Research Article |
Corresponding author: Fabrizio Bartolucci ( ) Academic editor: Lorenzo Peruzzi
© 2023 Fabrizio Bartolucci, Gianniantonio Domina, Michele Adorni, Silvia Assini, Ilaria Brugellis, Giovanni Buccomino, Francesca Carruggio, Fabio Conti, Emanuele Costanzo, Emanuele Del Guacchio, Francesco Falcinelli, Francesco Festi, Luca Fontanabona, Luigi Forte, Paola Fortini, Gabriele Galasso, Emanuele Genduso, Luigi Ghillani, Günter Gottschlich, Duilio Iamonico, Valentina Lucia Astrid Laface, Michele Lonati, Francesco Mascia, Giacomo Mei, Ginevra Nota, Paola Palazzolo, Gaetano Pazienza, Giuseppe Pellegrino, Giovanna Potenza, Luca Quaranta, Emanuele Repetto, Leonardo Rosati, Francesco Santi, Grazia Secci, Giuseppe Nicola Silletti, Adriano Stinca, Gianmarco Tavilla, Valeria Tomaselli, Giancarlo Tondi, Lorenzo Lastrucci.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Bartolucci F, Domina G, Adorni M, Assini S, Brugellis I, Buccomino G, Carruggio F, Conti F, Costanzo E, Del Guacchio E, Falcinelli F, Festi F, Fontanabona L, Forte L, Fortini P, Galasso G, Genduso E, Ghillani L, Gottschlich G, Iamonico D, Laface VLA, Lonati M, Mascia F, Mei G, Nota G, Palazzolo P, Pazienza G, Pellegrino G, Potenza G, Quaranta L, Repetto E, Rosati L, Santi F, Secci G, Silletti GN, Stinca A, Tavilla G, Tomaselli V, Tondi G, Lastrucci L (2023) Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 16. Italian Botanist 16: 89-103.
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, and exclusions to the Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda are provided as supplementary material.
Endemic taxa, Floristic data, Italy
The text for the new records, exclusions, and confirmations should be submitted electronically to Lorenzo Lastrucci ( The corresponding specimen along with its scan or photograph have to be sent to FI Herbarium: Sezione di Botanica “Filippo Parlatore” del Museo di Storia Naturale, Via G. La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze (Italy). Those texts concerning nomenclatural novelties and typifications (only for accepted names) should be submitted electronically to: Fabrizio Bartolucci ( Each text should be within 1,000 characters (spaces included).
Alchemilla effusa Buser (Rosaceae)
+ UMB: Castelluccio di Norcia (Norcia, Perugia) (WGS84: 42.781561°N, 13.195514°E), Piano Grande, prato pingue presso i Mergani; suolo calcareo, 1272 m, 7 July 2021, leg. F. Falcinelli, det. F. Festi (FI, Herb. Tondi). – Species new for the flora of Umbria.
F. Falcinelli, F. Festi, G. Tondi
Alchemilla marsica Buser (Rosaceae)
+ MOL: Capracotta (Isernia) (WGS84: 41.830136°N, 14.293988°E), Habitat 6210*, prateria semi-mesofila secondaria polispecifica perenne, copertura 100%, a dominanza di Bromopsis erecta (Huds.) Fourr., Carex flacca subsp. erythrostachys (Hoppe) Holub, Brachypodium rupestre (Host) Roem. & Schult., 1332 m s.l.m. esposizione sud sud-est, 6 June 2021, leg. P. Fortini, det. G. Tondi (FI, IS). – Species new for the flora of Molise.
P. Fortini, G. Tondi
Alchemilla reniformis Buser (Rosaceae)
+ UMB: Monte Coscerno (S. Anatolia di Narco, Perugia) (WGS84: 42.718762°N, 12.885913°E), pascolo, versante N; suolo calcareo, 1635 m, 15 July 2021, leg. F. Falcinelli, det. G. Tondi, rev. F. Festi (FI, Herb. Tondi). – Species new for the flora of Umbria.
F. Falcinelli, F. Festi, G. Tondi
Anemone hortensis subsp. hortensis (Ranunculaceae)
+ PIE: Gavi (Alessandria), calanchi dello Scrivia (sponda sinistra) (WGS84: 40.090440°N, 53.303100°E), 483 m, 3 March 2022, E. Repetto (FI). – Species new for the flora of Piemonte.
We observed this species in a dry grassland of a badland on the left bank of the Scrivia River. The species grows together with Brachypodium rupestre (Host) Roem. & Schult., Carex caryophyllea Latourr., Globularia bisnagarica L., and Lotus dorycnium L.
E. Repetto, S. Assini
Cornus sanguinea subsp. hungarica (Kárpáti) Soó (Cornaceae)
+ MOL: Pesche (Isernia), (WGS84: 41.602233°N, 14.271280°E), cespuglieto. 695 m s.l.m. esposizione sud sud-est, 17 May 2023, P. Fortini, L. Quaranta (IS). – Subspecies new for the flora of Molise.
P. Fortini, L. Quaranta
Crassula tillaea Lest.-Garl. (Crassulaceae)
+ PIE: Trecate (Novara), (WGS84: 45.4372860°N, 8.8065930°E), pratello arido acidofilo del Ticino (sponda destra), 135 m, 26 April 2023, leg. S. Assini, det. P. Palazzolo (FI). – Species new for the flora of Piemonte.
This species was reported for Piemonte as “recorded by mistake” (
S. Assini, P. Palazzolo
Desmazeria sicula (Jacq.) Dumort. (Poaceae)
+ PUG: Lesina (Foggia), l’Isola, tra Cauto e Santa Maria, (WGS84: 41.906388°N, 15.497954°E), pratello terofitico su suolo sabbioso, 4 m s.l.m., 30 May 2023, leg. V. Tomaselli, F. Carruggio, det. V. Tomaselli, F. Carruggio, E. Genduso, (FI, BI Nos 57968, 57969). ‒ Species new for the flora of Puglia.
E. Genduso, F. Carruggio
Euphorbia palustris L. (Euphorbiaceae)
+ PUG: Chieuti (Foggia), Marina di Fantina, (WGS84: 41.916602°N, 15.215413°E), fragmiteto in pineta costiera (rimboschimento a Pinus halepensis Mill.), 3 m s.l.m., 22 April 2023, leg. E. Costanzo, E. Genduso, det. V. Tomaselli, F. Carruggio, E. Genduso (FI, BI Nos 58007). ‒ Species confirmed for the flora of Puglia.
Formerly reported by
E. Genduso, V. Tomaselli
Festuca sicula C.Presl (Poaceae)
+ MOL: Carovilli (Isernia) (WGS84: 41.665589°N, 14.274823°E), prato da sfalcio mesofilo, 986 m s.l.m., 20 June 2022, P. Fortini, L. Quaranta (IS). – Species new for the flora of Molise.
P. Fortini, L. Quaranta
Festuca stricta subsp. trachyphylla (Hack.) Patzke ex Pils (Poaceae)
+ MOL: Pescopennataro (Isernia), (WGS84: 41.5157755°N, 14.193816°E), prateria mesofila continua su suolo profondo, 955 m s.l.m., 15 June 2022, P. Fortini, L. Quaranta (FI, IS). – Subspecies new for the flora of Molise.
P. Fortini, L. Quaranta
Hieracium diaphanoides subsp. pseudumbrosum Zahn (Asteraceae)
+ EMR: Tizzano Val Parma (Parma), pendici di Monte Fuso sopra Rusino (WGS84: 44.50554°N, 10.26450°E), bosco misto mesofilo, 1080 m, 26 June 2013, leg. M. Adorni, L. Ghillani, det. G. Gottschlich (FI). – Subspecies new for the flora of Emilia-Romagna.
M. Adorni, L. Ghillani, G. Gottschlich
Hieracium tenuiflorum subsp. tenuiflorum (Asteraceae)
+ MAR: Rotella (Ascoli Piceno), Monte Ascensione (WGS84: 42.926439°N, 13.553891°E), margini di bosco, 700‒1100 m, 7 May 2008, leg. C. D’Angeli, F. Conti, det. G. Gottschlich (APP No. 39706). ‒ Subspecies new for the flora of Marche.
Hieracium tenuiflorum was recently recorded for Marche without indication of the subspecies (
G. Gottschlich, F. Conti
Lysimachia loeflingii F.J.Jiménez-López & M.Talavera (Primulaceae)
+ PUG: Bari, Campus Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro (WGS84: 41.109738°N, 16.882152°E) vegetazione sinantropica mesofila degli incolti e delle aree prative e ruderali in prossimità delle aree di cantiere 12 m, 3 April 2023, leg. G. Mei, det. G. Mei, A. Stinca (FI, Herb. G. Mei); Bari, Istituto di Selvicoltura ed ecologia Forestale (WGS84: 41.111358°N, 16.882177°E) vegetazione degli incolti nelle aree più fresche e in prossimità dei passaggi pedonali 15 m, 3 April 2023, leg. G. Mei, det. G. Mei, A. Stinca (Herb. G. Mei). – Species confirmed for the flora of Puglia.
This finding confirms the only historical report for the Italian peninsula; in fact the presence of L. loeflingii in Italy is known for Sardegna, and Sicilia (
G. Mei, A. Stinca
Melomphis arabica (L.) Raf. (Asparagaceae)
+ CAL: San Ferdinando (Reggio Calabria), Località Torre, (WGS84: 38.495195°N, 15.920087°E), a bordo strada e nei terreni incolti circostanti, 5 m, 6 May 2023, V.L.A. Laface, G. Tavilla (REGGIO, CAT). – Species confirmed for the flora of Calabria.
During fieldwork around the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria, we discovered a well-established population of the species near the village of San Ferdinando on uncultivated land.
V.L.A. Laface, G. Tavilla
Montia arvensis Wallr. (Montiaceae)
+ PUG: Gravina in Puglia (Bari), “Bosco Difesa Grande”, Lago Matera, (WGS84: 40.753235°N, 16.382895°E), prati umidi terofitici con Ranunculus sardous e Lotus parviflorus, 438 m s.l.m., 17 March 2023, leg. V. Tomaselli, det. V. Tomaselli, G. Pazienza, (BI No. 57778). – Species confirmed for the flora of Puglia.
V. Tomaselli, G. Pazienza
Najas major All. (Hydrocharitaceae)
+ BAS: Pignola (Potenza), loc. Lago Pantano (WGS84:, 40.587943°N, 15.751694°E), in the lake, 760 m a.s.m., 12 August 2022, L. Rosati, G. Potenza (FI). – Species new for the flora of Basilicata.
During the monitoring of macrophyte vegetation at Lake Pantano, we detected several small patches of a Najas major-dominated community, at a depth of 0,6–1,3 m, close to the shore.
G. Potenza, L. Rosati
Narcissus tazetta subsp. italicus (Ker Gawl.) Baker (Amaryllidaceae)
+ SAR: Curcuris (Oristano), loc. Riu canali, prati umidi ai margini del Corso d’acqua (WGS84: 39.756013°N, 8.824960°E), 141 m s.l.m., 16 January 2023, F. Mascia (CAG); Siliqua (Sud Sardegna), loc. Su tidili, Margini e capezzagne di coltivi, prati umidi (WGS84: 39.284911°N, 8.795614°E), 66 m s.l.m., 13 February 2023, G. Secci & Mascia (FI, CAG); loc. Tzinnigas, incolti umidi (WGS84: 39.251558°N, 8.767128°E), 144 m s.l.m., 13 February 2023 G. Secci; Villanovaforru (Sud Sardegna), loc. Funtana Iannus, radure umide ai margini della lecceta, margini di sentieri (WGS84: 39.636856°N, 8.859135°E), 318 m s.l.m.,15 January 2023, F. Mascia (CAG). – Subspecies confirmed for the flora of Sardegna.
The first records for Sardegna refer to material collected in Jerzu by Bornemann (
F. Mascia, G. Secci
Sagina alexandrae Iamonico (Caryophyllaceae)
+ PIE: Trecate (Novara), prati aridi del Ticino (sponda destra) (WGS84: 45.440868°N, 8.805930°E), 112 m, 26 April 2023, leg. I. Brugellis, det. S. Assini (FI). – Species confirmed for the flora of Piemonte.
We observed the species occurring in a siliceous dry grassland, which can be classified as Habitat 6210*, located between the Polo Industriale San Martino and the right bank of the Ticino River.
S. Assini, I. Brugellis
Salsola tragus L. (Amaranthaceae)
+ LAZ: Tarquinia (Viterbo), Riserva Naturale Statale Saline di Tarquinia (WGS84: 42.210163°N, 11.708960°E), dune, 2 m, 6 November 2022, G. Buccomino, D. Iamonico (FI); Roma, Tenuta Presidenziale di Castel Porziano, litorale interno, November 1987, B. Anzalone, rev. D. Iamonico 1 June 2023 (RO-HA); Latina, Isola di Ponza, 26 June 1966, B. Anzalone, rev. D. Iamonico 1 June 2023 (RO-HA); Latina, Isola di Ponza, pressi di Ponza, 16–19 October 1966, B. Anzalone, rev. D. Iamonico 1 June 2023 (RO-HA). – Species new for the flora of Lazio.
In addition to our findings, we found three further specimens collected by B. Anzalone in the provinces of Rome and Latina and previously identified as Salsola kali L. (see also
D. Iamonico, G. Buccomino
Sisymbrium austriacum subsp. austriacum (Brassicaceae)
− CAM. Species to be excluded from the flora of Campania.
− MOL. Species to be excluded from the flora of Molise.
The indications of Sisymbrium austriacum for Campania and Molise, i.e., Montevergine (province of Avellino) and Matese massif (Campania and Molise) (e.g.,
E. Del Guacchio
Tragopogon eriospermus Ten. (Asteraceae)
+ PUG: Laterza (Taranto), Fontana Imperatore, (WGS84: 40.669799°N, 16.755913°E), prateria a Lolium arundinaceum subsp. arundinaceum, Phalaris paradoxa L. e Poa palustris L, 350 m s.l.m., 4 June 2023, leg. G. Silletti, E. Costanzo, det. G. Silletti, V. Tomaselli (FI, BI Nos 58198-58206). – Species confirmed for the flora of Puglia.
This species had been historically reported by
G.N. Silletti, E. Costanzo, V. Tomaselli
Trigonella infesta (Guss.) Coulot & Rabaute (Fabaceae)
+ PUG: Ginosa (Taranto), Gravina di Ginosa (WGS84: 40.582500°N, 16.760556°E), incolto arido pietroso, 200 m, 9 June 2023, leg. G. Pellegrino, det. G. Pellegrino, L. Forte (BI No. 58194). – Species new for the flora of Puglia.
This is a western Mediterranean species (
G. Pellegrino, L. Forte
Vicia melanops Sm. (Fabaceae)
+ EMR: San Lazzaro di Savena (Bologna), Parco dei Gessi Bolognesi (WGS84: 44.444876°N, 11.375468°E), prato su affioramenti gessosi, 205 m, 24 April 2022, leg. L. Fontanabona, det. L. Fontanabona, F. Santi., A. Zarantonello (FI). ‒ Species confirmed for the flora of Emilia-Romagna.
This species was already reported in Emilia-Romagna by
L. Fontanabona, F. Santi
Vicia pannonica subsp. striata (M.Bieb.) Nyman (Fabaceae)
+ BAS: Pignola (Potenza), Pantano (WGS84: 40.588492°N, 15.741264°E), margine seminativo di grano, 785 m, 27 May 2023, leg. G. Potenza, L. Rosati; det. G. Potenza, L. Rosati (FI). – Subspecies new for the flora of Basilicata.
In the southern Italian peninsula, this taxon has been previously reported only for Puglia (
G. Potenza, L. Rosati
Viburnum tinus subsp. tinus (Viburnaceae)
+ (NAT) PIE: Comune di Torino (TO), collina di Torino presso il Colle della Maddalena (WGS84: 45.030988°N, 7.720587°E), versante termofilo a Quercus pubescens e Q. cerris, 704 m s.l.m., 14 April 2023, M. Lonati, G. Nota (FI). – Naturalized regional alien taxon new for the flora of Piemonte.
In the area where V. tinus was found, this species forms a small population with specimens in the reproductive stage and many young seedlings, probably originating from the older plants.
G. Nota, M. Lonati
Nomenclatural and distribution updates, and corrigenda to
F. Bartolucci, G. Galasso
We gratefully acknowledge the following colleagues who provided distribution, nomenclatural, and taxonomic advice: Acta Plantarum staff, Alessandro Alessandrini, Lorenzo Peruzzi, Antonio Pica, Lorenzo Pinzani.
Categories concerning the occurrence status of taxa follow
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Explanation note: 1. Nomenclatural updates; 2. Note updates; 3. Distribution updates; 4. Synonyms, misapplied or included names.