Research Article |
Corresponding author: Fabrizio Bartolucci ( ) Academic editor: Stefania Biondi
© 2016 Fabrizio Bartolucci, Gianniantonio Domina, Michele Adorni, Carlo Argenti, Giovanni Astuti, Sergio Bangoni, Fabrizio Buldrini, Mirella Benedetta Campochiaro, Francesca Carruggio, Lorenzo Cecchi, Fabio Conti, Antonia Cristaudo, Francesco Saverio D’Amico, Giuseppe D'Auria, Emilio Di Gristina, Franz-Georg Dunkel, Luigi Forte, Carmen Gangale, Luigi Ghillani, Günter Gottschlich, Francesca Mantino, Mauro Mariotti, Carmen Novaro, Nicola Olivieri, Gino Palladino, Marziano Pascale, Alessandra Pepe, Enrico Vito Perrino, Lorenzo Peruzzi, Sergio Picollo, Domenico Puntillo, Francesco Roma-Marzio, Alessandro Rosiello, Giovanni Russo, Claudio Santini, Federico Selvi, Filippo Scafidi, Anna Scoppola, Adriano Stinca, Milena Villa, Chiara Nepi.
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Bartolucci F, Domina G, Adorni M, Argenti C, Astuti G, Bangoni S, Buldrini F, Campochiaro MB, Carruggio F, Cecchi L, Conti F, Cristaudo A, D’Amico FS, D’Auria G, Di Gristina E, Dunkel F-G, Forte L, Gangale C, Ghillani L, Gottschlich G, Mantino F, Mariotti M, Novaro C, Olivieri N, Palladino G, Pascale M, Pepe A, Perrino EV, Peruzzi L, Picollo S, Puntillo D, Roma-Marzio F, Rosiello A, Russo G, Santini C, Selvi F, Scafidi F, Scoppola A, Stinca A, Villa M, Nepi C (2016) Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 2. Italian Botanist 2: 73-92.
In this contribution new data concerning the Italian distribution of native vascular flora are presented. It includes new records, exclusions, and confirmations to the Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Arctostaphylos, Artemisia, Buglossoides, Convolvulus, Crocus, Damasonium, Epipogium, Ficaria, Filago, Genista, Heptaptera, Heracleum, Heteropogon, Hieracium, Myosotis, Ononis, Papaver, Pilosella, Polygonum, Pulmonaria, Scorzonera, Silene, Trifolium, Vicia and Viola.
Floristic data, Italy
The text for the new records should be submitted electronically to Chiara Nepi ( The corresponding specimen has to be sent to FI Herbarium: Sezione di Botanica Filippo Parlatore del Museo di Storia Naturale, Via G. La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze (Italy). Those texts concerning nomenclatural novelties (typifications only for accepted names), exclusions, and confirmations should be submitted electronically to: Fabrizio Bartolucci ( Each text should be within 2,000 characters (spaces included).
+ CAL: San Donato di Ninea (Cosenza), Cozzo del Pellegrino (WGS84: 39.739022°N, 16.004854°E), margine di faggeta di quota, su pietraia calcarea, 1880 m, 19 September 2015, Leg. D. Puntillo, Det. D. Puntillo & C. Gangale (FI, CLU, Herb. Gangale & Uzunov). – Species new for the flora of Calabria.
This species is a well-known circumboreal Artic-Alpine element, recorded in Italy on the Alps, in the northern and central Apennines and up to Campania (
D. Puntillo, C. Gangale
+ (CAS) ABR: San Vito Chietino (Chieti), località Marina, bordi di una canaletta in cemento per il deflusso delle acque meteoriche situata sul margine stradale (WGS84: 42.307681°N; 14.446533°E), ca. 25 m, 10 July 2016, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Abruzzo.
An individual of this species grows in a crevice of the edge of a concrete channel in a shaded area and next to the Adriatic Sea. The site of discovery is located in an urban area and the individual has grown from seed produced by a plant cultivated for ornamental purposes in a private garden.
N. Olivieri
+ IT: valle della Dora Riparia [Torino] inter Salbertrand et Oulx (WGS84: 45.054531°N; 6.858531°E), 22 Jun 1879, F. Ungern-Sternberg (TO); Alpi Cozie [Torino], nei coltivati presso Chiomonte (WGS84: 45.115814°N; 6.976436°E), Oulx e Boulard, 18 May 1896, E. Ferrari & F. Vallino (FI); Saluzzo [Cuneo], Mongrosso, La Manta (WGS84: 44.618680°N; 7.483210°E), 8 May 1909, A. Zola, Herb. Gavioli No.6281 (FI); Argentera [Cuneo] (WGS84: 44.395602°N; 6.938284°E), pendici d’Alpe [illegible], 28 May [illegible], G.B. Biadego (VER); valle di Susa [Torino], Signols (WGS84: 45.044566°N; 6.801774°E), prati falciati e prati abbandonati nei pressi dell’abitato, 1100 m, 4 Jun 1980, F. Montacchini, Lomagno & G. Forneris (TO). – Subspecies new for the flora of Italy (Piemonte).
Based on the recent findings by
L. Cecchi, F. Selvi
+ SAR: Baunei (Ogliastra), Golfo di Orosei, Bacu Padente (WGS84: 40.13944°N; 9.65880°E), cenge su pareti calcaree, 145 m, 2 June 2016, S. Bangoni (FI). – Species new for the flora of Sardegna.
Convolvulus cneorum is recorded for Tunisia, Sicilia, Tyrrhenian coast of the Italian peninsula from Calabria to Toscana (the occurrence in Lazio is doubtful), and Ionian coast of the Balkan peninsula from Croatia to Albania (
S. Bangoni
– PIE. – Species to be excluded from the flora of Piemonte.
– LOM. – Species to be excluded from the flora of Lombardia.
– MAR. – Species to be excluded from the flora of Marche.
+ PIE: Valle Tanaro, tra Garesso e Trappa (Cuneo) (WGS84: 44.189°N; 8.009°E), prato, 620 m, 12 March 2014, Leg. M. Pascale, Det. L. Peruzzi (PI); Valle Tanaro, poco a valle dell’abitato di Nucetto (Cuneo) (WGS84: 44.3446°N; 8.0590°E), prato falciato, 445 m, 12 March 2014, Leg. M. Pascale, Det. L. Peruzzi (FI). – Species new for the flora of Piemonte.
+ LOM: Ai piedi di M. Palanzone: luoghi selvatici, 14 March 1889, Mari (FI, as Crocus vernus var. medius Parl.); Merate (Lecco), al termine di via Regondino, confinante con via Paravino di Cernusco Lombardone (WGS84: 45.702637°N; 9.394753°E), boscaglia, 270 m, 28 February 2007, Leg. M. Villa, Det. L. Peruzzi (FI). – Species new for the flora of Lombardia.
0 UMB: Pascoli prope M.te Pennino, s.d., A. Batelli (FI, as Crocus vernus L.); M.te Pennino, May 1886, A. Batelli (FI, as C. vernus). – Species new for the flora of Umbria, not recently confirmed.
+ MAR: Fonte Verna, M. Catria, 21 May 1924, Aiuti (FI, as Crocus vernus Hill); Monti Sibillini, Rifugio Sibilla (WGS84: 42.90823°N; 13.29145°E), 1536 m, 25 April 2014, L. Peruzzi, B. Pierini (PI). – Species new for the flora of Marche.
0 ABR: Monte dei Fiori pr. Ascoli, May 1874, P. Porta, G. Rigo (FI, as Crocus). – Species new for the flora of Abruzzo, not recently confirmed.
According to
L. Peruzzi, M. Villa & M. Pascale
+ EMR: Sala Baganza (Parma), Boschi di Carrega (WGS84: 44.721914°N; 10.211219°E), 180–200 m, February 2016, Leg. S. Picollo, L. Ghillani, M. Adorni, Det. L. Peruzzi (FI, PI). – Species confirmed for the flora of Emilia-Romagna.
According to
S. Picollo, L. Peruzzi, L. Ghillani & M. Adorni
+ PUG: Mottola (Taranto), Masseria Semeraro (UTM ED50: 33T 4498003N; 674582E), vegetazione acquatica, 29 April 2010, Leg. et Det. E.V. Perrino, Rev. L. Forte & F. Carruggio (BI-35781, as Damasonium alisma subsp. alisma); Mottola (Taranto), Masseria Semeraro, lungo la S.P. 28, (WGS84: 40.612708°N; 17.062869°E), vaschetta di erosione su substrato calcareo, 136 m s.l.m., 08 May 2014, Leg. F. Carruggio, F. Mantino & L. Forte, Det. F. Carruggio, F. Mantino & L. Forte (FI); Mottola (Taranto), Masseria Semeraro, lungo la S.P. 28, (WGS84: 40.612708°N; 17.062869°E), vaschetta di erosione su substrato calcareo, 136 m s.l.m., 8 May 2014, Leg. F. Carruggio, F. Mantino & L. Forte, Det. F. Carruggio, F. Mantino & L. Forte (BI-36676). – Species new for the flora of Puglia.
This taxon is one of at least two species currently accepted for Damasonium Mill. in Europe and in the Mediterranean area, together with D. alisma Mill. (
F. Carruggio, F. Mantino & L. Forte
+ PUG: Monte Sant’Angelo (Foggia), Monte Spigno (WGS84: 41.7796°N; 15.8819°E), bordi di un sentiero in faggeta, suolo ricco in humus e calcare, 831 m, 30 June 2016, L. Palladino (FI). – Species new for the flora of Puglia.
Epipogium aphyllum is a species with Eurosiberian distribution (
L. Palladino, G. Russo
≡ Ranunculus ficaria subsp. calthifolius (Rchb.) Arcang.
+ PUG: Monte Cornacchia (Faeto, prov. Foggia) (WGS84: 41.363233°N; 15.157632°E), margine rimboschimento a conifere, 1138 m, WSW, 24 April 2015, A. Stinca, G. D’Auria, E.V. Perrino (FI, PORUN). – Species confirmed for the flora of Puglia.
Ficaria verna subsp. calthifolia is distributed in eastern-central and southeastern Europe, and Libya (
A. Stinca, G. D’Auria & E.V. Perrino
+ LIG: Cervo (Imperia), pendici SW del Colle di Cervo, a lato della “Strada al Ciapà”, tra Cervo e Bande di Là-Rollo (WGS84: 43°55'43"N; 8°7'19"E), 155 m, 2 August 2016, C. Novaro, det. M. Mariotti (FI). – Species confirmed for the flora of Liguria.
C. Novaro, M. Mariotti
+ (CAS) ABR: L’Aquila (L’Aquila), loc. Monteluco di Roio, incolto su pendio presso il bordo stradale (WGS84: 42.339202°N; 13.374081°E) ca. 980 m, 30 June 2016, N. Olivieri (FI). – Casual alien species new for the flora of Abruzzo.
Some individuals of this species, of different ages, have colonized the barren slopes facing SW at the edge of the road leading up to the summit of Monte Luco di Roio. The plants have originated from some individuals introduced in the past in a reforestation area with conifers.
N. Olivieri
+ PUG: Spinazzola (Bari), Vallone Ciotola (WGS84: 40.970169°N; 16.068883°E), 370 m s.l.m., cerreta 15 July 2014, F. Carruggio, A. Rosiello & L. Forte (BI-36678); Spinazzola (Bari), Vallone Ciotola (WGS84: 40.971622°N; 16.070078°E), 360 m s.l.m., cerreta, 15 July 2014, F. Carruggio, A. Rosiello & L. Forte (BI-36679). – Species confirmed for the flora of Puglia.
Heptaptera, a small genus of the Apiaceae, has a distribution centered mostly in the Balkan region and the Middle East (
F. Carruggio, A. Rosiello & L. Forte
+ CAL: San Giovanni in Fiore (Cosenza), presso la diga del Lago Arvo, Loc. Nocelle (WGS84: 39.247042°N, 16.544429°E), margine pineta, 1308 m, 19 July 2015, Leg. D. Puntillo, det. D. Puntillo & C. Gangale (FI, CLU, Herb. Gangale & Uzunov). – Subspecies confirmed for the flora of Calabria.
In Calabria, this species is rare and known only in Mt. Pollino, where H. sphondylium subsp. elegans (Crantz) Schubl. & G.Martens is recorded. The population found in Mt. Sila, new for this territory, consists of about 10-12 individuals, along a road at the edge of a pine forest. Morphological characters of leaves and fruits are those of H. sphondylium subsp. sibiricum (
D. Puntillo, C. Gangale
+ PUG: Manfredonia (Foggia), sulla strada tra Manfredonia e Ruggiano, (UTM ED50: 33T 4613017N; 573381E), 310 m s.l.m., prateria rocciosa, 19 July 1995, Leg. F.S. D’Amico & L. Forte, Det. F.S. D’Amico & L. Forte (BI- 36680); San Giovanni Rotondo (Foggia), a monte di C. Lanzetta, (WGS84: 41.659578°N; 15.807217°E), 290 m s.l.m., prateria a Stipa oligotricha, 17 March 2007, Leg. F. Mantino & L. Forte, Det. F. Mantino & L. Forte (BI-36681); Laterza (Taranto), a est di Masseria Gallo, lungo la S.P. 8, (WGS84: 40.576425°N; 16.817828°E), 190 m s.l.m., pascolo roccioso, 14 September 2007, Leg. F. Carruggio & L. Forte, Det. F. Carruggio & L. Forte (BI-36677); Laterza (Taranto), Canale S. Pellegrino, (WGS84: 40.577404°N; 16.785956°E), 214 m s.l.m., prateria rocciosa, 3 December 2007, Leg. F. Carruggio, Det. F. Carruggio & A. Cristaudo (FI). – Species new for the flora of Puglia.
This termophilous species occurs in large tropical and subtropical areas of the world (
F. Mantino, F. Carruggio, F.S. D’Amico, A. Cristaudo & L. Forte
+ VDA: Aosta (Aosta), 1,1 km NW Chardonney, Straße Richtung Dondenaz (WGS84: 45°37'32"N; 07°35'39"E), Felsrasen, Schotterflur über Kalk, 1860 m, 10 August 2014, F. G. Dunkel (FI, Herb. Dunkel, Herb. Gottschlich). – Species confirmed for the flora of Valle d’Aosta.
Hieracium falcatum was recorded in Italy by
G. Gottschlich, F.G. Dunkel
+ MAR: Montefortino (Fermo), Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini, Gole dell’Infernaccio (WGS84: 42.914257°N; 13.255262°E), shady rock crevices along the pathway going across the gorges of Fiume Tenna, 1102 m, 24 May 2016, L. Peruzzi (FI, PI). – Species confirmed for the flora of Marche.
Myosotis speluncicola is a rare annual species with scattered distribution in Europe, occurring in SE France, Balkans, S Anatolia, and possibly extending to N & W Iran (
L. Peruzzi, F. Roma-Marzio
+ PUG: Bari (Bari), nei pressi dell’area commerciale (WGS84: 16.906557°N; 41.078590°E), prateria annuale a Stipa capensis Thunb. su substrato di natura calcarea, 43 m s.l.m., 6 May 2016, Leg. A. Pepe & M.B. Campochiaro, Det. A. Pepe & F. Carruggio (FI); Bari (Bari), a ridosso della S.S. 100 (WGS84: 16.904580°N; 41.074979°E), prateria annuale a Stipa capensis Thunb. su substrato di natura calcarea, 46 m s.l.m., 26 May 2016, M.B. Campochiaro & A. Pepe, det. A. Pepe & F. Carruggio (BI-36674, BI-36675). – Species and subspecies new for the flora of Puglia.
This stenomediterranean entity is present in north-western Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia), Corsica, Malta and in the eastern Mediterranean countries (Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Jordan); it is doubtfully native in the ex-Yugoslav area, doubtfully present in Greece and adventitious in France (
A. Pepe, F. Carruggio, M.B. Campochiaro & L. Forte
+ ABR: Francavilla (Chieti), loc. Postilli, margini della massicciata ferroviaria ed incolti al bordo della Strada Statale 16 Adriatica, (WGS84: 42.402141°N; 14.321103°E), bordo stradale, ca. 3 m, 14 May 2016, N. Olivieri (FI). – Species new for the flora of Abruzzo.
+ MOL: Campomarino (Campobasso) loc. Nuova Cliternia, vegetazione lungo il bordo della Strada Statale 16 Adriatica, (WGS84: 41.935792°N; 15.091713°E), bordo stradale, ca. 5 m, 29 March 2016, N. Olivieri (FI). – New species for the flora of Molise.
In Abruzzo. this species appears with some individuals together with Papaver rhoeas L. within ruderal thermophilic vegetation at the road edge and along the nearby railway embankment, on unstable sandy and gravelly soil. In Molise, some individuals of P. setigerum grow within the terophytic herbaceous vegetation settled on the edge of a road, on sandy substrate, in an area close to the Adriatic Sea. Papaver setigerum is a western Mediterranean species that, in Italy, was known for Sicilia, Sardegna, Calabria, Basilicata, Campania, Lazio, Toscana, Liguria (
N. Olivieri
+ SIC: Misilmeri (Palermo), locality Contrada Rigano (WGS84: 38°01'23.11"N; 13°26'49.54"E), 127 m, road edge near waste land, 16 October 2015, F. Scafidi (PAL-102713, FI). – Species new for the flora of Sicily.
This is a Mediterranean species typical of pastures, uncultivated lands and ruderal environments, not listed for Sicily by
F. Scafidi, E. Di Gristina & G. Domina
+ VEN: Malga Zingari Alti (Falcade, Belluno) (WGS84: 46°21'07"N; 11°48'26"E), pascolo su silice, 2100 m, 16 July 2015, C. Argenti (FI, Herb. Argenti). – Species new for the flora of Veneto.
Pilosella glaciella is a typical Alpine species, which always grows together with P. glacialis (Reyn. ex Lachen.) F.W.Schultz & Sch.Bip. This leads to hypothesize that P. glaciella is a hybrid formed in situ with P. officinarum Vaill. as second parent species. Even though P. glacialis can be found all over the Alps, its origin of diffusion is likely in the western Alps. Therefore, in the western Alps, more intermediate species, generated by hybridisation of P. glacialis with other Pilosella species, can be found. Similarly, intermediate species are rarer in the eastern Alps, for example P. glaciella, which was so far unknown in Veneto.
G. Gottschlich, C. Argenti
+ MAR: Montefortino (Fermo), Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini, Gole dell’Infernaccio (WGS84 42.914381°N; 13.260342°E), woods along the pathway going across the gorges of Fiume Tenna, 1000 m, 24 May 2016, L. Peruzzi (FI, PI). – Species confirmed for the flora of Marche.
Pulmonaria officinalis is a perennial species widespread in Europe, where it occurs mainly in the central part of the continent and on the mountains in the Mediterranean area (
L. Peruzzi & G. Astuti
+ ABR: Lentella (Chieti), pendici del M. Calvario (WGS84: 41.992746° 14.688606°), 330 m s.l.m., pendii aridi, 12 April 2010, F. Bartolucci s.n. (APP, FI). – Species new for the flora of Abruzzo.
Scorzonera villosa subsp. columnae is endemic to southern Italy (
F. Conti, F. Bartolucci
+ CAL: Castrovillari (Cosenza), Monte Pollino, loc. Canale Malavento (WGS84: 39.899424°N; 16.200165°E), prati calcarei, 1980 m, 1 July 2015, Leg. D. Puntillo, Det. D. Puntillo & C. Gangale (FI, CLU). – Subspecies new for the flora of Calabria.
Silene roemeri subsp. staminea is endemic to the central and southern Apennines (
D. Puntillo, C. Gangale
+ UMB: Castel Giorgio (Terni), all’ingresso del paese (WGS84: 42.703224°N; 11.982842°E), scarpata rupestre con prato arido, 544 m, 25 June 2016, A. Scoppola (FI, UTV n. 34152). – Species new for the flora of Umbria.
This submediterranean annual species, partially spread in the Italian peninsula (Lombardia, Veneto, Toscana, Lazio and Calabria,
A. Scoppola
+ CAL: Morano Calabro (Cosenza), lungo la strada per Piano di Ruggio (WGS84: 39.900524°N; 16.098626°E), margine di faggeta, altitudine 1521 m, 8 June 2016, Leg. D. Puntillo, Det. D. Puntillo & C. Gangale (FI, CLU, Herb. Gangale & Uzunov). – Subspecies confirmed for the flora of Calabria.
Less widespread than the nominal subspecies, V. narbonensis subsp. serratifolia is easily recognizable for the number of teeth on leaves, stipules, and the number of flowers. Old records for Calabria at Mt. Sila by
D. Puntillo, C. Gangale
+ LOM: Formigosa (Mantova), loc. Vecchia Fornace (WGS84: 45.117322°N; 10.858805°E), 21 m a.s.l., 16 April 2016, F. Buldrini, C. Santini (FI). – Species new for the flora of Lombardia.
Viola pumila is extremely rare at the Italian (
F. Buldrini, C. Santini