Research Article |
Corresponding author: Sonia Ravera ( ) Academic editor: Lorenzo Peruzzi
© 2017 Sonia Ravera, Alfredo Vizzini, Annalena Cogoni, Michele Aleffi, Silvia Assini, Giovanni Bergamo Decarli, Ilaria Bonini, Wolfgang von Brackel, Francesco Cheli, Valeriy Darmostuk, Zuzana Fačkovcová, Lyubov Gavrylenko, Gabriele Gheza, Anna Guttová, Helmut Mayrhofer, Juri Nascimbene, Luca Paoli, Silvia Poponnessi, Giovanna Potenza, Filippo Prosser, Davide Puddu, Domenico Puntillo, Diego Rigotti, Francesco Sguazzin, Alessia Tatti, Roberto Venanzoni.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Ravera S, Vizzini A, Cogoni A, Aleffi M, Assini S, Bergamo Decarli G, Bonini I, von Brackel W, Cheli F, Darmostuk V, Fačkovcová Z, Gavrylenko L, Gheza G, Guttová A, Mayrhofer H, Nascimbene J, Paoli L, Poponessi S, Potenza G, Prosser F, Puddu D, Puntillo D, Rigotti D, Sguazzin F, Tatti A, Venanzoni R (2017) Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 4. Italian Botanist 4: 76-86.
In this contribution, new data concerning bryophytes, fungi and lichens of the Italian flora are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the bryophyte genera Campylopus, Paludella, Tortula, and Conocephalum, the fungal genera Agonimia, Buelliella, Entorrhiza, Filicupula, Poronia, and Sporisorium, the lichen genera Cladonia, Dibaeis, Lasallia, and Rhizocarpon.
Ascomycota , Basidiomycota , Bryidae , Marchantiidae , floristic data
The text of the records should be submitted electronically to: Cecilia Totti ( for algae, Annalena Cogoni ( for bryophytes, Alfredo Vizzini ( for fungi, Sonia Ravera ( for lichens.
+ TAA: Predacava, tra Lisignago e Masen (Trento) (UTM WGS84: 32T 668435.5115211), 685 m, 11 March 2017, F. Prosser (Herb. Prosser No. 00701); Laghetti di Marco (Trento), along the itinerary in the proximity of the Laghetto Nord (UTM WGS84: 32T 656576.5079954), 175 m, 7 April 2017, F. Prosser (Herb. Prosser No. 00722). – Species new for the flora of Trentino-Alto Adige.
The species has a wide distribution in the southern Hemisphere and is invasive in North America and Europe (
F. Prosser
+ TOS: San Pellegrino al Cassero, Sambuca Pistoiese (Pistoia), on vertical stillicidious sandstone wall along the street, accessed through the stone bridge on SS64 towards the locality of Pianezzi (UTM WGS84: 32T 657799.4880866), 660 m, 8 August 2017; ibidem, upstream, on stillicidious escarpment of sandstone rocks (UTM WGS84: 32T 658160.4880536), 808 m, 8 August 2017, F. Cheli (SIENA; Herb. Cheli). Species new for the flora of Toscana.
This species was described by
F. Cheli, I. Bonini
+ TAA: Klapfbergtal (a side-valley of the Val d’Ultimo), nearby the Klapferalm (Bolzano), on a moist and peaty slope with emerging rocks and percolating water (UTM WGS84: 32T 646331.5146651), 1945-1960 m, 27 June 2017, F. Sguazzin, G. Bergamo Decarli, D. Rigotti (Bryophytorum Herbarium F. Sguazzin). – Species new for the flora of Trentino-Alto Adige.
Paludella squarrosa is an Arctic species considered as a glacial relict (
F. Sguazzin, G. Bergamo Decarli, D. Rigotti
+ EMR: Parco Regionale dei Gessi Bolognesi e Calanchi dell’Abbadessa (Bologna) on arid outcrops (UTM WGS84: 32T 690641.49222865), ca. 570 m, 22 April 2017, S. Poponessi, A. Cogoni (BPERU). – Species confirmed for Emilia-Romagna.
This taxon has been found on gypsum outcrops in dry and sunny stations associated with Tortella squarrosa (Brid.) Limpr., Syntrichia ruralis var. ruralis and Didymodon luridus Hornsch. The collected samples show cleistocarpous capsules. Tortula protobryoides has been recorded twice with recent reports in Marche and Sardegna, while its occurrence in Emilia-Romagna has not been confirmed over the last 50 years (
S. Poponessi, A. Cogoni, M. Aleffi, R. Venanzoni
+ LAZ: Civita di Bagnoregio (Viterbo), on Endocarpon sp. (UTM WGS84: 33T 263304.4723472), 406 m, 17 January 2017, L. Gavrylenko (KHER No. 10527). – Species new for the flora of Italy (Lazio).
This species grows on squamules of Endocarpon species. It is characterized by immersed apothecia-like pseudothecia, dark brown exciple and brown 1-septate ascospores 15.5–17.5 × 7.0–8.0 μm (
V. Darmostuk, L. Gavrylenko
+ CAL: Orto Botanico, Arcavacata (Cosenza), on roots of Juncus bufonius L. (UTM WGS84: 33S 605886.4357371), m 203, 8 May 2007, D. Puntillo (CLU No. 66). New species for the flora of southern Italy (Calabria).
The genus Entorrhiza was established by
D. Puntillo, A. Vizzini
+ ITALIA (CAL): Serra San Bruno (Vibo Valentia), Bosco di Santa Maria (UTM WGS84: 33T 614186.4268013), 820 m, 3 May 2015, W. v. Brackel, D. Puntillo (CLU No. 41). – New species for the flora of Italy (Calabria).
This species was originally described as Pseudonectria by Döbbeler and James (
W. v. Brackel, D. Puntillo
+ CAL: Monte Manfriana, Pollino National Park (Cosenza), on horse dung (UTM WGS84: 33S 606809.4414729), 1867 m, 19 November 2016, D. Puntillo (CLU No. 62).
+ SAR: Altopiano dei Cavalli, Codoleddu, Maracalagonis (Cagliari), on horse dung in marshy pasture (UTM WGS84: 32S 533856.4345064), 710 m, 11 April 2017, D. Puddu (CAG No. P.31–59/1.1b); ibidem, on horse dung, at the edge of wet meadows and Mediterranean temporary ponds (UTM WGS84: 32S 533914.4344777), 710 m, 17 May 2017, leg. G. Calvia, det. A. Vizzini (CAG. No. P.31–59/1.1a). – Species new for the flora of Sardegna and South Italy (Calabria).
Described by Linnaeus as Peziza punctata (1753) and then included in the genus Poronia by
D. Puntillo, D. Puddu, A. Tatti
+ CAL: Deuda (Paola, Cosenza), sores in the ovaries of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeusch. (33S 589831.4353616) 8 m, 4 August 2013, D. Puntillo (CLU No. 70). – Species confirmed for the flora of Calabria.
This very rare species was described by
D. Puntillo
+ CAM: Pisciotta (Salerno), on Olea europaea L. (UTM WGS84: 33T 519127.4440793), 230 m, 22 February 2011, leg. S. Ravera, G. Brunialti, det. S. Ravera (Herb. Ravera); Marina di Pisciotta (Salerno), on Olea europaea L. (UTM WGS84: 33T 519798.4439244), 40 m, 22 February 2011, leg. S. Ravera, G. Brunialti, det. S. Ravera (Herb. Ravera); Sacco Vecchia (Salerno), on Quercus ilex Willd. (UTM WGS84: 33T 531309.4470725), 600 m, 11 April 2011, leg. S. Ravera, G. Brunialti, det. S. Ravera (Herb. Ravera). – Species new for the flora of southern Italy (Campania).
Agonimia opuntiella is an epiphytic microlichen with squamulose thallus showing minutely papillate and hairy surface. This species grows on basal parts of old trees, usually on bark among mosses; it is overlooked in the field and often confused with young specimens of Phaeophyscia hirsuta (Mereschk.) Essl for the hairy surface.
These records confirm the scarce poleotolerance (
S. Ravera
+ LOM: Malpaga (Bergamo), on sandy-pebbly calcareous soil in a dry grassland (UTM WGS84: 32T 558079.5051190), 183 m, 23 June 2016, G. Gheza (Herb. Gheza); Basella (Bergamo), on sandy-pebbly calcareous soil in a dry grassland (UTM WGS84: 32T 557803.5050480), 176 m, 21 June 2016, G. Gheza (Herb. Gheza). – Species confirmed for the flora of Lombardia.
Cladonia humilis is a terricolous species with a mainly Thyrrenian distribution in Italy (
G. Gheza, H. Mayrhofer, J. Nascimbene
+ PIE: Tenuta Bornago, Cameri (Novara), on sandy-pebbly soil in a dry Corynephorus grassland (UTM WGS84: 32T 476694.5044401), 171 m, 17 June 2016, G. Gheza (Herb. Gheza). – Species confirmed for the flora of Piemonte.
+ LOM: Ansa di Castelnovate, Vizzola Ticino (Varese), on sandy-pebbly soil in a dry Corynephorus grassland (UTM WGS84: 32T 473961.5052563), 164 m, 16 June 2016, G. Gheza (Herb. Gheza); “La Promessa”, Lonate Pozzolo (Varese), on sandy-pebbly soil in a small open Calluna heathland, (UTM WGS84: 32T 478604.5046292), 188 m, 15 March 2017, G. Gheza (Herb. Gheza). – Species confirmed for the flora of Lombardia.
Cladonia strepsilis is a terricolous species, which was considered restricted to the Alps in Italy (
G. Gheza, H. Mayrhofer, J. Nascimbene
+ PIE: “Vauda” of Vauda Canavese (Torino), on bare clayey soil among Calluna vulgaris shrubs, in a dry Calluna heathland (UTM WGS84: 32T 388776.5013995), 434 m, 8 March 2016, G. Gheza, S. Assini (Herb. Gheza); “Vauda” of San Carlo Canavese (Torino), on bare clayey soil among Calluna vulgaris shrubs, in a dry Calluna heathland (UTM WGS84: 32T 392345.5012651), 370 m, 8 March 2016, G. Gheza, S. Assini (Herb. Gheza); Verrone (Biella), on bare clayey soil at the edge of a trail, in a dry Calluna heathland (UTM WGS84: 32T 431668.5036758), 250 m, 3 April 2017, G. Gheza, S. Assini (Herb. Gheza); Baraggione di Candelo near Cascina Bravetta, Massazza (Biella), on bare clayey soil among Calluna vulgaris shrubs, in a dry Callunaheathland (UTM WGS84: 32T 435996.5037555), 245 m, 7 July 2017, G. Gheza (Herb. Gheza). – Species confirmed for the flora of Piemonte.
+ LOM: Brughiera di Tornavento, Lonate Pozzolo (Varese), on bare soil among Polytrichum sp., at the edge of a dry Calluna heathland (UTM WGS84: 32T 478357.5049083), 202 m, 9 June 2017, G. Gheza (Herb. Gheza). – Species confirmed for the flora of Lombardia.
Dibaeis baeomyces is a terricolous species typical of pioneer and, often, disturbed areas (
G. Gheza, J. Nascimbene, S. Assini
+ BAS: Rotonda (Potenza) in front of head office of Pollino National Park, m. 626, on bark of Tilia sp. (UTM WGS84: 33S 589202.4421804), 19 October 2015, D. Puntillo (CLU No. 16033). New species for the flora of Basilicata.
Originally described as Xanthoria aphrodites by Kalb et al. (
G. Potenza, D. Puntillo
+ TOS: Valle del Crevole, close to the path Sentiero delle Miniere, Miniere di Murlo (Siena), on a vertical jasper outcrop, N. slope (UTM WGS84: 32T 693556.4779090), 218 m, 16 April 2014, A. Guttová, L. Paoli (SIENA); Valle del Crevole, close to the path Sentiero delle Miniere, Miniere di Murlo (Siena), on a horizontal jasper outcrop (UTM WGS84: 32T 693561.4779091), 218 m, 27 August 2016, L. Paoli, Z. Fačkovcová. – Species confirmed for the flora of Toscana.
The species has a pustulate upper surface with black clusters of coralloid isidia. It generally grows on siliceous rocks, standing stones and boulders. The presently described locality hosts a small population consisting of a few dozen thalli, growing both on horizontal and vertical outcrops. In 2015, two populations of L. pustulata were described on similar jasper outcrops in “Botro del Diavolo”, in a remote hilly area SE of Livorno (
L. Paoli, Z. Fačkovcová, A. Guttová