Research Article |
Corresponding author: Laura Cancellieri ( ) Academic editor: Lorenzo Peruzzi
© 2019 Fabrizio Bartolucci, Laura Cancellieri, Fabio Conti, Enrico Banfi, Daniela Bouvet, Michela Celestini, Giampiero Ciaschetti, Romeo Di Pietro, Francesco Falcinelli, Simonetta Fascetti, Gabriele Galasso, Edda Lattanzi, Rizzieri R. Masin, Riccardo Pennesi, Leonardo Rosati, Adriano Stinca, Agnese Tilia, T’ai G.W. Forte, Anna Scoppola.
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Bartolucci F, Cancellieri L, Conti F, Banfi E, Bouvet D, Celestini M, Ciaschetti G, Di Pietro R, Falcinelli F, Fascetti S, Galasso G, Lattanzi E, Masin RR, Pennesi R, Rosati L, Stinca A, Tilia A, Forte TGW, Scoppola A (2019) Contribution to the floristic knowledge of Velino and Aterno valleys (Lazio-Abruzzo, central Italy). Italian Botanist 7: 93-100.
The inventory of the taxa collected during the annual field trip of the working group for Floristics, Systematics and Evolution of the Italian Botanical Society is reported. The field trip was held in 2016 along the Velino and Aterno valleys located between Lazio and Abruzzo administrative regions (central Italy). The flora documented for the studied area amounts to 629 specific and subspecific taxa (including two hybrids) belonging to 300 genera and 69 families. Thirty-eight taxa are endemic to Italy, and only 16 alien taxa were detected. Thirty-eight taxa are included in the IUCN Red List of the Italian Flora. Twenty-four taxa have to be considered as floristic novelties because either new or confirmed for the regional flora of Lazio or Abruzzo. In particular, 15 taxa are new and 6 are confirmed for Lazio. Regarding Abruzzo, 2 taxa are new for the regional flora and one is confirmed. Furthermore, the alien status in Lazio has been updated for one taxon.
Abruzzo, central Apennines, endemic, Lazio, floristic novelties, vascular flora
Since 2003, the working group for Floristics, Systematics and Evolution of the Italian Botanical Society has been very active in increasing the knowledge about the vascular flora of poorly known areas of Italy. The selection of the territories to be investigated has been mostly addressed to fill the gaps pointed out on the map of the floristic knowledge of Italy updated to 2005 (
The investigated area is localized in the Cittareale (Rieti) and Montereale (L’Aquila) municipalities, in the upper Velino valley and in the Aterno valley (Suppl. material
The areas of Monte Borragine and Capo d’Acqua are characterized by limestone. In the Velino valley, going from the top to the valley floor, there are marls and sandy clays, followed by Molasse and sandstones. The latter characterizes the areas between the village of S. Croce and Monte Verrico. The base of the Velino valley and the Montereale plain are characterized by floods (
Rainfall is concentrated in the autumn–winter period, with a maximum in November–December and a minimum in summer (July–August), showing a two-month drought occurring during the summer. Annual average temperature ranges from 9.2 to 10.4 °C, with the hottest months in summer (July-August) and the coldest in winter (December–February). The Rivas-Martinez indices show that the investigated area shows a temperate oceanic subcontinental macrobioclimate (Suppl. material
The forest vegetation is dominated by coppice beech woods and secondly Turkey oaks forests. Along the medium-high altitude slopes, pastures are characterized by xerophilous Bromopsis erecta (Huds.) Fourr. communities, sometimes chamaephytic, and Festuca L. sp. pl. communities, both of which are more or less closed. Together with fragments of grasslands dominated by Stipa dasyvaginata subsp. apenninicola Martinovský & Moraldo, the northern sector of the study area hosts shrubs, mowing pastures and small fallows.
To maximize vascular flora sampling, 13 sites were selected as representative of the local diversity in terms of climate, litho-morphology, and habitats (Suppl. material
The nomenclature used to draw up the floristic list (see Suppl. material
Abbreviations or symbols used in the floristic list are:
E Italian endemic (
A Alien taxa: [CAS (Casual), NAT (Naturalized), INV (Invasive)]
C Cryptogenic (doubtfully native taxon, whose origin of occurrence in Italy is unknown)
** New record for the regional flora
* Taxon confirmed for the regional flora
During the field investigations, 2,449 samples of vascular plants were collected, belonging to 629 species and subspecies, 300 genera, and 69 families (Suppl. material
In particular, the following 15 taxa are new for the flora of Lazio:
• Bromopsis erecta subsp. stenophylla (Link) H.Scholz & Valdés
• Festuca maritima L.
• Festuca stricta subsp. sulcata (Hack.) Patzke ex Pils
• Ficaria verna subsp. calthifolia (Rchb.) Nyman
• Hieracium glaucinum subsp. pseudobasalticum Gottschl.
• Hieracium pseudogrovesianum subsp. opertum Gottschl.
• Koeleria lucana Brullo, Giusso & Miniss.
• Orobanche amethystea Thuill.
• Pilosella corvigena (Gottschl.) Gottschl.
• Pilosella cymiflora (Nägeli & Peter) S.Bräut. & Greuter
• Pilosella ziziana (Tausch) F.W.Schultz & Sch.Bip.
• Plantago argentea subsp. argentea
• Potentilla neglecta Baumg.
• Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
• Trifolium lucanicum Gasp. ex Guss.
The following six taxa are confirmed for the flora of Lazio:
• Anthoxanthum nipponicum Honda
• Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. maura (Beck) Maire
• Luzula sylvatica subsp. sieberi (Tausch) K.Richt.
• Orchis mascula subsp. speciosa (Mutel) Hegi
• Trisetaria flavescens subsp. flavescens
• Vicia tenuifolia subsp. tenuifolia
The alien status in Lazio has been changed from CAS to NAT for:
• Matricaria discoidea subsp. discoidea
The following two taxa are new for Abruzzo:
• Adenocarpus complicatus subsp. samniticus (Brullo, De Marco & Siracusa) Peruzzi
• Potentilla neglecta Baumg.
The following species is confirmed for the flora of Abruzzo:
Ornithopus perpusillus L.
We are grateful to F. Festi (Rovereto), G. Gottschlich (Tübingen), G. Domina (Palermo), A. Soldano (Vercelli), L. Cecchi (Firenze), and J. Štěpánek (Prague) for the identification of some critical samples.
Supplementary data
Data type: supplementary data
Explanation note: 1. Participants to the field trip of the working group for Floristics, Systematics and Evolution of the Italian Botanical Society (15–18 June 2016). 2. Study area and sampling sites. 3. Thermo-pluviometric diagram of Cittareale, representative meteorological station in Velino and Aterno valleys. 4. List of sampling sites, with reference number, locality name with short description, altitude, main habitats, cartographic coordinates (WGS84 33T) and date of collection. 5. Public and private herbaria in which the collected exsiccata are kept. Acronyms of public herbaria follow Thiers (2018). 6. Inventory of the taxa collected during the field trip held in 2016 (and some further investigations by organizers on 29 March 2016, 15 and 29 April 2016, 23 March 2017, 2–3 June 2017) in Velino and Aterno valleys (Lazio-Abruzzo, central Italy).