Short Communication
Short Communication
New combinations for two hybrids in Salvia subg. Rosmarinus (Lamiaceae)
expand article infoFrancesco Roma-Marzio, Gabriele Galasso§
‡ Sistema Museale di Ateneo dell’Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
§ Sezione di Botanica, Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano, Milano, Italy
Open Access

Drew et al. (2017) proposed a new circumscription of the genus Salvia L., including the genera Dorystaechas Boiss. & Heldr. ex Benth., Meriandra Benth., Perovskia Kar., Rosmarinus L., and Zhumeria Rech.f. & Wendelbo, based on a wide-scale phylogenetic study.

Salvia subg. Rosmarinus (L.) J.B.Walker, B.T.Drew & J.G.González includes three species of aromatic shrubs native to the Mediterranean region (Upson 2006, Drew et al. 2017): Salvia granatensis B.T.Drew (≡ Rosmarinus tomentosus Hub.-Mor. & Maire), Salvia jordanii J.B.Walker (≡ Rosmarinus eriocalix Jord. & Fourr.), and Salvia rosmarinus Spenn. (≡ Rosmarinus officinalis L.). The latter name was erroneously reported by Drew et al. (2017) as a new combination of the later isonym Salvia rosmarinus Schleid. (“S. rosmarinus (L.) Schleid.”).

Within the former genus Rosmarinus, two hybrids were described: R. × mendizabalii Sagredo ex Rosua (R. officinalis × R. tomentosus) and R. × lavandulaceus de Noé (R. eriocalix × R. officinalis). A third nothospecies, R. × noeanus Maire, was described as a hybrid between R. officinalis and R. tournefortii (de Noé ex Jord. & Fourr.) Jahand. & Maire (Maire 1932). However, the latter parental taxon is currently considered as a heterotypic synonym of R. eriocalix (Rosúa 1986, Drew et al. 2017), so that R. × noeanus is just a heterotypic synonym of R. × lavandulaceus.

At the best of our knowledge, these hybrids were not recombined under Salvia, so that we propose here the two combinations under this genus.

Salvia × lavandulacea (de Noé) Roma-Marzio & Galasso, comb. nov.

(S. jordanii × S. rosmarinus)

Rosmarinus × lavandulaceus de Noé, Pl. Algérie [exsicc.]: n° 444 (1852) pro sp. (R. eriocalix × R. officinalis) [Basionym]. Type (lectotype, designated by Rosúa 1986: 184):—ALGERIA. Rosmarinus lavandulaceus De Noè, fragment du type! (Balansa, Plantes d’Algérie 1852, n° 444), Oran, les Andalouses, s.d., [Balansa; fragment collected by Maire] (MPU001245 [digital image!], isolectotypes: BM000796985 [digital image!], FI000836 [digital image!], FI-W000483 [digital image!], G00169751 [digital image!], K000193366 [digital image!], MPU001244 [digital image!], P00446728 [digital image!], P00076024 [digital image!], P00076025 [digital image!], W1889-0103569 [digital image!]; the image of the lectotype is available at:


Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya (Rosúa 1986).


The basionym was published by indelible autograph on specimen labels (Arts. 30.5–6 of the ICN, Turland et al. 2018, see also Galasso et al. 2018 for similar cases). Accordingly, all the duplicates of Rosmarinus lavandulaceus de Noé linked to n° 444 of the exsiccata series “Plantes d’Algérie”, preserved in several European herbaria, are syntypes and eligible for lectotypification. The type indicated by Rosúa (1986), although mounted on a sheet with a handwritten label different from those of series “Plantes d’Algérie” is also original material since it represents a fragment of one of the syntypes (see also Art. 8.3, Ex. 8 of the ICN).

Salvia × mendizabalii (Sagredo ex Rosúa) Roma-Marzio & Galasso, comb. nov.

(S. granatensis × S. rosmarinus)

Rosmarinus × mendizabalii Sagredo ex Rosúa, Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 37(2): 594 (1981) (R. officinalis × R. tomentosus) [Basionym].

Rosmarinus × mendizabalii Sagredo, Anales Inst. Bot. Cavanilles 32(2): 310 (1975), nom. nud. Type:—SPAIN. In rupibus dolomiticas, prope littorale granatense, inter Castell de Ferro et Calahonda, 30S VF 6563, J.L. Rosúa, 20 November 1979 (holotype, GDAC7544).


Spain (Rosúa 1986).


  • Drew BT, González-Gallegos JG, Xiang CL, Kriebel R, Drummond CP, Walker JB, Sytsma KJ (2017) Salvia united: the greatest good for the greatest number. Taxon 66(1): 133–145.
  • Galasso G, Bartolucci F, Peruzzi L (2018) Printed, or just indelible? On the earliest legitimate names, authorship and typification of the taxa described from Italy by Huter, Porta and/or Rigo. Phytotaxa 361(1): 77–86.
  • Maire R (1932) Contributions à l’étude de la flore de l’Afrique du nord 19. Bulletin de la Société d’histoire naturelle d’Afrique du Nord 23(1): 163–222.
  • Rosúa JL (1986) Contribución al estudio del género Rosmarinus L. en el Mediterráneo occidental. Lagascalia 14(2): 179–187.
  • Turland NJ, Wiersema JH, Barrie FR, Greuter W, Hawksworth DL, Herendeen PS, Knapp S, Kusber WH, Li DZ, Marhold K, May TW, McNeill J, Monro AM, Prado J, Price MJ, Smith GF (Eds) (2018) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. Regnum Vegetabile 159. Koeltz Botanical Books, Glashütten. https://
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