Research Article |
Corresponding author: Giovanni Astuti ( ) Academic editor: Stefania Biondi
© 2021 Giovanni Astuti, Giulio Barone, Emilio Di Gristina, Gianniantonio Domina, Antonio Giacò, Simone Orsenigo, Lorenzo Peruzzi.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Astuti G, Barone G, Di Gristina E, Domina G, Giacò A, Orsenigo S, Peruzzi L (2021) Chromosome numbers for the Italian flora: 11. Italian Botanist 11: 145-153.
In this contribution, new chromosome data obtained on material collected in Italy are presented. It includes counts for Centaurea aegusae, Hieracium racemosum subsp. lucanum, H. australe subsp. australe, Lysimachia arvensis subsp. arvensis, Micromeria graeca subsp. graeca, and M. graeca subsp. consentina.
cytogeography, cytotaxonomy, endemic taxa, polyploidy
Texts concerning new chromosome data should be submitted electronically to Giovanni Astuti (, including indications on voucher specimens and methods used.
Chromosome number. 2n = 18 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Sicilia. Isola di Favignana, Mt. Santa Caterina, Scindo Passo (Favignana, Trapani) (WGS84: 37.920730°N, 12.307299°E), 50 m a.s.l., maritime carbonate cliffs, 25 July 2019, G. Domina (PAL).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 hours and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine for 7–8 minutes.
Observations. Centaurea aegusae is a rosulate chamaephyte endemic to the island of Favignana (Egadi Archipelago, western Sicily). In the past, it has been reported from all the Egadi islands under the name C. cineraria L. (Gussone 1843; Lojacono-Pojero 1903). On the basis of a statistical biometric study of the C. busambarensis Guss. complex, which represents the C. cineraria L. aggregate in Sicily and its offshore islets, C. aegusae is now recognized as a distinct species (
Chromosome number. 2n = 27 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Basilicata. Timpa Rossa (Lauria, Potenza), in clearings of Quercus cerris woods (WGS84: 40.107361°N, 15.934836°E), 846 m a.s.l., 18 August 2019, E. Di Gristina, F. Maturo & F. Scafidi (PAL n°109701).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 hours and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine for 7–8 minutes.
Observations. Hieracium racemosum subsp. lucanum is a scapose hemicryptophyte, flowering from August to early September. It is currently known only from Timpa Rossa (Lauria, province of Potenza, Basilicata, S Italy) (
Chromosome number. 2n = 40 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Sicilia. Fossa della Garofala (Palermo) (WGS84: 38.107529°N, 13.350157°E), 30 m a.s.l., irrigated Citrus grove, 28 May 2021, G. Barone (SAF).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 hours and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine for 7–8 minutes.
Observations. Lysimachia arvensis subsp. arvensis is an annual plant native to the Mediterranean Basin, but widely distributed around the world (
E. Di Gristina, G. Domina, G. Barone
Chromosome number. 2n = 30 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Calabria. Scalo Ferroviario di San Marco Argentano (Cosenza), nei pressi dello svincolo autostradale (WGS84: 39.62092°N, 16.22147°E), gariga a margine strada, 120 m s.l.m., 17 August 2018, L. Peruzzi (FI).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from seeds germinating on 1% agar in Petri dishes. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 hours and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine.
Observations. This taxon is endemic to Italy, where it occurs in Calabria and Sicily, doubtful in Abruzzo and Basilicata, and no longer found in Campania and Puglia (
Chromosome number. 2n = 60 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Calabria. Scalo Ferroviario di San Marco Argentano (Cosenza), nei pressi dello svincolo autostradale (WGS84: 39.62064°N, 16.22079°E), nelle fessure dell’asfalto a margine strada, 118 m s.l.m., 17 August 2018, L. Peruzzi (seeds collected and deposited at the germplasm bank of the Department of Biology, University of Pisa).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from seeds germinating on 1% agar in Petri dishes. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 hours and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine.
Observations. This taxon is distributed throughout the Mediterranean region from Morocco to the Near East (
A. Giacò, G. Astuti, L. Peruzzi
Chromosome number. 2n = 27 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. ITALY. Lombardia. Milano (WGS84 45.47032°N, 9.17739°E), mura del Castello Sforzesco, 125 m, 2014, S. Orsenigo (Kew Gardens Millennium Seed Bank, Serial No. 808376).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 hours and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine for 7–8 minutes.
Observations. Hieracium australe is a perennial species distributed in France, Italy, Hungary, and Romania (
G. Astuti, A. Giacò, S. Orsenigo