Research Article |
Corresponding author: Giovanni Astuti ( ) Academic editor: Lorenzo Peruzzi
© 2020 Romeo Di Pietro, Antonio L. Conte, Paola Fortini, Gianni D’Amato, Giovanni Astuti.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Di Pietro R, Conte AL, Fortini P, D’Amato G, Astuti G (2020) Chromosome numbers for the Italian flora: 10. Italian Botanist 10: 113-122.
In this contribution, new chromosome data regarding two taxonomically critical genera of the Italian flora, namely Plantago and Sesleria, are presented. All the specimens analysed in this paper were collected in the Italian territory and include three chromosome counts for Plantago (P. albicans, P. crassifolia, and P. subulata) and two counts for Sesleria (S. caerulea and S. nitida).
Cytogeography, cytotaxonomy, chromosome number instability, Plantago, Sesleria
Texts concerning new chromosome data should be submitted electronically to Giovanni Astuti (, including indications on voucher specimens and methods used.
Chromosome number. 2n = 20 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. Italy. Basilicata. Madonna delle Grazie (Pisticci, Matera) (WGS84: 40.374528N, 16.557667E), stenomediterranean dry grasslands developed on quaternary marine sands, 150 m, 28 May 2001, R. Di Pietro (HFLA).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from living plants. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 hours and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine for 7–8 minutes.
Observations. In the last ten years, narrow leaved plantains have been the subject of accurate taxonomic and nomenclatural revisions which led to numerous changes in their classification (
Chromosome number. 2n = 20 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. Italy. Puglia. Saline di Punta della Contessa (Brindisi) (WGS84: 40.615361N, 18.024000E), temporarily inundated sands characterizing retrodunal areas (Schoeno nigricantis-Plantaginetum crassifoliae Br.-Bl. 1931), 1 m, 20 May 2008, R. Di Pietro (HFLA).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from living plants. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 hours and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine for 7–8 minutes.
Observations. Plantago crassifolia is a Mediterranean species which occurs throughout southern Italy with the exception of Campania, and in Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, and Friuli-Venezia Giulia (
Chromosome number. 2n = 12 (Figs
Voucher specimens. Italy. Puglia. Torre dell’Orso (Melendugno, Lecce) (WGS84: 40.268722N, 18.439611E), rocky coastal areas on limestone, 1 m a.s.l., 20 May 2008, R. Di Pietro (HFLA); Isola di San Domino (Isole Tremiti, Foggia) (WGS84: 42.120972N, 15.495389E), rocky coastal side 12 May 2002, M. Cutini (HFLA).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from living plants. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 hours and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine for 7–8 minutes.
Observations. Prior to Hassemer’s review (2018), the following narrow-leaved plantains were considered to occur in Puglia: Plantago grovesii Brullo (a local Apulian endemic taxon whose distribution area is restricted to a narrow strip of rocky Adriatic coast of the southern Salento Peninsula from Torre dell’Orso to Otranto), P. holosteum subsp. holosteum (submontane and montane belt of Mount Gargano), and P. holosteum subsp. scopulorum (Degen) H-ic’ restricted to the Tremiti Archipelago. In his recent revision,
R. Di Pietro, A.L. Conte, P. Fortini, G. D’Amato
Chromosome number. 2n = 28 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. Italy. Lombardia. Val Camonica, Bosco delle Tagliate, Pescarzo (Capo di Ponte, Brescia) (WGS84: 46.032639N, 10.318400E), undergrowth of Ostrya carpinifolia woods 25 October 2005, R. Di Pietro, G. Ciaschetti, S. Armiraglio, M. Caccianiga, E. Bona (HFLA); Trentino-Alto Adige. Mezzolombardo (Trento) (WGS84: 46.219833N, 11.083031E), chasmophytic vegetation on limestone cliffs in the hilly belt, 15 March 2006, R. Di Pietro & P. Fortini (HFLA).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from living plants. Root tips were pre-treated with 8-hydroxyquinoline 0.002M for 24 hours at 4 °C temperature and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C for 7–8 minutes, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine for 2–3 hours. Subsequently an enzymatic treatment of approximately 10–20 minutes with 10% pectinase solution and powdered cellulase in 5% solution was carried out.
Observations. The genus Sesleria in Italy has been the object of an accurate taxonomic-nomenclatural revision (
Chromosome number. 2n = 28 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. Italy. Lazio. Monte Terminillo, Pian de Valli (Vazia, Rieti) (WGS84: 42.453639N, 12.987333E), dry grasslands on rocky limestone slopes, 25 June 2003, R. Di Pietro, A. Granati (HFLA).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from living plants. Root tips were pre-treated with 8-hydroxyquinoline 0.002M for 24 hours at 4 °C temperature and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C for 7–8 minutes, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine for 2–3 hours. Subsequently an enzymatic treatment of approximately 10–20 minutes with 10% pectinase in 10% solution, and powdered cellulase in 5% solution was carried out.
Observations. Sesleria nitida Ten. is a species endemic to the central and southern Apennines and Sicily. Our chromosome count confirms what was already reported for this species by
R. Di Pietro, A.L. Conte, P. Fortini, G. D’Amato
RDP, AC, PF wish to thank Alberto Bracaglia for his contribute in the laboratory work.