Research Article |
Corresponding author: Sonia Ravera ( ) Academic editor: Lorenzo Peruzzi
© 2021 Sonia Ravera, Marta Puglisi, Alfredo Vizzini, Michele Aleffi, Renato Benesperi, Giovanni Bergamo Decarli, Gabriele Berta, Elisabetta Bianchi, Fabrizio Boccardo, Ian Briozzo, Marco Clericuzio, Annalena Cogoni, Antonio Croce, Davide Dagnino, Antonio De Agostini, Antonio B. De Giuseppe, Luca Di Nuzzo, Francesco Dovana, Zuzana Fačkovcová, Gabriele Gheza, Stefano Loppi, Jiri Malicek, Mauro Mariotti, Juri Nascimbene, Pier Luigi Nimis, Luca Paoli, Nicodemo G. Passalacqua, Vítězslav Plášek, Silvia Poponessi, Filippo Prosser, Domenico Puntillo, Michele Puntillo, Simone Rovito, Francesco Sguazzin, Giovanni Sicoli, Manuel Tiburtini, Valeria Tomaselli, Claudia Turcato, Chiara Vallese.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Ravera S, Puglisi M, Vizzini A, Aleffi M, Benesperi R, Decarli GB, Berta G, Bianchi E, Boccardo F, Briozzo I, Clericuzio M, Cogoni A, Croce A, Dagnino D, De Agostini A, De Giuseppe AB, Di Nuzzo L, Dovana F, Fačkovcová Z, Gheza G, Loppi S, Malicek J, Mariotti M, Nascimbene J, Nimis PL, Paoli L, Passalacqua NG, Plasek V, Poponessi S, Prosser F, Puntillo D, Puntillo M, Rovito S, Sguazzin F, Sicoli G, Tiburtini M, Tomaselli V, Turcato C, Vallese C (2021) Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 11. Italian Botanist 11: 45-61.
In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi, and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte genera Aneura, Aulacomnium, Dumortiera, Fossombronia, Hennediella, Hygrohypnella, Pohlia, Porella, Riccardia, Tortella, and Tortula, the fungal genera Cortinarius, Mycena, Naucoria, Trichoglossum, and Tubaria and the lichen genera Agonimia, Blastenia, Chaenotheca, Cladonia, Endocarpon, Gyalecta, Lecanographa, Parmeliella, Porpidia, Stenhammarella, and Thelidium.
Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Bryidae, Jungermanniopsida, Marchantiidae
The text of the records should be submitted electronically to: Cecilia Totti ( for algae, Marta Puglisi ( for bryophytes, Alfredo Vizzini ( for fungi, Sonia Ravera ( for lichens. Each text should be within 1,000 characters (spaces included).
Aneura pinguis (L.) Dumort. (Aneuraceae)
+ CAM: Savone delle Ferriere, Teano (Caserta), on tuffs (UTM WGS84 33T 420170.4568975), 220 m, 4 August 2019, leg. A. Croce, det. V. Plášek (Herbarium A. Croce). – Species new for the flora of Campania.
Aneura pinguis is a cosmopolitan species, ranging from Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand to North America and Mexico (
A. Croce, V. Plášek, M. Aleffi
Aulacomnium androgynum (Hedw.) Schwägr. (Aulacomniaceae)
+ TAA: Cascata del Lupo, Bedollo (Trento), on a rotting wood (UTM WGS84: 32T 676998.5114915), 906 m, 20 October 2020, leg. G. Bergamo Decarli, det. F. Sguazzin (Bryophytorum Herbarium F. Sguazzin); near the Redebus bog, Bedollo (Trento), along the bank of the Regnana stream, on a rotting wood (UTM WGS84: 32T 677074.5115017), 1428 m, 17 April 2018, leg. G. Bergamo Decarli, det. F. Sguazzin (Bryophytorum Herbarium F. Sguazzin); not far from the Combricol “Malga”, Bedollo (Trento), under a dripping rock on a rotting wood (UTM WGS84: 32T 678705.5111581), 1630 m, 29 May 2015, leg. G. Bergamo Decarli, det. F. Sguazzin (Bryophytorum Herbarium F. Sguazzin). – Species new for the flora of Trentino-Alto Adige.
Aulacomnium androgynum is a temperate species widespread in northern Europe, up to 63° N, in Cyprus, Turkey, North Africa, Central Asia, Japan, Korea, Canary Islands, North America, and Patagonia (
F. Sguazzin, G. Bergamo Decarli
Dumortiera hirsuta subsp. hirsuta (Dumortieraceae)
+ CAM: Savone delle Ferriere, Teano (Caserta), on acid rocks and humus at the bottom of the shady gorge, in a site rich in ferns dominated by Woodwardia radicans (L.) Sm. (UTM WGS84 33T 420670.4568811), 180 m, 21 August 2019, leg. A. Croce, det. V. Plášek (Herbarium A. Croce). – Subpecies new for the flora of Campania.
Dumortiera hirsuta subsp. hirsuta is an euoceanic- w. mediterranean-macaronesian species, widely distributed in tropical regions. This frondose liverwort is listed as Endangered by
A. Croce, V. Plášek, M. Aleffi
Fossombronia caespitiformis subsp. multispira (Schiffn.) J.R.Bray & Cargill (Fossombroniaceae)
+ PUG: Lama di Lupo, Sant’Eramo in Colle (Bari), on thin soil (UTM WGS84: 33T 644122.4514233), 460 m, 9 March 2019, leg. V. Tomaselli, det. M. Puglisi (CAT). – Subpecies new for the flora of Puglia.
Fossombronia caespitiformis subsp. multispira is a Mediterranean-Atlantic taxon, usually growing on thin soil over rocky cliffs and along the side of paths, in microsites which are moist in winter but dry in summer. The diagnostic character of this subspecies is that the elaters are consistently 3–5- spiralled, whereas in F. caespitiformis subsp. caespitiformis they are regularly bispiralled (
M. Puglisi, V. Tomaselli
Hennediella heimii (Hedw.) R.H.Zander (Pottiaceae)
+ ITALIA (TAA): Fassa Valley, Catinaccio Group, Pale Rabbiose above Vigo di Fassa, sheltered base of south facing dolomitic rock with Hornungia pauciflora (Koch) Soldano & al. (UTM WGS84: 32T 702944.5145248), 2312 m, 28 June 2020, F. Prosser (Herb. Prosser No. 05072). – Species confirmed for the flora of Italy (Trentino-Alto Adige).
This species is reported for Italy by
F. Prosser
Hygrohypnella ochracea (Turner ex Wilson) Ignatov & Ignatova (Campyliaceae)
+ LIG: “IT1331721 Val Noci - Torrente Geirato - Alpesisa”, Rio Val Noci, Montoggio (Genova), rock in torrent (UTM WGS84: 32 T 502634.4918701), 500 m, 6 August 2020, I. Briozzo, D. Dagnino, C. Turcato (GE B236). – Species new for the flora of Liguria.
Hygrohypnella ochracea occurs in several countries of the Mediterranean basin (
I. Briozzo, D. Dagnino, C. Turcato
Pohlia bulbifera (Warnst.) Warnst. (Mniaceae)
+ SAR: Isola Serpentara, Villasimius (Sud Sardegna), on soil (UTM WGS84: 32S 552371.4332380), ca. 20 m, 9 February 2001, S. Poponessi, A. Cogoni (CAG No. SA2.6.2.1.). – Species new for the flora of Sardegna.
Pohlia bulbifera is a circumpolar boreo-temperate species, widespread in Europe and in the whole Boreal hemisphere, but rare in the Mediterranean area (
S. Poponessi, A. De Agostini, A. Cogoni
Porella arboris-vitae subsp. arboris-vitae (Porellaceae)
+ LIG: Ponte dei Passi, Rezzo (Imperia), Tilio-Acerion mixed forest in a creek ravine (UTM WGS84: 32T 406909.4874820), 770 m, 10 June 2020, D. Dagnino, M. Mariotti (GE B251). – Species confirmed for the flora of Liguria.
Porella arboris subsp. arboris-vitae was no longer recorded for Liguria (before 1968), despite it’s presence in most of the surrounding Italian regions (
D. Dagnino, M. Mariotti
Riccardia palmata (Hedw.) Carruth. (Aneuraceae)
+ CAL: Vallone delle Sette Acque, Sila Grande (Cosenza), on rotting logs (UTM WGS 84: 33S 624656.4354888), 1322 m, 20 August 2020, D. Puntillo, M. Puntillo (CLU No. 4190); Vallone Fossiata, Sila Grande (Cosenza), on rotting logs (UTM WGS 84: 33S 636772.4363141), 1336 m, 25 August 2020, D. Puntillo, M. Puntillo (CLU No. 4191). – Species new for the flora of Calabria.
Riccardia palmata is recognizable in the field for its dark, erect green palmately branched thallus. This is the only species of Riccardia that usually grows on rotting wood. In the collection sites, R. palmata forms dense green patches of flat fronds and grows in the most humid and shady part of the forest, especially along the stream, on decaying wood, together with Nowellia curvifolia (Dicks.) Mitt., Lophocolea heterophylla (Schrad.) Dumort. subsp. heterophylla, and Buxbaumia viridis (Moug. ex Lam. & DC.) Brid. ex Moug. & Nestl. This species in Italy is known from the Alps to Toscana with an outpost in Sicilia (
D. Puntillo, M. Puntillo
Tortella flavovirens var. flavovirens (Pottiaceae)
+ LIG: Final section of the trail to Punta Manara, Sestri Levante (Genova), on sandstone in xerothermophilous pioneer herbaceous vegetation (UTM WGS84: 32T 532293.4900019), 50 m, 24 May 2020, C. Turcato, D. Dagnino (GE B235). – Variety confirmed for the flora of Liguria.
Tortella flavovirens var. flavovirens occurs in most of the Italian administrative regions (
D. Dagnino, C. Turcato, G. Berta
Tortella inclinata (R.Hedw.) Limpr. (Pottiaceae)
+ MOL: Campomarino (Campobasso), retrodunal garrigue of Cisto-Lavanduletalia (UTM WGS84: 33T 510306.4641807), 4 m, 5 November 2020, M. Tiburtini (PI040612). – Species new for the flora of Molise.
Tortella inclinata is a temperate species, that thrives in harsh conditions. It is a tuft-forming moss, that grows often in basiphytic and xerophytic conditions. It can be found either in foredune and retrodunal environments (
M. Tiburtini
Tortula caucasica Broth. (Pottiaceae)
+ LIG: Monte Croce dei Tozzi, Casarza Ligure (Genova), on serpentine in arborescent matorral with Juniperus sp. pl. (UTM WGS84: 32T 537512.4901829), 130 m, 24 May 2020, C. Turcato, D. Dagnino (GE B233); final section of the trail to Punta Manara, Sestri Levante (Genova), on sandstone in xero-thermophilous pioneer herbaceous vegetation (UTM WGS84: 32T 532293.4900019), 50 m, 24 May 2020, C. Turcato, D. Dagnino (GE B234). – Species confirmed for the flora of Liguria.
Tortula caucasica occurs in most of the Italian administrative regions (
D. Dagnino, C. Turcato, G. Berta
Cortinarius ochraceopallescens Moënne-Locc. & Reumaux (Cortinariaceae)
+ LIG: Palo, Sassello (Savona) under Fagus sylvatica L. (UTM WGS84: 32T 464099.4925732), 660 m, 22 October 2016, F. Boccardo (Herb. GDOR 3948); Dolcina, Rapallo (Genova) under Quercus pubescens Willd. (UTM WGS84: 32T 514013.4909289), 377 m, 19 November 2011, M. Clericuzio, F. Boccardo (Herb. GDOR 2435). – Species new for the flora of Liguria.
Cortinarius ochraceopallescens belongs to Cortinarius sect. Calochroi M.M.Moser & Horak, and it is characterized by a relatively large size, pale ochraceous-yellowish colours on pileus, often with velar patches, tending to stain in age owing to scattered brownish spots; tender violet lamellae, negative reactions on pileus and bulbipellis with KOH, spores (9.5)10–12.5(14) × 6–7(7.5) μm, amygdaliform, strongly verrucose (
F. Boccardo, M. Clericuzio, F. Dovana
Mycena stylobates (Pers.) P.Kumm. (Mycenaceae)
+ CAL: Botanical Garden of the University of Calabria, Rende (Cosenza), on leaf litter under the crown of a holm oak tree (Quercus ilex L.) (UTM WGS84: 33S 605942.4357155), 216 m, 13 November 2020, A.B. De Giuseppe, N.G. Passalacqua, G. Sicoli (CLU No. F312). – Species new for the flora of Calabria.
Mycena stylobates is an agaricoid fungus colonising the leaf litter of deciduous trees from where its stipitate and bright-white small pileate basidiomata emerge, easily recognisable for a distinct basal disc at the point of attachment of the stipe to the leaf. A dozen of such basidiomata were detected showing glabrous and at most 10 mm diameter max sized pilei, 5 mm long and 1 mm thick stipes, and maximum 2.5 mm max wide basal discs surrounded by a hairy edge easily detectable under a lens (
A.B. De Giuseppe, N.G. Passalacqua, G. Sicoli
Naucoria bohemica Velen. (Hymenogastraceae)
+ CAL: Botanical Garden of the University of Calabria, Rende (Cosenza), on the ground in a deciduous coppice stand (Quercus spp. as prevailing tree species) (UTM WGS84: 33S 605950.4357342), 200 m, 23 October 2020, G. Sicoli, A.B. De Giuseppe, N.G. Passalacqua (CLU No. F310). – Species new for the flora of Calabria.
A group of small agaricaceous basidiomata belonging to Naucoria bohemica was detected on the ground along a path surrounded by Quercus cerris L. and Q. pubescens Willd. in a mixed broadleaved coppice stand where this fungus is an ectomycorrhizal agent to tree species. The chestnut-brown and 2–3 mm diameter campanulate pilei of basidiomata were easily recognisable for being radially weakly striate close to the edge. The stipe showed a dense silvery white coating disappearing at maturity and by handling. The ochre, verrucose and amygdaliform spores exceeding 10 µm in length were produced mostly at the top of 2-spored basidia, and cheilocystidia were apically obtuse and subcylindric (
G. Sicoli, A.B. De Giuseppe, N.G. Passalacqua
Trichoglossum tetrasporum Sinden & Fitzp. (Geoglossaceae)
+ CAL: Botanical Garden of the University of Calabria, Rende (Cosenza), on the ground among mosses in a deciduous coppice oak stand (UTM WGS84: 33S 605941.4357277), 205 m, 13 January 2021, G. Sicoli, S. Rovito, D. Puntillo (CLU No. F313). – Species new for the flora of Calabria.
Trichoglossum tetrasporum is an ascomycete living on the ground in meadows, forests and bogs, and producing a 10-mm high blackish club-shaped hymenophore borne by a non well defined, same height, longer or shorter, narrow stipe. The hymenial and stem surfaces are covered with fine erect setae as in Trichoglossum hirsutum (Pers.) Boud.; T. tetrasporum differs from this species by forming 105–140 µm long and 15-septate (when mature) ascospores in four-spored asci instead of eight-spored ones (
G. Sicoli, S. Rovito, D. Puntillo
Tubaria furfuracea (Pers.) Gillet (Tubariaceae)
+ CAL: Botanical Garden of the University of Calabria, Rende (Cosenza), on the ground at the edge of a riparian wood (Populus × canescens and Salix sp. pl. as prevailing species) (UTM WGS84: 33S 605955.4357351), 200 m, 23 October 2020, N.G. Passalacqua, A.B. De Giuseppe, G. Sicoli (CLU No. F311). – Species new for the flora of Calabria.
Small agaricaceous basidiomata belonging to Tubaria fufuracea were observed and identified on the ground close to Populus and Salix trees, where this fungus is a plant-remnants degrading agent. The reddish-brown and 2-3 mm-diameter basidiomata were easily recognisable due to the typical small, white veil remnants close to the edge of the campanulate, hygrophanous and striate pilei. The smooth and ellipsoid spores were light ochre and cheilocystidia were typically subcapitate (
N.G. Passalacqua, A.B. De Giuseppe, G. Sicoli
Agonimia globulifera M.Brand & Diederich (Verrucariaceae)
+ PIE: Vernante (Cuneo), 3 km NNW of Limone Piemonte (Cuneo), growing on soil on a limestone outcrop in deciduous forest (UTM WGS84: 32T 384862.4898399), 920 m, 27 April 2012, J. Malíček (Herb. Malíček no. 7068). – Species new for the flora of Piemonte.
Agonimia globulifera is a crustose lichen, well characterized by the presence of black, glossy sterile globules (aggregated goniocysts) on a minutely granulose greenish thallus. In Europe, this species generally occurs on moss, plant debris, humus, and rarely on rocks in open calcareous areas at mainly low and middle elevations (
J. Malíček, S. Ravera
Blastenia monticola Arup & Vondrák (Teloschistaceae)
+ LOM: Boschi del Giovetto di Palìne Natural Reserve, Roccolo del Gatì, Borno (Brescia), on bark of Picea abies (L.) H.Karst. (UTM WGS84: 32T 587850.5090486), 1710 m, 25 October 2020, leg. G. Gheza, det. G. Gheza, P.L. Nimis (Herb. Nascimbene JN7012, Herb. Gheza). – Species new for the flora of Lombardia.
+ VEN: Dolomiti d’Ampezzo Natural Park, Socroda, Cortina d’Ampezzo (Belluno), on bark of Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (UTM WGS84: 33T 277742.5169622), 2150 m, 17 June 1998, leg. J. Nascimbene, det. J. Nascimbene, P.L. Nimis (Herb. Nascimbene JN265). – Species new for the flora of Veneto.
+ TAA: Zirmboden, Obereggen (Bolzano), on bark of Picea abies (L.) H.Karst. (UTM WGS84: 32T 695717.5139877), 1950 m, 11 May 2012, leg. J. Nascimbene, det. J. Nascimbene, P.L. Nimis (Herb. Nascimbene JN2694). – Species new for the flora of Trentino-Alto Adige.
This is a recently-described species (
J. Nascimbene, G. Gheza, P.L. Nimis
Chaenotheca brachypoda (Ach.) Tibell (Coniocybaceae)
+ VEN: Casera Razzo,Vigo di Cadore (Belluno), on wood of Abies alba Mill. (UTM WGS84: 33T 316446-5150323), ca. 1700 m, 12 September 1987, D. Puntillo (CLU No. 4223). – Species new for the flora of Veneto.
During a review of some specimens of Caliciod lichens stored in the CLU herbarium, several apothecia of Chaenotheca brachypoda were found mixed together with Chaenotheca trichialis (Ach.) Hellb. and its parasite Microcalicium disseminatum (Ach.) Vainio. Chaenotheca brachypoda has an endosubstratic thallus, and it is recognizable for its densely yellowish green-pruinose stalk, the spherical capitulum with yellow-green pruina with poorly developed excipulum and the evanescent cylindrical asci characteristically formed in chains. This specimen was collected on lignum of Abies alba Mill., on the face protected from rain. It is a rare species, classified in the Italian Red List of epiphytic lichens as “Endangered” (
D. Puntillo
Cladonia subturgida Samp. (Cladoniaceae)
+ TOS: Montecristo, Portoferraio (Livorno), on soil in the shrubland along the trail to Monte della Fortezza (UTM WGS84: 32T 607034.4688072), 195 m, 10 May 2016, leg. E. Bianchi, R. Benesperi, L. Di Nuzzo, det. T. Athi (Herb. Benesperi RB14). – Species new for the flora of Toscana.
Cladonia subturgida is a fruticose lichen with composite thallus. The primary thallus is persistent while the secondary thallus, which bears dark brown apothecia, is often absent. Despite being previously reported only for the Iberian Peninsula and Canary Islands (
E. Bianchi E., R. Benesperi R., L. Di Nuzzo
Endocarpon psorodeum (Nyl.) Blomb. & Forssell (Verrucariaceae)
+ LOM: Dossi di Santicolo, Corteno Golgi (Brescia), along the road between Edolo and Santicolo, on a schist outcrop (Scisti di Edolo formation) (UTM WGS84: 32T 599618.5113738), 807 m, 19 August 2019, leg. G. Gheza, det. L. Di Nuzzo (Herb. Gheza); trail between Saviore dell’Adamello and Fabrezza (Brescia), on a schist outcrop (Scisti di Edolo formation) (UTM WGS84: 32T 608473.5104057), 1272 m, 3 January 2020, G. Gheza (Herb. Gheza). – Species new for the flora of Lombardia.
Endocarpon psorodeum is a squamulose chlorolichen with distinctly flattened and ascending squamules and black globose perithecia with hymenial algae (Nimis 2020). It is similar to Endocarpon adscendens (Anzi) Müll. Arg., whose squamules have dark rhizohyphae, lacking in E. psorodeum. Another similar species is Endocarpon latzelianum Servít, which grows on calcareous substrates, whereas E. psorodeum grows on basic siliceous substrates (
G. Gheza, C. Vallese, L. Di Nuzzo
Gyalecta derivata (Nyl.) H. Olivier (Gyalectaceae)
+ CAM: Santuario S.S. Annunziata, Licusati frazione di Camerota (Salerno), on Olea europaea L. (UTM WGS84: 33T 530453.4434790), 410 m, 4 April 2010, S. Ravera (Herb. Ravera); Omignano (Salerno), on Castanea sativa Mill. (UTM WGS 84: 33T 506305.4454875), 750 m, 14 July 2010, S. Ravera (Herb. Ravera); Centola (Salerno), on Olea europaea L. (UTM WGS 84: 33T 527122.4436156), 340 m, 25 February 2011, leg. G. Brunialti, V. Genovesi, S. Ravera, det. S. Ravera (Herb. Ravera). – Species new for the flora of Campania.
Gyalecta derivata is a crustose trentepohlioid lichen with a thin or inconspicuous grey thallus and urceolate apothecia, characterized by orange-brown disc. It can be easily differentiated from other species of the genus by oblong-fusiform ascospores (5–)7–13–septate, rarely with 1–2 longitudinal septa. This species is widespread in Europe and also known from North Africa (
S. Ravera
Lecanographa amylacea (Ehrh. ex Pers.) Egea & Torrente (Lecanographaceae)
+ CAM: S. Severino di Centola (Salerno), on wood (UTM WGS84: 33T 529671.4437415), 130 m, 21 February leg. G. Brunialti, V. Genovesi, S. Ravera, det. S. Ravera; Pisciotta (Salerno), on Olea europaea L. (UTM WGS84: 33T 519127.4440793), 230 m, 22 February 2011, leg. G. Brunialti, V. Genovesi, S. Ravera, det. S. Ravera (Herb. Ravera). – Species new for the flora of Campania.
Lecanographa amylacea is a crustose trentepohlioid lichen with a thick, chalky white to grey-white, farinose thallus and densely white-pruinose, round to irregular black apothecia, more or less immersed in the thallus. It is a mild-temperate, mainly western lichen, rare in Italy (Nimis 2006), usually found on dry bark of old trees not directely wetted by rain, in ancient woodlands or also historical urban parkland e.g. Botanical Garden in Rome (
S. Ravera
Parmeliella testacea P.M.Jørg. (Pannariaceae)
+ ABR: Vallone Grascito, south of Sulmona (L’Aquila), on the bark of Quercus pubescens Willd. (UTM WGS84: 33T 413890.4652618), 545 m, 7 July 2020, leg. L. Paoli, Z. Fačkovcová, S. Loppi, A. Vannini, det. L. Paoli, Z. Fačkovcová, S. Loppi. – Species new for the flora of Abruzzo.
This cyanolichen has a squamulose thallus, typically characterized by chestnut brown to grey-brown rosettes, loosely attached (
L. Paoli, Z. Fačkovcová, S. Loppi
Porpidia flavicunda (Ach.) Gowan (Lecideaceae)
+ TAA: Val Comasine, Pejo (Trento), on siliceous rocks (UTM WGS84: 32T 628432.5132684), 2070 m, 31 August 2020, leg. T.L. Bacchilega, det. J. Nascimbene (Herb. Nascimbene JN7050). – Species confirmed for the flora of Trentino-Alto Adige.
Porpidia flavicunda is a variable species (see
J. Nascimbene
Stenhammarella turgida (Ach.) Hertel (Lecideaceae)
+ VEN: Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park, Vette Feltrine, Col dei Cavai, Sovramonte (Belluno), on selciferous calcareous rocks (UTM WGS84: 32T 719874.5106811), 1660 m, 28 June 2020, leg. J. Nascimbene, det. P.L. Nimis (Herb. Nascimbene JN7120); Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park, Cimonega, Col dei Bechi, Cesiomaggiore (Belluno), on selciferous calcareous rocks (UTM WGS84: 32T 727065.5115734), 1975 m, 12 August 2020, leg. J. Nascimbene, det. P.L. Nimis (Herb. Nascimbene JN7121). – Species confirmed for the flora of Veneto.
This species, widespread throughout the Alps (
J. Nascimbene, P.L. Nimis
Thelidium auruntii (A. Massal.) Kremp. (Verrucariaceae)
+ VEN: Dolomiti d’Ampezzo Natural Park, Tofana di Rozes, Cortina d’Ampezzo (Belluno), on dolomite (UTM WGS84: 33T 273856.5158438), 2870 m, 5 August 2020, leg. J. Nascimbene, det. P.L. Nimis, J. Nascimbene (Herb. Nascimbene JN6884). – Species confirmed for the flora of Veneto.
Thelidium auruntii differs from the related Thelidium pyrenophorum (Ach.) Körb. in the well-developed, brown thallus and the smaller spores. Known form several scattered stations throughout the Alps (
J. Nascimbene, P.L. Nimis
Thelidium ungeri Körb. (Verrucariaceae)
+ VEN: Dolomiti d’Ampezzo Natural Park, Tofana di Rozes, Cortina d’Ampezzo (Belluno), on dolomite (UTM WGS84: 33T 273856.5158438), 2870 m, 5 August 2020, leg. J. Nascimbene, det. P.L. Nimis, J. Nascimbene (Herb. Nascimbene JN6884). – Species confirmed for the flora of Veneto.
Thelidium auruntii differs from the related Thelidium pyrenophorum (Ach.) Körb. in the well-developed brown thallus and the smaller spores. Known form several scattered stations throughout the Alps (
J. Nascimbene, P.L. Nimis
Gabriele Gheza thanks Enzo Bona (Capo di Ponte, Brescia, Italy) for indicating the lichenologically interesting sites in which Endocarpon psorodeum was collected.