Research Article |
Corresponding author: Gabriele Galasso ( ) Academic editor: Stefania Biondi
© 2019 Gabriele Galasso, Gianniantonio Domina, Nicola M.G. Ardenghi, Claudio Aristarchi, Gianluigi Bacchetta, Fabrizio Bartolucci, Gianmaria Bonari, Daniela Bouvet, Giuseppe Brundu, Sergio Buono, Orazio Caldarella, Giacomo Calvia, Ana Cano-Ortiz, Emilio Corti, Francesco S. D’Amico, Marco D’Antraccoli, Alessandra Di Turi, Moreno Dutto, Emanuele Fanfarillo, Giulio Ferretti, Tiberio Fiaschi, Claudia Ganz, Riccardo Guarino, Mauro Iberite, Valentina L.A. Laface, Alfonso La Rosa, Lorenzo Lastrucci, Marta Latini, Lorenzo Lazzaro, Michele Lonati, Vanessa Lozano, Fabio Luchino, Sara Magrini, Andrea Mainetti, Manuela Manca, Michele Mugnai, Carmelo M. Musarella, Gianluca Nicolella, Nicola Olivieri, Ines Orrù, Gaetano Pazienza, Lorenzo Peruzzi, Lina Podda, Filippo Prosser, Simone Ravetto Enri, Silvana Restivo, Francesco Roma-Marzio, Alessandro Ruggero, Anna Scoppola, Federico Selvi, Giovanni Spampinato, Adriano Stinca, Massimo Terzi, Manuel Tiburtini, Emilia Tornatore, Roberto Vetromile, Chiara Nepi.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Galasso G, Domina G, Ardenghi NMG, Aristarchi C, Bacchetta G, Bartolucci F, Bonari G, Bouvet D, Brundu G, Buono S, Caldarella O, Calvia G, Cano-Ortiz A, Corti E, D’Amico FS, D’Antraccoli M, Di Turi A, Dutto M, Fanfarillo E, Ferretti G, Fiaschi T, Ganz C, Guarino R, Iberite M, Laface VLA, La Rosa A, Lastrucci L, Latini M, Lazzaro L, Lonati M, Lozano V, Luchino F, Magrini S, Mainetti A, Manca M, Mugnai M, Musarella CM, Nicolella G, Olivieri N, Orrù I, Pazienza G, Peruzzi L, Podda L, Prosser F, Ravetto Enri S, Restivo S, Roma-Marzio F, Ruggero A, Scoppola A, Selvi F, Spampinato G, Stinca A, Terzi M, Tiburtini M, Tornatore E, Vetromile R, Nepi C (2019) Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 7. Italian Botanist 7: 157-182.
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions of taxa in the genera Abies, Actinidia, Aloe, Amaryllis, Anredera, Arctotheca, Bidens, Cardiospermum, Celosia, Commelina, Cotoneaster, Cyclamen, Eclipta, Euphorbia, Grevillea, Hedera, Hibiscus, Impatiens, Juglans, Kalanchoe, Koelreuteria, Lindernia, Melinis, Myriophyllum, Nandina, Nicotiana, Oenothera, Oxalis, Parthenocissus, Phoenix, Phyllanthus, Physalis, Plumbago, Pteris, Quercus, Setaria, Symphytum, Tagetes, and Washingtonia. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material
Alien species, floristic data, Italy
The text for the new records should be submitted electronically to Chiara Nepi ( The corresponding specimen along with its scan or photograph has to be sent to FI Herbarium: Museo di Storia Naturale (Botanica), Sistema Museale di Ateneo, Via G. La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze (Italy). Those texts concerning nomenclatural novelties (typifications only for accepted names), status changes, exclusions, and confirmations should be submitted electronically to: Gabriele Galasso ( Each text should be within 2,000 characters (spaces included).
+ (NAT) SAR: Tempio Pausania (Sassari), Cime del Limbara, abetaia Madonna della Neve (WGS84: 40.51057N; 9.10121E), abetaia, 30 January 1994, A. Ruggero (Herb. A. Ruggero); Tempio Pausania (Sassari), Monte Limbara, Punta Balestrieri (WGS84: 40.51035N; 9.10816E), graniti ercinici, 1240–1260 m, 19 January 2008, G. Bacchetta, A. Congiu (CAG); Berchidda (Sassari), Valle di Suprappare (WGS84: 40.841674N; 9.167793E), graniti, garighe, ericeti, rocce, 1132 m, 21 May 2018, G. Calvia (FI, Herb. G. Calvia). – Naturalized alien species new for the flora of Sardegna.
This species is endemic to Greece, but it was introduced in other countries for reforestations (
G. Bacchetta, G. Calvia, A. Ruggero
+ (CAS) LIG: Castiglione Chiavarese (Genova), impluvio sotto la cresta del Monte Merelle, versante N (WGS84: 44.25705N; 9.53501E), boscaglia igrofila, 424 m, 17 June 2018, A. Di Turi, C. Aristarchi (FI, GDOR, GE). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Liguria.
It is a widely cultivated plant, native to East Asia, recorded in Italy as casual for Lombardia, Trentino-Alto Adige, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, and Lazio (
A. Di Turi, C. Aristarchi
+ (CAS) PUG: Isole Tremiti (Foggia), Isola di San Domino, loc. Cameroni (WGS84: 42.116391N; 15.493383E), dirupo costiero colonizzato da Pinus halepensis, ca. 30 m, 27 July 2018, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Puglia.
Some individuals of this species grow under Pinus halepensis subsp. halepensis trees on a carbonate steep coastal cliff. The plants grow along with Mesembryanthemum cordifolium L.f. and Phagnalon rupestre subsp. illyricum (H.Lindb.) Ginzb., on a little compact rock face exposed to East and partially shaded, not far from the sea. They may have originated by vegetative propagation from cultivated plants, used as ornamental in some surrounding private gardens. This species is frequently cultivated in the Mediterranean Italy and it is known as a casual alien in Liguria, Toscana, Lazio, Campania, and Basilicata, while it is naturalized in Sardegna (
N. Olivieri
+ (NAT) SIC: Savoca (Messina), loc. Pineta di Savoca (WGS84: 37.957310N; 15.338410E), sottobosco di un impianto forestale a Pinus pinea e Robinia pseudoacacia, 25 October 2018, F. Luchino (FI). – Naturalized alien species new for the flora of Sicilia.
Amaryllis belladonna is native to South Africa, but it is now distributed in several tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions of the world (
F. Luchino, O. Caldarella, A. La Rosa
+ (NAT) SAR. – Status change from casual to naturalized alien for the flora of Sardegna.
Anredera cordifolia, originating from South America, is reported as invasive in Italy where, in the last 20 years, it became naturalized in many coastal areas (
M. Manca, G. Brundu
+ (CAS) ITALIA (CAM): Napoli (Napoli), Parco Virgiliano (WGS84: 40.799727N; 14.180829E), sito erboso al margine del bosco di latifoglie, 142 m, 14 August 2018, A. Stinca, R. Vetromile (FI, PORUN–Herb. Stinca). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Italy (Campania).
Arctotheca prostrata is a South African perennial herb, showing long stolons rooting at nodes. This species has been introduced in other parts of the world, such as USA, Mexico, and Australia (
A. Stinca, R. Vetromile
+ (NAT) TOS: Firenze (Firenze), stazione ferroviaria dello Statuto, binari (WGS84: 43.787222N; 11.250833E), abbondante negli erbai ruderali fra i binari della ferrovia, 2 November 2018, F. Selvi (FI). – Naturalized alien species new for the flora of Toscana.
This Central-South American species occurs as an invasive neophyte in most Italian regions, from Friuli Venezia Giulia and Lombardia in the North to Sicilia in the South (
F. Selvi
+ (CAS) PIE: Saluzzo (Cuneo), loc. Terre Rosse (WGS84: 44.641560N; 7.472558E), area collinare incolta vicino ad area boschiva, 369 m, 4 October 2017, M. Dutto, G. Malfi (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Piemonte.
Cardiospermum halicacabum is a herbaceous perennial climbing plant native to the northern and tropical America. It is cultivated as an ornamental and may be found as naturalized in the warmer regions of southern Europe. In Italy it has been reported for the first time as a naturalized alien for Calabria and Sicilia, and as a casual for Sardegna (
M. Dutto, D. Bouvet
+ (CAS) PUG: Ugento (Lecce), fraz. Torre San Giovanni (WGS84: 39.875000N; 18.146813E), vegetazione disturbata al margine di una strada interpoderale presso la costa ionica, ca. 3 m, 21 August 2018, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Puglia.
This species appears with some individuals in a disturbed vegetation, dominated by Phragmites australis subsp. australis, at the edge of a country road. The plants grow in a flat coastal area, on red soil with good water availability.
N. Olivieri
+ (CAS) ITALIA (SIC): Palermo (Palermo), centro urbano, all’angolo tra Via M. Rapisardi e Via N. Morello (WGS84: 38.134187N; 13.343394E), marciapiede, 8 October 2018, O. Caldarella (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Italy (Sicilia).
Commelina erecta is native to Central America (
O. Caldarella, A. La Rosa, F. Luchino, E. Tornatore
+ (CAS) TOS: Bagno a Ripoli (Firenze), 2 km a E di Villamagna, lungo la strada sterrata che porta in loc. Torrino (WGS84: 43.76330N; 11.36026E), gariga e boscaglia meso-xerofila, 250 m, 21 July 2018, F. Roma-Marzio, L. Peruzzi (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Toscana.
Cotoneaster pannosus is a popular ornamental evergreen shrub, native to China (
F. Roma-Marzio, L. Peruzzi
+ (CAS) ABR: Lanciano (Chieti), Via A. Cacciaguerra (WGS84: 42.229116N; 14.392751E), base del muro perimetrale di un edificio, ca. 285 m, 8 August 2018, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Abruzzo.
A young individual of this species developed into a crevice at the base of the perimeter wall of a building, near a rain gutter downspout in a shaded site in the town. The plant may have originated from seeds produced by individuals grown as ornamental in neighboring buildings. Cyclamen persicum is a species native to South-Central Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, the Greek islands of Crete, Rhodes and Karpathos, as well as to Algeria and Tunisia, now widely cultivated for ornamental purpose. In Italy, this species is reported as casual alien in Lombardia and Sardegna (
N. Olivieri
+ (NAT) LAZ. – Status change from casual to naturalized alien for the flora of Lazio.
This species, native to Asia, is a widely distributed and a common weed in warm temperate to tropical areas worldwide, where it grows commonly in moist places (
S. Buono, A. Scoppola, S. Magrini
+ (NAT) TOS: Pontedera (Pisa), stazione ferroviaria di Pontedera-Casciana Terme (WGS84: 43.662113N; 10.629512E), tra i binari nella massicciata ferroviaria, 13 m, 4 October 2018, G. Ferretti, M. Mugnai, E. Corti (FI); Grosseto (Grosseto), fraz. Alberese, stazione ferroviaria di Alberese Scalo (WGS84: 42.640182N; 11.134348E), nella massicciata ferroviaria in prossimità dei binari e nelle aree marginali, assieme a Euphorbia nutans, 23 m, 17 November 2018, M. Mugnai, S. Di Natale, L. Lazzaro, G. Ferretti (FI). – Naturalized alien species new for the flora of Toscana.
Euphorbia davidii is an alien species native to North America, usually retrieved along railways or in agricultural land (
M. Mugnai, E. Corti, L. Lazzaro, G. Ferretti
+ (NAT) LAZ: Ferentino (Frosinone), stazione ferroviaria (WGS84: 41.657718N; 13.245576E), tra i binari, 160 m, 16 October 2017, E. Fanfarillo (RO); ibidem (WGS84: 41.65695N; 13.24635E), tra i binari, 160 m, 12 September 2018, E. Fanfarillo (FI, RO); Morolo (Frosinone), stazione ferroviaria (WGS84: 41.667064N; 13,194339E), abbondante tra i binari e sulle banchine, 160 m, 10 July 2018, E. Fanfarillo (FI, RO). – Naturalized alien species new for the flora of Lazio.
The population recorded in Ferentino was observed for the first time in October 2017; it appeared again, more conspicuous, in September 2018. In Morolo, this species was discovered in July 2018; it looks more abundant than in Ferentino and colonizes both the railways and the platforms. The invasive potential of this taxon (
E. Fanfarillo, G. Nicolella
+ (CAS) LAZ: Roma (Roma), Via C. De Lollis (WGS84: 41.900975N; 12.515406E), interstizi tra muro e marciapiede, 47 m, 11 June 2018, E. Fanfarillo (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Lazio.
This species is cultivated as an ornamental tree along Via Cesare De Lollis, where every year it produces abundant flowers and fruits. Juveniles grow in the interstices between a wall and a sidewalk; rare seedlings were also observed in wall cracks.
E. Fanfarillo
+ (NAT) PIE: Torino (Torino), Mirafiori Sud, bosco di ripa del Fiume Sangone, a valle della ciclopista del Sangone situata su Via Fratelli Bandiera (WGS84: 45.006917N; 7.655493E), bosco di ripa, ca. 230 m, 21 October 2018, M. Lonati, S. Ravetto Enri (FI); Grugliasco (Torino), area industriale di Strada del Portone, scarpate del sovrappasso ferroviario di Via Maserati, su entrambi i lati della ferrovia (WGS84: 45.046235N; 7.594065E), scarpata, ca. 275 m, 26 November 2018, M. Lonati, A. Mainetti (FI). – Naturalized alien species new for the flora of Piemonte.
This is a ground cover plant frequently escaping from cultivation (
M. Lonati, S. Ravetto Enri, A. Mainetti
+ (CAS) PUG: Brindisi (Brindisi), loc. Casale, presso Via Santa Maria del Casale (WGS84: 40.644697N; 17.941041E), base di muro ombroso, ca. 5 m, 23 August 2018, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Puglia.
Some young plants grow together with ruderal vegetation at the base of a wall built with blocks of limestone and concrete, in a shady and rather humid area near the port of Brindisi. Nearby there are some enclosed gardens where the species could be cultivated and from which the seeds may have come. Hybiscus syriacus is known as a casual alien in Piemonte, Lombardia, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Toscana, Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo, Campania, and Sardegna (
N. Olivieri
+ (CAS) LAZ: Alatri (Frosinone), Via Castagneto (WGS84: 41.735549N; 13.301030E), cunetta stradale, un solo individuo, 450 m, 24 July 2018, E. Fanfarillo (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Lazio.
A single flowering individual was found growing in a grassy road ditch.
E. Fanfarillo
+ (CAS) ABR: Rocca di Mezzo (L’Aquila), loc. Colle del Morricone, ai margini dell’abitato (WGS84: 42.208438N; 13.511394E), incolto presso il bordo stradale, ca. 1290 m, 2 August 2018, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Abruzzo.
Some young individuals grow near the roadside on a rather deep calcareous soil in an uncultivated area occupied by disturbed vegetation dominated by shrubs such as Acer campestre L., A. pseudoplatanus L., Crataegus monogyna Jacq., and Prunus spinosa subsp. spinosa. Juglans nigra is cultivated as ornamental in private gardens located in the area and the young plants probably originate from seeds dispersed by zoochory. This species is native to the eastern regions of North America and was introduced in Italy in 1760 (
N. Olivieri
+ (NAT) LAZ: Roma (Roma), Municipio II, Via C. De Lollis, lato N, a fianco della fermata dell’autobus “de Lollis/Irpini” (WGS84: 41.901187N; 12.515989E), interstizio tra muro e marciapiede, 43 m, 10 September 2018, E. Fanfarillo (FI); ibidem, crepe nel cemento e fessure tra tubature, 43 m, 7 December 2018, N.M.G. Ardenghi (FI). – Naturalized alien nothospecies new for the flora of Lazio.
This ornamental nothotaxon is frequently cultivated in gardens and balconies and can easily escape into the wild by producing abundant, promptly radicating vegetative propagules (leaf-bulbils), so that it became invasive in some areas of the world (
E. Fanfarillo, N.M.G. Ardenghi
+ (CAS) TOS: Campiglia Marittima (Livorno), fraz. Venturina Terme (WGS84: 42.998797N; 10.516870E), tra la strada e un campo abbandonato, 18 m, 21 October 2017, T. Fiaschi (FI). – Casual alien species new to the flora of Toscana.
In our finding, the occurrence of this species is probably due to seed dispersed from private gardens. The escaped specimens currently found are about ten. Some of them reach two metres in height. Since the cultivation of Koelreuteria paniculata in the nearby garden of Villa Boldrini, where it fructifies regularly, dates back to the end of the Nineties (C. Bertozzi, in verbis), the number of seeds in the soil could be much higher than the observed developed individuals, due to the very efficient exogenous and endogenous dormancy of this (
G. Bonari, T. Fiaschi, R. Guarino
+ (NAT) TAA: Bondone (Trento), sponda N del Lago d’Idro a W di Baitoni inferiore, loc. Rionda, 70 m a WSW della torretta di avvistamento (WGS84: 45.8048N; 10.5307E), sponda fangosa, 370 m, 27 September 2018, F. Prosser, R. Vicentini, F. Valentini, R. Fedrizzi, M. Merli, det. F. Prosser (FI, ROV 74196). – Naturalized alien species new for the flora of Trentino-Alto Adige.
In locality of Rionda, this species forms a dense colony along about fifty metres of the shore, which can be estimated in some tens of thousands of specimens that at the observation date were in bloom and at the beginning of the fruiting. A second group of about fifty individuals was found 30 m NE from the first record (ROV 74195). Both populations fall within the Nature 2000 “Lago d’Idro” area (IT3120065), where they could compete with the rare native Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roem. & Schult. Lindernia dubia is a species of North American origin reported in northern Italy as invasive in Piemonte and Lombardia, and naturalized in Veneto and Emilia-Romagna (
F. Prosser
+ (NAT) SAR: Pula (Cagliari), fraz. Santa Margherita di Pula, strada SS195 dal km 36,700 (WGS84: 39.950773N; 8.945784E), margini stradali su alluvioni quaternarie, 27 m, 14 November 2018, G. Bacchetta, G. Calvia, I. Orrù, L. Podda (FI, CAG). – Naturalized alien subspecies new for the flora of Sardegna. Status change from casual to naturalized alien for the flora of Italy.
Melinis repens is a grass native to South Africa (
G. Bacchetta, G. Calvia, I. Orrù, L. Podda
+ (INV) TOS. – Status change from naturalized to invasive alien for the flora of Toscana.
Myriophyllum aquaticum (Parrot’s feather) is a species native to tropical and subtropical America, widespread in many parts of the world (
L. Lazzaro, G. Ferretti, M. Mugnai, L. Lastrucci
+ (CAS) PUG: Lecce (Lecce), aiuola nella Villa Comunale “G. Garibaldi”, nei pressi di Via XXV Luglio (WGS84: 40.354586N; 18.175833E), aiuola, ca. 49 m, 23 August 2018, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Puglia.
Some young individuals of this species have developed in a flowerbed among the branches of Rhaphiolepis umbellata (Thunb.) Makino, in a semi-shaded position. These individuals are located in a site characterized by a microclimate cooler than the surrounding areas, due to the presence of numerous evergreen trees, including Quercus ilex subsp. ilex and Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Hornem. The young individuals of Nandina domestica originated from the fruits produced by some adult plants grown in another nearby flowerbed. This species is native to China and Japan and was introduced in Italy in 1821 (
N. Olivieri
+ (NAT) MAR: Fermo (Fermo), Viale XX Settembre, ai lati della strada (WGS84: 43.159477N; 13.715754E), margine stradale, argilla, in pieno suolo, ca. 230 m, 20 August 2018, M. Tiburtini (PI 014835). – Naturalized alien species confirmed for the flora of Marche.
This species is recorded as invasive alien in Italy, known only for historical records in Marche (
M. Tiburtini
+ (CAS) SIC: Casteltermini (Agrigento), Viale Santa Elisabetta (WGS84: 37.537778N; 13.652778E), avventizia in incolti, 515 m, 11 October 2018, S. Restivo, det. R. Guarino (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Sicilia.
Oenothera lindheimeri is a rhizomatous, vigorously growing herbaceous species native to southern Louisiana and Texas. So far, it has been recorded as invasive in California (
S. Restivo, R. Guarino
+ (CAS) LAZ: Roma (Roma), Municipio II, Piazza dei Siculi 2, scalinata davanti alla “Cooperativa la Risorgente” (WGS84: 41.899508N; 12.511471E), fessura alla base di gradini in marmo, 51 m, 7 December 2018, N.M.G. Ardenghi (FI). – Casual alien species confirmed for the flora of Lazio.
A single individual was found in Rome, within a crack at the base of marble steps. The presence of Oxalis debilis in Lazio was regarded as doubtful by
N.M.G. Ardenghi
+ (NAT) BAS: Matera (Matera), Sasso Barisano, lungo una scalinata (WGS84: 40.666779N; 16.609984E), mura, ca. 400 m, 25 August 2018, L. Peruzzi, M. D’Antraccoli (FI). – Naturalized alien species new for the flora of Basilicata.
+ (NAT) PUG: Monopoli (Bari), c.da Gorgofreddo, Murgia barese, lungo la SP113, 250 m a N di Monte San Nicola (WGS84: 40.89721N; 17.28361E), costone roccioso calcareo a bordo strada, 190 m, 30 August 2018, F. Roma-Marzio, P. Liguori (FI, Herb. F. Roma-Marzio). – Naturalized alien species new for the flora of Puglia.
Parthenocissus tricuspidata is a vine commonly cultivated as ornamental, almost exclusively for wall cover (
L. Peruzzi, M. D’Antraccoli, F. Roma-Marzio
+ (CAS) ITALIA (PUG): Brindisi (Brindisi), giardini pubblici di Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II (WGS84: 40.639861N; 17.948005E), giovani piante epifite sul tronco di piante adulte coltivate, ca. 2 m, 23 August 2018, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Italy (Puglia).
Some very young individuals have grown as epiphytes on the trunk of some adult plants of the same species, over 1.5 m tall, among which there is a female specimen. The young plants have developed among the residues of the leaf rachides, in the upper part of the stems. Phoenix roebelenii ripens the fruit and the young plants have developed from the seeds produced by the adult female individual. The species is native to southeastern Asia, from southwestern China to northern Laos and northern Vietnam, and now is a popular ornamental plant in the warm areas of the Mediterranean region, in the subtropical and tropical areas. The species has been identified according to
N. Olivieri
+ (CAS) CAL: Villa San Giovanni (Reggio Calabria), fraz. Cannitello, in numerose fioriere con piante acquistate in vivaio, all’interno di una proprietà privata (WGS84: 38.235556N; 15.660556E), fioriere, 11 m, 19 September 2013, C.M. Musarella, det. C.M. Musarella, G. Spampinato (FI, REGGIO); Reggio Calabria (Reggio Calabria), Pellaro, proprietà privata (WGS84: 38.020000N; 15.643889E), dentro una fioriera, 11 m, 14 August 2014, C.M. Musarella (REGGIO); ibidem, in un’aiuola e diffuso in un terreno incolto, 11 m, 6 October 2018, C.M. Musarella (REGGIO); Reggio Calabria (Reggio Calabria), Arangea, vivaio, dentro vasi di alberi di mimosa provenienti dalla Sicilia (WGS84: 38.078056N; 15.663333E), vasi, 53 m, 23 August 2014, C.M. Musarella (REGGIO); Reggio Calabria (Reggio Calabria), Via Cardinale G. Portanova traversa Privata (WGS84: 38.115259N; 15.659431E), bordo strada, 63 m, 14 September 2017, C.M. Musarella (REGGIO); Reggio Calabria (Reggio Calabria), Gallico Marina, lungo un muro di cinta all’interno di una proprietà privata (WGS84: 38.190833N; 15.646389E), base di muro, 24 m, 12 October 2018, V.L.A. Laface, det. V.L.A. Laface, C.M. Musarella, G. Spampinato (REGGIO). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Calabria.
Initially present as weed in nurseries and vases, this species first spread inside private properties and later along the city streets. Phyllanthus tenellus is native to Madagascar and Mauritius’s Island, and it was found naturalized in Italy firstly in several localities of Messina (
C.M. Musarella, V.L.A. Laface, A. Cano-Ortiz, G. Spampinato
+ (CAS) ITALIA (LAZ): Ferentino (Frosinone), loc. Fresine (WGS84: 41.663546N; 13.254221E), bordo strada, 205 m, 18 July 2018, E. Fanfarillo (FI, RO). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Italy (Lazio).
This species is an anciently cultivated plant from Mexico and Guatemala, so far reported in Europe for Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Lithuania, and Spain (
E. Fanfarillo
+ (CAS) PUG: Bari (Bari), loc. Canale Lamasinata (WGS84: 41.090325N; 16.845230E), bordo strada, 40 m, 20 September 2018, G. Signorile, det. F.S. D’Amico (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Puglia.
Physalis viscosa is a South American species (
F.S. D’Amico, G. Pazienza, M. Terzi
+ (CAS) PUG: Lecce (Lecce), Viale Gallipoli (WGS84: 40.348383N; 18.166944E), bordo di marciapiede, ca. 51 m, 23 August 2018, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Puglia.
Some young individuals of the species have developed among the inner edge of the sidewalks and the perimeter wall of a private garden. Individuals have developed into interstices between sidewalk cement and vertical masonry in a rather bright area exposed to the Northeast. Plumbago auriculata is cultivated as ornamental in the nearby gardens and individuals have developed from the seeds produced by cultivated plants.
N. Olivieri
+ (CAS) LAZ: Roma (Roma), Villa Borghese, Giardino del Lago (WGS84: 41.914N; 12.484E ± 200 m), muro umido, November 1949, A. Cacciato, rev. D. Marchetti (RO, scan in FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Lazio.
This pantropical species is cultivated as ornamental outside its native range and occurs as alien in northern Italy (
G. Nicolella, M. Latini, M. Iberite
+ (CAS) LAZ: Roma (Roma), Villa Borghese, presso Viale dell’Uccelliera (WGS84: 41.913552N; 12.492622E), siepe di Laurus nobilis, ca. 50 m, 14 September 2018, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Lazio.
Some very young individuals of this species have developed near a hedge of Laurus nobilis L., on soil formed by ancient pyroclastic deposits. In the area, there are several adult specimens of Quercus ilex subsp. ilex and Q. rubra L.. The latter species is native to the eastern regions of North America and was introduced in Italy in 1803 (
N. Olivieri
+ (NAT) SAR. – Status change from casual to naturalized alien for the flora of Sardegna.
In Iscra (Illorai, Sassari), along a country road connecting the SP17 route with SS129, Setaria parviflora is found as fully naturalised over a large area in natural and artificial pastures and along the roadside (WGS84: 40.320190N; 9.040872E), since 2016. It is a species originating from South America, recorded as naturalised or casual in Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardia, Marche, Puglia, Sicilia, Toscana, and Veneto. In Sardegna, it was reported as a casual alien (
G. Brundu, V. Lozano
+ (NAT) TOS: Borgo San Lorenzo (Firenze), Mugello, fra Razzolo e la Colla di Casaglia, presso la locanda (WGS84: 44.040039N; 11.472939E), ca. 800 m, 23 June 1907, C. Sommier (FI); Firenze (Firenze), Cascine, inselvatichita a Scienza dell’Orticoltura (WGS84: 43.783903N; 11.220514E ± 100 m), 42 m, 17 May 1929, A. Fiori (FIAF 25094); Massa Marittima (Grosseto), fraz. Prata, strada per Gabellino dopo circa 1 km (WGS84: 43.074952N; 10.998783E), erbosi freschi lungo la strada, forse sfuggito a coltura per foraggio, ca. 500 m, 1 May 2017, F. Selvi 3801 (FI, Herb. F. Selvi); ibidem, 12 May 2018, F. Selvi 3898 (FI, Herb. F. Selvi). – Naturalized alien species confirmed for the flora of Toscana.
Since long time, this Pontic-Caucasian species has been widely introduced to Europe as ornamental and for forage production. In Italy, it occurs in the northern regions (Piemonte, Lombardia, Veneto, and Friuli Venezia Giulia) and, more southwards, in Marche (
F. Selvi
+ (CAS) VDA: Châtillon (Aosta), strada di accesso al parcheggio comunale pluripiano di Via R. Pellissier (WGS84: 45.750247N; 7.614914E), bordo strada, ca. 520 m, 16 September 2017, C. Ganz (Herb. C. Ganz); Pont-Saint-Martin (Aosta), terrazzamento incolto (ex-vigneto) adiacente a Via A. Chenuil (WGS84: 45.601803N; 7.792190E), incolto, ca. 350 m, 29 September 2018, M. Lonati, A. Mainetti (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Valle d’Aosta.
This Central and South American species (
M. Lonati, C. Ganz, A. Mainetti
+ (CAS) PUG: Martina Franca (Taranto), Piazza Plebiscito lungo il perimetro della Basilica di San Martino (WGS84: 40.705467N; 17.336823E), marciapiede, 430 m, 26 August 2018, M. D’Antraccoli, F. Angeli (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Puglia.
Possibly, the three detected individuals originated from seeds produced by plants cultivated in the centre of Martina Franca for ornamental purposes.
M. D’Antraccoli
+ (CAS) ABR: Roseto degli Abruzzi (Teramo), presso il litorale adriatico in Viale Roma (WGS84: 42.680833N; 14.013888E), aiuola, ca. 9 m, E, 8 October 2018, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Abruzzo.
Washingtonia filifera is a species native to southern California, southwestern Arizona and northern Mexico, cultivated in Italy, and known as a casual alien in Liguria, Campania and Sardegna, while it is naturalized in Sicilia (
N. Olivieri
+ (CAS) PUG: Lecce (Lecce), Villa Comunale “G. Garibaldi” nei pressi di Via A. Costa (WGS84: 40.354777N; 18.174555E), bordi di aiuole, 49 m, 23 August 2018, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Puglia.
Some young individuals grow near the edges of flowerbeds and in cracks in the cement paving in an area located inside the Villa Comunale of Lecce. The young plants have grown from seeds produced by a tree found nearby.
N. Olivieri
Nomenclatural, status, and distribution updates according to
G. Galasso, F. Bartolucci
We gratefully acknowledge Enrico Banfi and Daniela Longo, who provided distribution, nomenclatural and taxonomic suggestions.
Supplementary data
Data type: species data
Explanation note: 1. Nomenclatural updates; 2. Distribution updates; 3. Synonyms, misapplied or included names.