Research Article |
Corresponding author: Giuseppe Fenu ( ) Academic editor: Lorenzo Peruzzi
© 2024 Giuseppe Fenu, Marco Caccianiga, Bekhruz S. Khabibullaev, Federico Mangili, Khabibullo F. Shomurodov, Barbara Valle, Simone Orsenigo.
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Fenu G, Caccianiga M, Khabibullaev BS, Mangili F, Shomurodov KF, Valle B, Orsenigo S (2024) Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 17. Italian Botanist 18: 141-153.
In this contribution, the conservation status assessment of three vascular plants according to IUCN categories and criteria are presented. It includes the assessment of Campanula bergomensis F.Mangili & L.Mangili, Iris hippolyti (Vved.) Kamelin and Stipa aktauensis Roshev. at global level.
Conservation, extinction risk, IUCN protocol, threats
The text of the global and regional assessments should be submitted electronically to Simone Orsenigo ( or to Giuseppe Fenu (; the text, up to 8000 characters in length (spaces included), must include a distribution map and a picture of the assessed species.
Global assessment
Taxonomy and nomenclature
Order: Asterales Family: Campanulaceae
Campanula bergomensis F.Mangili & L.Mangili, Phytotaxa 637(2): 120–132 (2024)
Common name: Campanula bergamasca (It).
Geographic distribution range: Campanula bergomensis (Fig.
Distribution: Countries of occurrence: Italy.
Biology: Plant growth form: perennial (hemicryptophyte).
Flowering and fruiting time: From mid-July to mid-August.
Reproduction: No information on dispersal strategy, pollination and seed germination is available. Preliminary experiments performed at Città Studi Botanical Garden (Milan) seem to indicate low germination rates (
Habitat and ecology: Campanula bergomensis grows on dolomitic debris cones, generally on poorly developed and well-drained soils, from 450 to 1.250 m a.s.l. The species is particularly associated with wide and flat debris cones, an unusual geomorphological feature in the Lombardy Prealps. Campanula bergomensis can be found on the edge of sparsely vegetated slopes with Pinus mugo Turra-dominated vegetation (with Amelanchier ovalis Medik., Sesleria coerulea (L.) Ard., Calamagrostis varia (Schrad.) Host, Hieracium sp., Dryas octopetala L., Globularia cordifolia L.). Campanula bergomensis shows a S-R strategy sensu Grime (
Population information: There is no detailed information available on population dynamics. Field observations indicate some stable subpopulations. Given the recent description of the species, the search for new populations is still ongoing. All observations known to date are reported in the digital atlas of Gruppo Flora Alpina Bergamasca (, which covers the districts of Bergamo, Brescia, Sondrio, and Lecco. With the exception of one observation in Val d’Ancogno in 1999 (Luca Mangili, ex verbis), where the species has not been observed recently, the species is known with several subpopulations at all stations indicated in the digital atlas.
6.1. Recreational activities: some populations include individuals growing on trails used by motocross and mountain bike and are currently threatened by human trampling.
7.3 Natural system modifications. (Other ecosystem modifications): debris cones where the species grows, when stabilized, are subject to colonization by shrub and tree species, resulting in habitat modification that leads to the disappearance of the species.
10.3 Geological events. (Avalanches/landslides): the debris cones where the species grows are located at the base of dolomitic cliffs, which are often unstable and subject to continuous erosion. In the event of landslides or collapse due to erosive processes, the disappearance of populations located nearby may occur.
11. Climate change & severe weather (11.1 Habitat shifting & alteration; 11.2 Droughts; 11.3 Temperature extremes): a potential threat in the future is constituted by the increasing number of drought periods and extreme meteorological events.
Criterion B: EOO: 100 km2 calculated with
AOO: 64 km2 calculated with a 2×2 km cell fixed grid.
Red List category and Criteria (Global Assessment)
NT | Near Threatened |
Rationale for the assessment: Campanula bergomensis is an endemic species of a small portion of the Bergamo Prealps, whose populations are concentrated in the side valleys of Val Borlezza, on a few debris cones. In most of the known stations, it occurs, however, with a good number of individuals. Isolated individuals, on the other hand, have been found in Val Seriana (Val Nossana, Val Flex), and on the northern slope of Presolana (Val Conchetta). If not adequately monitored, the main populations in Val Borlezza, given the particularity of the debris cones on which they grow, can be severely damaged by the presence of bikers and motorbikers, which is very high in the area, and by erosive processes during heavy rains, which are accentuated in this phase of climatic warming. Despite the reduced AOO and the presence of some threats in some populations, continuous decline has not been observed. However, considering the peculiar ecology and the fact that the abovementioned threats, especially those related to the natural evolution of the debris cones vegetation and to recreational activities, could increase in the near future, and adopting the precautionary approach suggested by the IUCN guidelines, this species could be assessed as NT at the global level, on the understanding that if the predicted threats will actually affect populations, it would qualify as EN due to the small AOO.
Previous assessment: The taxon has never been evaluated (
Conservation actions: Campanula bergomensis is currently not protected by international, national or regional laws and no conservation measures for this species are applied. Some populations of C. bergomensis grow within a protected area of the Natura 2000 Network. In particular, the Val Nossana population is included in the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) “Val Nossana—Cima di Grem” (IT2060009); populations of Val Bielone, Romentareck, Val dei Mulini (Colle di Passeraia), and Monte Simer fall within the SAC “Val Sedornia, Valzurio, e Pizzo della Presolana” (IT2060005).
Conservation actions needed: Given the very recent description of the species, it is essential to acquire more information on its range, reproductive biology, and ecology in order to plan appropriate in situ and ex situ conservation actions. Essential, given the uniqueness of the species, is also the adjustment of the current legislation, with the inclusion of the species in the protection lists of the Lombardy Region (LR 31/2008), to prevent with greater force human activities in the area in which the species occurs.
Barbara Valle, Federico Mangili, Marco Caccianiga
Global assessment
Taxonomy and nomenclature
Order: Asparagales Family: Iridaceae
Iris hippolyti (Vved.) Kamelin in A.L.Takhtadzhyan (ed.), Redkie Izchez. Vidy Fl. SSSR, ed. 2: 102 (1981)
Common name: Hippolyti’s Iris (En).
Geographic distribution range: Iris hippolyti (Fig.
Distribution: Countries of occurrence: Uzbekistan.
Biology: Plant growth form: perennial (geophyte).
Flowering and fruiting time: flowering in April and fruiting in May (
Reproduction: Literature sources do not provide enough information about reproduction.
Habitat and Ecology: Iris hippolyti is a perennial, early-growing, grass-like bulbous ephemeroid characterized by rosette-shaped vertical shoots. In its natural environment, vegetative growth typically starts from mid-February to early March (
Population information: Until 2018, I. hippolyti was known to have only one local population in Kokchatau. This population occupies an area of approximately 2–3 hectares, forming part of a mixed herb-Artemisia-Zygophyllum dominated plant community. In 2015, an estimated 300 individuals were recorded, in the 2020, the population had declined to 138 individuals (
1.3 Residential & commercial development (Tourism & recreation areas): the sites where the plants are scattered correspond to the area where local people gather for hiking and outdoor activities (
2.3 Livestock farming & ranching (2.3.1 Nomadic grazing and 2.3.2 Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming): Livestock farming is the main source of income for the residents of Kyzylkum. The main risk factor for almost all species from these territories listed in the National Red Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan is grazing. Persistent livestock grazing exerts one of the most harmful impacts on the population, contributing to habitat degradation and population decline (
11 Climate change & severe weather (11.2 Drought, 11.3 Temperature extremes): I. hippolyti grows in the regions (Bukhara and Navoi) most affected by global climate change in Uzbekistan (
Criterion A: the population experienced an observed decline of 54% in the number of individuals over the last 10 years.
Criterion B: EOO: 8 km2 calculated with a GeoCAT (Geospatial Conservation Assessment Tool) software (
AOO: 8 km2 calculated with GeoCAT software and based on user defined cell width (2 km) (
Criterion D: The global population, consisting of a total of 175 individuals, is currently experiencing a continuous decline in number of mature individuals.
Red List category and Criteria (Global Assessment)
EN | Endangered | B1b(iii, v)+2b(iii, v) + D |
Rationale for the assessment: Iris hippolyti is a species endemic to the remnant low mountains of the Kyzylkum Desert, with an extremely limited distribution, comprising only two known subpopulations. Despite supporting the largest number of individuals, the Kokchatau population has been experiencing a gradual decline. Anthropogenic pressures, both direct and indirect, continue to pose the most significant threat to the survival and stability of this species. The current status of the species’ subpopulations is critical, with dangerously low numbers of individuals. The small EOO and AOO, the reduced population size and the observed decline in the number of mature individuals, according to criteria B and D, support the risk category of Endangered (EN) at a global scale for this species.
Previous assessment: The taxon is not evaluated at the global level (
Conservation actions: Iris hippolyti, as a rare and endemic species, has been classified as Category 1 (Critically Endangered) in the National Red Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan, indicating its status as being on the brink of extinction (
Conservation actions needed: The effects of climate change are increasingly affecting biodiversity in Uzbekistan (Korolyuk at al. 2024). The in-situ conservation of I. hippolyti requires reinforcement. Additionally, ex situ conservation within protected areas presents a viable strategy. To support this approach, bioclimatic modeling of the species’ potential distribution and the identification of regions that offer optimal ecological conditions are essential steps for effective conservation planning.
Khabibullo F. Shomurodov, Bekhruz Sh. Khabibullaev, Giuseppe Fenu
Global assessment
Taxonomy and nomenclature
Order: Poales Family: Poaceae
Stipa aktauensis Roshev., Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 30: 302 (1932)
Common name: Aktau’s stipa (En).
Geographic distribution range: Stipa aktauensis (Fig.
Distribution: Countries of occurrence: Uzbekistan.
Biology: Plant growth form: perennial (hemicryptophyte).
Flowering and fruiting time: flowering and fruiting in April-May (
Reproduction: Existing literature lacks sufficient information on reproduction.
Habitat and ecology: Stipa aktauensis is a perennial herbaceous plant with a dense tussock form, reaching a height of 25–30 cm and lives up to 30 years. The remnant mountain’s terrain is often barren and dry, with coarse gravel and rock-strewn surfaces shaped by erosion over centuries. In this harsh environment, where rain is infrequent, the rocks of the mountains are home to unique microhabitats, providing shelter for endemic plants like S. aktauensis. This plant thrives on the shallow soils that collect in cracks and crevices of the mountain rocks, surviving the extreme temperatures and arid conditions of the desert. The surrounding landscape is typically desolate, with a mix of low shrubs, sparse grasses, and wide, open spaces.
Population information: Historical literature lacks data regarding the local populations size or the total number of individuals of the species (
2.3 Livestock farming & ranching (2.3.1 Nomadic grazing and 2.3.2 Small-holder grazing, ranching or farming): Constant livestock grazing in the habitat of S. aktauensis is a threat by causing habitat degradation, reducing population density through direct consumption, and disrupting the species’ ability to regenerate. Overgrazing also leads to soil erosion and shifts in plant community composition, making it harder for S. aktauensis to compete and thrive.
3 Energy production & mining (3.1 Oil & gas drilling, 3.2 Mining & quarrying, 3.3 Renewable energy): Several mines and energy-related activities are present at sites where S. aktauensis grows, leading to a progressive loss of habitat quality and individuals. The most active point of geological exploration in Kyzylkum is Kuldzhuktau, where the search for light metals (including gold), and marble is especially active today. In addition, the habitat of the species is being destroyed to build wind power stations there and in Tamditau. In Sultan-Uizdag, the proliferation of stone crushing equipment and the substantial increase in gravel production are severely impacting the local population, resulting in the lowest population size in this region.
Criterion B: EOO: 32,725 km2 calculated with a GeoCAT (Geospatial Conservation Assessment Tool) software (
AOO: 44 km2 calculated with GeoCAT software and based on user defined cell width (2 km;
Red List category and Criteria (Global Assessment)
EN | Endangered | B2ab(i, ii, iii, iv, v) |
Rationale for the assessment: Stipa aktauensis is an endemic species that lacks territorial protection and is restricted to the remnant low mountain ranges of Kyzylkum. The vitality of the subpopulations was assessed as critical (
Previous assessment: This species was not previously evaluated (
Conservation actions: Stipa aktauensis has been included in the National Red Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan in several categories from 1975 to the present (
Conservation actions needed: Research and monitoring activities are recommended to improve understanding of the reproductive biology, ecology, threats, and population trends of the species, as well as to facilitate ex-situ conservation measures, including the establishment of a seed bank.
Giuseppe Fenu, Khabibullo F. Shomurodov, Bekhruz Sh. Khabibullaev
BV, FM, and MC thank Germano Federici, Luca Mangili, Gianantonio Leoni, Giovanni Perico for their contribution to the discussion on this assessment. This work was supported by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.4 - Call for tender No. 3138 of 16 December 2021, rectified by Decree n.3175 of 18 December 2021 of the Italian Ministry of University and Research funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU (Project code CN_00000033, Concession Decree No. 1034 of 17 June 2022 adopted by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, CUP B63C22000650007, Project title “National Biodiversity Future Center - NBFC”).