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Corresponding author: Francesco Roma-Marzio ( ) Academic editor: Lorenzo Peruzzi
© 2019 Francesco Roma-Marzio, Gabriele Galasso.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Roma-Marzio F, Galasso G (2019) New combinations for two hybrids in Salvia subg. Rosmarinus (Lamiaceae). Italian Botanist 7: 31-33.
Salvia subg. Rosmarinus (L.) J.B.Walker, B.T.Drew & J.G.González includes three species of aromatic shrubs native to the Mediterranean region (
Within the former genus Rosmarinus, two hybrids were described: R. × mendizabalii Sagredo ex Rosua (R. officinalis × R. tomentosus) and R. × lavandulaceus de Noé (R. eriocalix × R. officinalis). A third nothospecies, R. × noeanus Maire, was described as a hybrid between R. officinalis and R. tournefortii (de Noé ex Jord. & Fourr.) Jahand. & Maire (
At the best of our knowledge, these hybrids were not recombined under Salvia, so that we propose here the two combinations under this genus.
(S. jordanii × S. rosmarinus)
Rosmarinus × lavandulaceus
de Noé, Pl. Algérie [exsicc.]: n° 444 (1852) pro sp. (R. eriocalix × R. officinalis) [Basionym]. Type (lectotype, designated by
Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya (
The basionym was published by indelible autograph on specimen labels (Arts. 30.5–6 of the ICN,
(S. granatensis × S. rosmarinus)
Rosmarinus × mendizabalii Sagredo ex Rosúa, Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 37(2): 594 (1981) (R. officinalis × R. tomentosus) [Basionym].
– Rosmarinus × mendizabalii Sagredo, Anales Inst. Bot. Cavanilles 32(2): 310 (1975), nom. nud. Type:—SPAIN. In rupibus dolomiticas, prope littorale granatense, inter Castell de Ferro et Calahonda, 30S VF 6563, J.L. Rosúa, 20 November 1979 (holotype, GDAC7544).
Spain (