Research Article |
Corresponding author: Giovanni Astuti ( ) Academic editor: Gianniantonio Domina
© 2023 Giovanni Astuti, Simonetta Bagella, Enrico Bajona, Giulio Barone, Giovanna Becca, Maria Carmela Caria, Emilio Di Gristina, Federico Fainelli, Jacopo Franzoni, Antonio Giacò, Simone Orsenigo, Maryia Paliy, Giovanni Rivieccio, Malvina Urbani, Lorenzo Peruzzi.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Astuti G, Bagella S, Bajona E, Barone G, Becca G, Caria MC, Di Gristina E, Fainelli F, Franzoni J, Giacò A, Orsenigo S, Paliy M, Rivieccio G, Urbani M, Peruzzi L (2023) Chromosome numbers for the Italian flora: 13. Italian Botanist 16: 135-148.
In this contribution, new chromosome data obtained on material collected in Italy are presented. It includes the first count for Dianthus carthusianorum subsp. tenorei, Helosciadium nodiflorum, Hieracium hypochoeroides subsp. cilentanum, H. lesimanum, H. scopolioides, H. terraccianoi. In addition, first Italian counts for Crupina vulgaris, Damasonium alisma, and Illecebrum verticillatum are reported.
Caryophyllaceae, cytotaxonomy, endopolyploidy, Hieracium, Sardegna, seasonal water bodies
Texts concerning new chromosome data should be submitted electronically to Antonio Giacò (antonio.giacò, including indications on voucher specimens and methods used.
Damasonium alisma Mill. (Alismataceae)
Chromosome number. 2n = 28 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. Italy. Sardegna. Funtana Satoa (Montresta, Oristano), stagno temporaneo mediterraneo, 479 m a.s.l. (WGS84: 40.359688N, 8.490948E), 8 April 2023, G. Rivieccio, M.C. Caria, S. Bagella (seeds collected in the field and stored in the Sardinian Germplasm Bank of the University of Cagliari, under acc. BG-SAR 91/23).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from seedlings collected in the field. The material was treated with 0.3% colchicine solution for three hours, and then fixed in a modified Carnoy solution (5:2) for 30 minutes. After washing in water, tissues were hydrolyzed in 1 N HCl for 8 min at 60 °C, put in the Schiff reactive for 30 min, and squashed and stained in 50% acetic acid (Bagella et al. 2011).
Observations. According to
Our chromosome count aligns with that of the tetraploid D. alisma, confirming the occurrence of this species in Sardegna. As regards other Italian populations, a further count for D. alisma is reported for Sicilia (
G. Rivieccio, M. Urbani, M.C. Caria, S. Bagella
Helosciadium crassipes W.D.J.Koch ex Rchb. (Apiaceae)
Chromosome number. 2n = 22 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. Italy. Sardegna. Perdiana (Mogoro, Oristano), stagno mediterraneo temporaneo, 479 m a.s.l. (WGS84: 40.359796N, 8.490924E), 26 March 2020, G. Rivieccio, M.C. Caria, S. Bagella (SS-2000/6723).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from seedlings collected in the field. The material was treated with 0.3% colchicine solution for three hours, and then fixed in a modified Carnoy solution (5:2) for 30 minutes. After washing in water, tissues were hydrolyzed in 1 N HCl for 8 min at 60 °C, put in the Schiff reactive for 30 min, and squashed and stained in 50% acetic acid (Bagella et al. 2011).
Observations. This species is distributed in southern Italy, Corsica and parts of North Africa (
G. Rivieccio, G. Becca, M.C. Caria, S. Bagella
Hieracium terraccianoi Di Grist., Gottschl. & Raimondo (Asteraceae)
Chromosome number. 2n = 36 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. Italy. Calabria. Scala di Gaudolino (Morano Calabro, Cosenza) (WGS84: 39.900306N, 16.169194E), carbonate rocky slopes, 1,350 m a.s.l., 23 July 2022, E. Di Gristina & E. Bajona (SAF n°100107).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 hours and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C for 7–8 minutes, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine for 3 hours.
Observations. Hieracium terraccianoi is a pseudorosulate hemicryptophytic hawkweed endemic to the Pollino National Park (Calabrian side of the Pollino Massif) (
E. Bajona, G. Barone, E. Di Gristina
Hieracium hypochoeroides subsp. cilentanum Di Grist., Gottschl. & Raimondo (Asteraceae)
Chromosome number. 2n = 27 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. Italy. Campania. Monte Cervati (Sanza, Salerno) (WGS84: 40.290278N, 15.478333E), carbonate rocks, 1,860 m a.s.l., 24 July 2022, E. Di Gristina & E. Bajona (SAF n°100106).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 hours and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C for 7–8 minutes, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine for 3 hours.
Observations. Hieracium hypochoeroides subsp. cilentanum is a chasmophytic hawkweed endemic to Mount Cervati (Campania, S Italy) (
E. Bajona, G. Barone, E. Di Gristina
Hieracium lesimanum Gottschl. & S.Orsenigo (Asteraceae)
Chromosome number. 2n = 27 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. Italy. Emilia-Romagna. Mount Lesima (Zerba, Piacenza) WGS84: 44.68717N, 9.25339E), meadows along the road to the summit, 1500–1650 m, 3 August 2021, R. Oldani, S. Orsenigo (PAV).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 hours and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C for 7–8 minutes, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine for 3 hours.
Observations. Hieracium lesimanum is a perennial montane species described in 2021 for Mount Lesima, in the Ligurian Apennines. It is known only from the type locality, where it was found only in a restricted area on the northern slope at elevations between 1,550 and 1,650 m a.s.l. (
F. Fainelli, S. Orsenigo
Hieracium scopolioides Gottschl. & S.Orsenigo (Asteraceae)
Chromosome number. 2n = 27 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. Italy. Emilia-Romagna. Mount Lesima (Zerba, Piacenza) (WGS84: 44.68717N, 9.25339E), meadows along the road to the summit, 1500–1650 m, 3 August 2021, R. Oldani, S. Orsenigo (PAV).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 hours and then fixed in Carnoy fixative solution for 1 hour. After hydrolysis in HCl 1N at 60 °C for 7–8 minutes, the tips were stained in leuco-basic fuchsine for 3 hours.
Observations. Hieracium scopolioides is a perennial species endemic to the northern Apennines (
F. Fainelli, S. Orsenigo
Dianthus carthusianorum subsp. tenorei (Lacaita) Pignatti (Caryophyllaceae)
Chromosome number. 2n = 30 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. Italy. Basilicata. Monte Pollino (Terranova di Pollino, Potenza) (WGS84: 39.906303N, 16.190823E), vallette lungo il crinale sud-orientale, 2000 m, 11 August 2023, L. Peruzzi (seeds collected and deposited at the germplasm bank of the Department of Biology, University of Pisa; IPEN: IT-0-PI-2023-0498; a herbarium specimen collected from the same area in 1994 is conserved at CLU2042).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1 N HCl at 60 °C for 8.5 minutes, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsine.
Observations. Dianthus carthusianorum subsp. tenorei is a subspecies endemic to Italy (
J. Franzoni, M. Paliy, L. Peruzzi
Illecebrum verticillatum L. (Caryophyllaceae)
Chromosome number. 2n = 10 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. Italy. Toscana. Montalbano, Prato Rosello (Carmignano, Prato) (WGS84: 43.77028N, 11.03722E), 9 July 2023, L. Peruzzi (seeds collected and deposited at the germplasm bank of the Department of Biology, University of Pisa; IPEN: IT-0-PI-2023-0497; a herbarium specimen collected from the same area in 2008 is conserved at PI062694).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1N HCl at 60 °C for 8.5 minutes, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsine.
Observations. Illecebrum verticillatum is a sub-Atlantic species, growing in temporary ponds throughout Europe and North Africa (
J. Franzoni, M. Paliy, L. Peruzzi
Crupina vulgaris Cass. (Asteraceae)
Chromosome number. 2n = 30 (Fig.
Voucher specimen. Italy. Piemonte. A sud di Acqui Terme (Acqui Terme, Alessandria) (WGS84: 44.651056N, 8.4702228E), 8 July 2023, A. Giacò & A. Mo (seeds collected and deposited at the germplasm bank of the Department of Biology, University of Pisa; IPEN: IT-0-PI-2023-0496; a herbarium specimen is conserved at PI064811).
Method. Squash preparations were made on root tips obtained from germinating seeds. Root tips were pre-treated with 0.4% colchicine for 3 h and then fixed in Carnoy solution for 1 h. After hydrolysis in 1 N HCl at 60 °C for 8.5 minutes, the tips were stained with leuco-basic fuchsine.
Observations. Crupina vulgaris is widespread in southern Europe, reaching also northern Africa and eastern Europe (do
J. Franzoni, M. Paliy, A. Giacò
EDG gratefully acknowledges the “Fondo per il Finanziamento della Ricerca di Ateneo” (FFR 2022 E. Di Gristina, University of Palermo).