Solenopsora candicans (Dicks.) J. Steiner). – Species new for the flora of Toscana.
Our specimen from Toscana is characterized by globose shiny black perithecioid ascomata, up to 150 μm diameter, 8-spored asci and pale brown narrowly ellipsoid ascospores with rounded ends, (8.4–)10.2–13.8(–16.0) × (3.2–)3.4–4.4(–4.8) μm, l/b = (2.1–)2.4–3.4(–4.8) (n = 35). This recently described fungus was reported on the thallus of several Collema and known from Germany, Italy (Abruzzo, Calabria, and Campania), and Switzerland (
V. Darmostuk, A. Guttová, L. Paoli
Inocybe acuta Boud. (Inocybaceae)
+ CAL: Botanical Garden of the University of Calabria, Rende (Cosenza), on the ground at the margin of an artificial carr, where Populus, Salix, Typha, and Cladium are the prevailing growing plant genera (UTM WGS84: 33S 605982.4357356), 200 m, 17 September 2021, A.B. De Giuseppe, N.G. Passalacqua, G. Sicoli (CLU No. F319). – Species new for the flora of Calabria.
A group of solitary, but gregarious, basidiomata belonging to I. acuta were observed on the ground close to culms of Typha angustifolia L. and in the vicinity of willow plants at the edge of an artificial pond. The pilei were conical and initially acutely umbonate, then almost applanate, dark umber, fibrillose, and 2–3 cm wide. The stipe was rather short, brownish and with a small, paler bulb at the base. The gills were brown and the spores strongly nodulose, 9–11 × 6–7 µm in size. Hymenial cystidia were ventricose-lageniform and mostly crested (
G. Sicoli, A.B. De Giuseppe, N.G. Passalacqua
Psathyrella badiophylla (Romagn.) Bon (Psathyrellaceae)
+ CAL: Botanical Garden of the University of Calabria, Rende (Cosenza), on the ground at the edge of a riparian wood, Populus canescens (Aiton) Sm. as prevailing species (UTM WGS84: 33S 606002.4357361), 200 m, 13 October 2021, G. Sicoli, A.B. De Giuseppe, N.G. Passalacqua (CLU No. F318). – Species new for the flora of Calabria.
Solitary psathyrelloid small basidiomes were observed on the ground along a sandy track at the edge of a poplar stand flanking a carr. Pilei were campanulate, striate and 2 cm in diameter. They were also clearly hygrophanous since initially brownish tending to become ochraceous while drying. A slender, pale and exannulate stipe was sustaining brown straight to slightly ventricose gills. No pleurocystidia but utriform cheilocystidia were observed. The spores were dark brown, smooth, ellipsoid, with a distinct germ pore, and 11–15 × 6.5–7 µm in size. The above morphological characteristics led us to identify the fungus as P. badiophylla (
G. Sicoli, A.B. De Giuseppe, N.G. Passalacqua
Sphaerellothecium parietinarium (Linds.) Hafellner & V. John (Mycosphaerellaceae)
+ SAR: Dune di Piscinas, Arbus (Sud Sardegna), on apothecia of Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th.Fr. (UTM WGS84: 32S 453194.4376787) 14 m, 18 June 2021, D. Isocrono, conf. W. v. Brackel (ORO n. 1301). – Species new for the flora of Sardegna.
Sphaerellothecium parietinarium is a lichenicolous fungus with crowded black perithecia partially immersed (up to 2/3) in the host tissue (apothecia and occasionally thalli of Xanthoria species). It bears saccate asci with two-celled and smooth-walled ascospores, irregularly arranged in the asci. This species is not reported for Sardegna (
D. Isocrono, W. v. Brackel
Agonimia opuntiella (Buschardt & Poelt) Vězda (Verrucariaceae)
+ SAR: near the road 2 km SW of San Pantaleo, Arzachena (Sassari), on bark of Quercus coccifera L. (UTM WS84: 32T 537499.4542800) 40 m, 30 April 2012, J. Malíček (PRA). – Species new for the flora of Sardegna.
Agonimia opuntiella is a usually sterile microlichen with squamulose thallus with more or less developed hyaline hairs. It grows on various substrates, such as bryophytes, plant debris, calcareous soil, rarely also on rocks and tree bark. This species, recently collected for the first time in other central-southern Italian administrative regions (
J. Malíček, S. Ravera
Anisomeridium biforme (Schaer.) R.C.Harris (Monoblastiaceae)
+ TOS: Piteglio (Pistoia), on Castanea sativa Mill. (UTM WGS84: 32T 641833.4875706), 750 m, 28 January 2022, leg. R. Benesperi, E. Bianchi, L. Di Nuzzo, L. Paoli, S. Ravera, det. S. Ravera (PAL). – Species new for the flora of Toscana.
Anisomeridium biforme is a nearly cosmopolitan pyrenocarpous lichen, common on deciduous trees in open woodlands or sheltered open situations mostly in areas with a humid-warm climate (
E. Bianchi, L. Di Nuzzo, S. Ravera
Bilimbia accedens Arnold (Ramalinaceae)
+ LOM: Valle del Venerocolino, Schilpario (Bergamo), on moss above base-rich siliceous rock in a moist coniferous forest (UTM WGS84: 32T 589454.5097752), 1250 m, 30 August 2021, leg. G. Gheza, det. G. Gheza, F. Bottegoni (BOLO). – Species confirmed for the flora of Lombardia.
Bilimbia accendens is a muscicolous species with optimum in upland areas (
G. Gheza, F. Bottegoni
Diplotomma glaucoatrum (Nyl.) Cl.Roux (Caliciaceae)
+ TOS: Arcipelago Toscano National Park, Elba island, Sorgente shore (Livorno), on granite (UTM WGS84: 32T 604849.4741994), 3 m, 14 July 2021, J. Nascimbene (BOLO). – Species new for the flora of Toscana.
This species, belonging to the Diplotomma alboatrum-complex, is restricted to coastal-maritime environments and, in Italy, it was previously reported only from Sardegna (
J. Nascimbene
Gyalecta arbuti (Bagl.) Baloch & Lücking (Gyalectaceae)
+ EMR: Granaglione (Alto Reno Terme), on a chestnut trunk (UTM WGS84: 32T 656948.4886382), 740 m, 26 January 2022, leg. R. Benesperi, E. Bianchi, L. Di Nuzzo, D. Isocrono, L. Paoli, S. Ravera, det. D. Isocrono, S. Ravera (ORO 1303). – Species new for the flora of Emilia Romagna.
Gyalecta arbuti is a crustose lichen found in humid-warm environments. It is related to G. carneola (Ach.) Hellb. with which it is misidentified due to their similar ecology (
R. Benesperi, D. Isocrono, L. Paoli
Huneckia pollinii (A. Massal.) S.Y.Kondr., Elix, Kärnefelt, A.Thell, J.Kim, A.S.Kondratiuk & J.-S.Hur (Teloschistaceae)
+ LOM: Pista degli Abeti, Schilpario (Bergamo), on bark of Fraxinus excelsior L. at the edge of a moist coniferous forest near a stream (UTM WGS84: 32T 592612.5096572), 1207 m, 5 September 2020, leg. G. Gheza, det. G. Gheza, F. Bottegoni, C. Vallese (BOLO). – Species confirmed for the flora of Lombardia.
Huneckia pollinii is found mostly on trees with smooth bark along watercourses, as in the case of the record reported here. It was recorded previously in Lombardia by
G. Gheza, C. Vallese, F. Bottegoni
Lecidella flavosorediata (Vězda) Hertel & Leuckert (Lecanoraceae)
+ CAL: Sila Piccola, Trepidò, Cotronei (Crotone), on bark of Pinus nigra subsp. laricio (UTM WGS84: 33S 644624.4340015), 1297 m, 10 August 2021, D. Puntillo (CLU No. 17977). – Species new for the flora of Calabria.
Lecidella flavosorediata is characterized by a yellowish sorediate indistinct thallus forming a subleprose crust with farinose soredia, sometime gathered into larger consoredia. Apothecia are rare. This species is widely diffused in the pine forests of the Sila plateau where it colonizes wide portions of bark at the base of Pinus nigra subsp. laricio Palib. ex Maire trunks.
D. Puntillo
Lempholemma cladodes (Tuck.) Zahlbr. (Lichinaceae)
+ ITA (VEN): Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park, Vette Feltrine, Mt. Pavionet (Belluno), on calciferous rocks, Formazione di Fonzaso (UTM WGS84: 32T 720600.5108735), 2070 m, 9 August 2021, J. Nascimbene (BOLO). – Species new for the flora of Italy (Veneto).
This species is widespread in the Northern Hemisphere (Scandinavia, North America) and was rarely collected in the Alps, being only known from Switzerland (
J. Nascimbene, P.L. Nimis
Myriolecis liguriensis (B.De Lesd.) Cl.Roux (Lecanoraceae)
+ TOS: Arcipelago Toscano National Park, Elba island, Sorgente shore (Livorno), on granite (UTM WGS84: 32T 604849.4741994), 3 m, 14 July 2021, J. Nascimbene (BOLO). – Species new for the flora of Toscana.
This is a poorly known taxon related to M. albescens (Hoffm.) Śliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch, that was previously reported only from Liguria and Sardegna (
J. Nascimbene
Nephroma tropicum (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr. (Nephromataceae)
+ ITA (VEN): Val Visdende, Costa d’Antola (Belluno), on spruce (UTM WGS84: 32T 320236.5165788), 1320 m, 7 December 2018, leg. J. Nascimbene, det. E. Timdal (BOLO) [GenBank MZ130553 (ITS), MZ133754 (mtSSU)]. – Species new to the flora of Italy (Veneto).
This species belongs to the Nephroma helveticum Ach. species complex, a circumpolar, boreal-temperate element occurring in North America, Europe, and Asia (
J. Nascimbene, P.L. Nimis, E. Timdal
Pannaria conoplea (Ach.) Bory (Pannariaceae)
+ LOM: Bagni di Masino, Valmasino (Sondrio), on granite boulders and bark of Fraxinus excelsior L. at the edge of a moist coniferous forest (UTM WGS84: 32T 546196.5121355), 1172 m, 24 August 2019, G. Gheza (PAV); valley bottom of Val di Mello, Valmasino (Sondrio), on mossy granite boulders in a moist coniferous forest (UTM WGS84: 32T 552371.5123599), 1200 m, 26 August 2019, G. Gheza (PAV); western side of the lower Valle del Vò, Schilpario (Bergamo), on a mossy schist rock (UTM WGS84: 32T 588683.5097526), 1140 m, 26 August 2021, G. Gheza (PAV). – Species confirmed for the flora of Lombardia.
Pannaria conoplea is a cyanolichen currently declining in northern Italy (
G. Gheza
Pycnothelia papillaria Dufour (Cladoniaceae)
+ LIG: Passo della Forcella (Genova), in xeric grassland on schist near the roadside (UTM WGS84: 32T 526710.4923271), 880 m, 20 August 2015, W. v. Brackel (GE). ‒ Species confirmed for the flora of Liguria.
Pycnothelia papillaria is an extremely nitrophobic lichen growing on acid soil in heaths and open grassland, strongly declining in most parts of Europe, except for the Alps, due to the general eutrophication of the landscape. According to
W.v. Brackel, P. Giordani
Pyrrhospora quernea (Dicks.) Körb. (Lecanoraceae)
+ VEN: Monte Baldo (Verona) (UTM WGS 84: 32T 642981.5064682), 1855, A. Massalongo (Herb. Massalongo MSNVE 25752). – Species historically recorded for the flora of Veneto.
Collected and identified by A. Massalongo, this specimen is stored in a collection preserved at the Natural History Museum (NHM) of Venice. The collection was originally donated by Massalongo to the Società Veneta di Scienze Naturali, and then transferred to the NHM of Venice. Pyrrhospora quernea is a mainly Mediterranean-Atlantic, epiphytic species, abundant in humid coastal-Mediterranean sites, much rarer elsewhere. It occurs rarely, and mostly in the sterile state, in the Insubrian District of Lombardia, while it is probably extinct in other portions of northern Italy.
S. Martellos, P.L. Nimis, L. Seggi
Rinodina albana (A.Massal.) A.Massal. (Physciaceae)
+ LOM: above Bagni di Masino towards Rifugio Omio, Valmasino (Sondrio), on bark of Fagus sylvatica L. in a beech forest (UTM WGS84: 32T 545468.5121688), 1278 m, 24 August 2019, leg. G. Gheza, det. H. Mayrhofer (PAV). – Species confirmed for the flora of Lombardia.
The epiphytic Rinodina albana is reported here from a forest stand attributed to the Natura 2000 Habitat 9110 (“Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests”). According to
G. Gheza, S. Assini, H. Mayrhofer
Stereocaulon vesuvianum var. nodulosum (Wallr.) I.M.Lamb (Stereocaulaceae)
+ ITA (LOM): eastern side of the lower Valle del Vò, Schilpario (Bergamo), on siliceous stones in a scree (UTM WGS84: 32T 588548.5098017), 1190 m, 31 October 2021, leg. G. Gheza, det. G. Gheza, F. Bottegoni, J. Nascimbene (BOLO). – Variety new for the flora of Italy (Lombardia).
Stereocaulon vesuvianum var. nodulosum is a fruticose lichen dwelling on metal-rich rocks. It is a rare taxon, that has been reported previously in the Alps only from Tyrol (
G. Gheza, F. Bottegoni, J. Nascimbene
Thalloidima toninianum (A.Massal.) A.Massal. (Ramalinaceae)
+ LOM: road between Dezzo and Dosso, Azzone (Bergamo), on a fissured calcareous rock cliff overhanging the road (UTM WGS84: 32T 586164.5091593), 770 m, 9 October 2021, G. Gheza (BOLO). – Species confirmed for the flora of Lombardia.
Thalloidima toninianum is a calciphilous, mainly Mediterranean species, that can reach the subalpine belt in the Alps (
G. Gheza
Trapelia corticola Coppins & P.James (Arnold) Bitter (Trapeliaceae)
+ LIG: 0.5 km E of Cascina Zattera, Levanto (Provincia della Spezia), on bark of Castanea sativa Mill. along road (UTM WS84: 32T 554686.4889408), 430 m, 29 April 2012, J. Malíček (PRA). – Species new for the flora of Liguria.
This species is a crustose lichen, usually sterile, characterized by punctiform, markedly convex C+ red soralia, locally frequent on decaying wood or bark of trees in sheltered, humid woodlands. In Italy, it was previously reported only from Lombardia (
J. Malíček, S. Ravera
Trapelia placodioides Coppins & P.James (Arnold) Bitter (Trapeliaceae)
+ LIG: Passo della Forcella (Genova), on schist rocks near the roadside (UTM WS84: 32T 526710. 4923271), 880 m, 20 August 2015, W. v. Brackel (GE). – Species new for the flora of Liguria.
Trapelia placodioides is an epipetric crustose lichen on base-rich siliceous rocks and pebbles. Apothecia are very rare and the species occurs mostly only with soralia; this may be the reason why it is widely underrecorded. It is characterized by an aerolate, whitish to pale pink thallus with marginal, pale greenish soralia, the thallus reacting red with calcium hypochlorite. In Italy, this species was known so far only for Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Piemonte, Toscana, and Campania (
W.v. Brackel, P. Giordani
Usnea cavernosa Tuck. (Parmeliaceae)
+ VEN: Dolomites, Misurina (Belluno), on spruce (UTM WGS84: 33T 290004.5162589), 1650 m, 12 February 2003, J. Nascimbene (BOLO). – Species new for the flora of Veneto.
This species, that forms long (up to 60 cm), pendulous, thalli on the branches of coniferous or deciduous trees, is widespread throughout the Alps where it is usually restricted to damp montane to subalpine forests (
J. Nascimbene
Usnea florida (L.) F.H.Wigg. (Parmeliaceae)
+ UMB: Terne, Sellano (Perugia), on Fagus sylvatica L. (UTM WGS84: 33T 327259.4753306), 710 m, 25 January 2022, leg. R. Galli, det. P. Giordani, S. Ravera (PAL). – Species new for the flora of Umbria.
This is a fruticose-filamentous species, with optimum, in Italy, in the upper montane and subalpine belts (
R. Galli, P. Giordani, S. Ravera
Variospora thallincola (Wedd.) Arup, Frödén & Søchting (Teloschistaceae)
+ TOS: Arcipelago Toscano National Park, Elba island, Capoliveri, Barabarca shore (Livorno), on acid rock (UTM WGS84: 32T 611206.4734152), 3 m, 17 July 2021, J. Nascimbene (BOLO). – Species new for the flora of Toscana.
This species, characterized by a crustose-placodioid, episubstratic, bright golden yellow, usually epruinose thallus forming small, orbicular rosettes, is a typical coastal lichen confined to the salt-spray belt (
J. Nascimbene
Verrucaria rupestris Schrad. (Verrucariaceae)
+ VEN: Tregnago (Verona), on calcareous rocks (UTM WGS 84: 32T 669000.806, 5042180.329), 1855(?), A. Massalongo (Herb. Massalongo MSNVE 25489). – Species historically recorded for the flora of Veneto.
This specimen was collected and identified as “Amphoridium rupestre Massal.” by A. Massalongo, probably in 1855 (as most of the other specimens in the same collection), in his hometown (Tregnago). It is preserved at the Natural History Museum of Venice, in an herbarium donated by Massalongo to the Società Veneta di Scienze Naturali, and then transferred to the NHM of Venice. Verrucaria rupestris is an early coloniser of pebbles, mortar walls, brick and roofing tiles, until recently confused with V. muralis Ach., from which it differs in the endolithic thallus and the perithecia, which are immersed in the thallus and in the rock. In Italy, it was known only from Emilia-Romagna and Trentino-Alto Adige (
S. Martellos, P.L. Nimis, R. Trabucco